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Why can’t my card be verified at the moment?

Why can’t my card be verified at the moment?

There are a few common reasons why you may be having trouble verifying your card at the moment:

Your card is expired

If your credit or debit card has expired, the card details on file will no longer be valid which can prevent verification. Check the expiration date on your card and update the details if it has expired.

Your card has been deactivated

Your bank may have deactivated your card due to suspected fraudulent charges or other concerns. Contact your bank to check the status of your card and have it reactivated.

Your card details are incorrect

Double check that all the card details you have entered are 100% accurate – the card number, expiration date, CVV security code, etc. Even small errors can prevent verification.

Your billing address is incorrect

Entering the wrong billing address associated with your card account can also lead to verification failures. Verify your billing address is current.

Your bank’s verification system is down

In rare cases, your bank itself may be experiencing technical issues with their verification system being offline. Try again later or contact your bank.

You have reached your card’s verification limits

Issuers will often set daily/monthly limits on card verifications to prevent fraud. If you go over the limit, further verifications will fail until the next period.

Your card does not support verification

Some card types and accounts do not support recurring verification – for example, virtual/prepaid cards. You’ll need to use a different card.

Your card is blocked for this merchant

Some banks allow you to block a specific merchant from being able to verify your card. Check your bank settings to ensure the merchant is not blocked.

Verification system technical issues

Like any technology, card verification systems can suffer outages or glitches. Try verifying again later or contact customer service for assistance.

Tips for Troubleshooting Card Verification Failures

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix card verification failures:

Confirm your card is not expired

Check the expiration date printed on your card and ensure it has not expired. Using an expired card will lead to instant verification failure.

Contact your card issuer

Reach out to your bank or card provider and ask them to check if there are any blocks, holds or issues on your account preventing verification.

Update your card information

Log in to your card issuer’s website or app and make sure your billing address, phone number, and other account details are up to date.

Remove any merchant blocks

You may need to remove any existing merchant blocks if you previously set up the merchant to be blocked from verifying your card.

Try a different card

Attempt to verify with another card you have from a different issuer. If that card verifies, it points to an issue with your original card or account.

Use another verification method

Some services allow using an alternate method such as instant bank verification through Plaid instead of traditional card verification.

Wait and try again later

If the issue appears temporary, wait a while and attempt to verify your card again later on.

Why Card Verification is Important

While it can be frustrating when card verification fails, this process serves some important purposes:

Prevents fraud

Verifying your card helps confirm you are the legitimate cardholder and prevents fraudsters from using stolen card details.

Confirms billing details

Card verification allows merchants to confirm your current billing address, expiration date, and CVV code to ensure successful ongoing billing.

Checks account status

The verification process allows the card issuer to check that your account is in good standing without blocks or holds.

Establishes relationship

Verifying your card links your cardholder account with the merchant for future recurring transactions and subscriptions.

Ensures ability to pay

Successful verification gives merchants confidence in your ability to pay for ongoing services, rentals, or subscriptions.

Tips for Avoiding Card Verification Issues

To avoid running into problems verifying your card in the future, here are some helpful tips:

Keep your card details updated

Make sure to update your card before the expiration date and keep your billing address current with issuers.

Check your verification limits

Be aware of any verification limits on your account so you can anticipate when verifications may fail.

Know your merchant blocks

Keep track of any merchants you have explicitly blocked from verifying your card and update as needed.

Use trusted sites

Stick to reputable merchants and check for secure checkout to avoid verification issues on sketchy sites.

Remove old cards

Delete any cards you no longer use from your accounts to prevent failed verifications down the road.

Monitor your statements

Review your monthly card statements closely to identify any unusual verification activity right away.

Use digital wallets

Mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay offer enhanced security and may have better verification success.

Common Card Verification Errors and Messages

Here are some examples of error messages you may encounter during card verification failures:

Error Message Meaning
Card expired Your card expiration date has passed
Incorrect CVV The CVV code entered is invalid
Card declined The card issuer rejected the verification
Invalid card number The card number does not pass basic validation checks
Exceeds verification limit You have reached the daily/monthly verification limit
Transaction not permitted The card issuer has blocked the transaction
Lost or stolen card The card is reported lost or stolen
Issuer system unavailable The card issuer system is down/unavailable

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to verify my card?

Card verification is an important step merchants require to confirm your identity, check your billing details, and establish your ability to make payments for ongoing services or subscriptions.

Is card verification safe?

Yes, reputable merchants use advanced encryption and security measures to protect your card information during verification. As long as you use trusted sites, verification is very safe.

What information do merchants see during verification?

Merchants only see confirmation from the card network that your card details match and are valid. They do not see or store sensitive card information.

Does verification place a hold on my account?

In most cases no, verification will just confirm your details without impacting your balance or placing any hold. A temporary authorization hold is only placed if you are making a purchase.

How can I remove a merchant’s ability to verify my card?

You can revoke rights to verify your card by removing it from your account with the merchant or requesting the merchant to delete your card information from their system.


Card verification is a simple process that allows merchants to validate your card details and establish an ongoing relationship. While verification failures can happen temporarily for various reasons, being aware of the potential causes and troubleshooting tips can help you get the issue resolved quickly and get your card successfully verified.