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Why can’t people post on my Facebook wall?

Why can’t people post on my Facebook wall?

There are a few main reasons why people may not be able to post on your Facebook wall:

Your privacy settings don’t allow it

The most common reason is that your privacy settings on Facebook don’t allow other people to post on your wall. When you first create a Facebook profile, by default it allows anyone to post on your wall. However, many people change this setting so that only friends can post, or only certain friends can post.

To check your privacy settings related to posting on your wall, go to the Settings menu at the top right of your Facebook page. Then click on “Privacy.” From there, go to the “How people can find and contact you” section. Look for the “Who can post on your timeline?” setting. If it’s not set to “Public,” that means not everyone can post on your wall.

How to allow public posting on your Facebook wall

If you want to allow anyone to post on your wall, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the “How people can find and contact you” section of your Privacy settings
  2. Under “Who can post on your timeline?” select “Public”
  3. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom

Now your wall posts will be open to the public. Anyone who visits your profile will be able to post on your wall.

You blocked the person trying to post

Another possibility is that you specifically blocked the person who is trying to post on your wall. When you block someone on Facebook, they can no longer see your profile or interact with any of your content.

To check if you’ve blocked someone, go to your Settings and click on “Blocking.” This will show you a list of all the people and pages you’ve blocked on Facebook. If you see the person’s name there, that’s why they can’t post on your wall. You’ll need to unblock them to allow them to interact with your profile again.

How to unblock someone on Facebook

Follow these steps to unblock a user:

  1. Go to your Blocking settings
  2. Find the user you want to unblock in the list
  3. Click on the “Unblock” button next to their name
  4. Confirm that you want to unblock them

Once unblocked, that user will again be able to find your profile, send you messages, and post on your wall.

Your Facebook account is restricted

If your entire Facebook account is restricted, that could also explain why people can’t post on your wall. Facebook may restrict accounts for violations of their policies, suspicious activity, or if you’ve been reported multiple times.

Restricted accounts lose access to certain Facebook features. You may not be able to post content, comment, send messages, or have anyone else interact with your profile.

How to regain access to a restricted Facebook account

To get your account back in good standing, you’ll need to contact Facebook support. Explain that your account has been restricted and you would like it reinstated.

Keep in mind that it may take some time and multiple requests before Facebook removes the restrictions. Be patient and polite in your communications with their support team.

Once your account access has been restored, you’ll once again be able to post, comment, and allow others to interact with your profile as normal.

You’re temporarily banned from Facebook

If your account has been banned from Facebook entirely, even for a limited period, that would definitely prevent anyone from posting on your wall. Bans are imposed for serious or repeated violations of Facebook’s rules.

Some common reasons for temporary bans include:

  • Abusive behavior towards others
  • Spreading misinformation or fake news
  • Posting spam or irrelevant links
  • Violating Facebook’s nudity and sexual content policies

Bans can last anywhere from 24 hours up to 30 days. In some cases permanent disabling can occur if offenses continue after the ban.

Appealing a temporary Facebook ban

If you believe your ban was imposed unfairly or in error, you can appeal it. In your Facebook support ticket explain your situation politely and provide any evidence that the ban reasons are incorrect.

However, if you did in fact violate Facebook’s rules, your best option is to wait out the ban period and change your behavior going forward.

Once the temporary ban lifts, your account access will be restored and people can again interact with your profile and post on your wall.

Your Facebook profile is fake or unofficial

Facebook has been cracking down hard on fake and unofficial profiles. These types of accounts are often created for business marketing, parody, or sometimes malicious purposes.

Fake accounts tend to have one or more of these characteristics:

  • Stock or fake profile photos
  • Little to no authentic personal information
  • No posts or content from the user
  • A very small number of friends/followers

If Facebook detects that your profile fits the pattern of being inauthentic, they may impose restrictions like limiting posting ability or preventing any interactions.

Transitioning to an authentic Facebook profile

To lift restrictions on a fake account, you would need to convert it into a real personal profile representing an actual person. Some tips for making it authentic:

  • Use your real identity and biographical info
  • Add profile photos of yourself
  • Build up friends and followers
  • Post updates, photos, videos, and content
  • Engage with others by liking, commenting, sharing

It may take some time and effort before Facebook recognizes your transition to a genuine account. But eventually interactions and wall posting should be restored.


In summary, if people can’t post on your Facebook wall, the most likely culprits are your privacy settings, blocked users, account restrictions, bans, or having an inauthentic profile. Checking for each of these issues and making necessary changes can help open your wall posting back up.

Facebook aims to maintain a safe and trustworthy environment, so they limit fake accounts or abusive behavior. But for regular personal profiles in good standing, wall interaction with friends and followers is a key part of the Facebook experience.

If you need any other help resolving problems with posting on your wall, be sure to visit Facebook’s help pages or contact their support team. With some tweaking to your settings and profile, you should be able to get your wall functioning normally again.

Reason Solution
Privacy settings Adjust settings to allow public or friend posting
Blocked users Unblock the users who want to interact
Restricted account Contact Facebook support to remove restrictions
Banned account Wait out ban period and change behavior
Fake profile Convert to authentic personal profile