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Why can’t my business page join a group?

Why can’t my business page join a group?

There are a few key reasons why a Facebook business page may not be able to join a group on the platform:

The group settings don’t allow business pages to join

Many Facebook groups are set up to only allow individual profiles to join, not business pages. The group admin controls the settings for who can join the group. So if the settings are restricted to only individual profiles, your business page will not be able to join that group.

To check if this is the case, try joining the group with your personal Facebook profile. If your personal profile is able to join but your business page is not, then the group settings are likely restricted.

Your business page hasn’t been around long enough

Facebook requires business pages to be active for at least 30 days before joining groups. This is to prevent spam accounts from easily infiltrating groups.

If your business page is less than 30 days old, you’ll have to wait until it crosses that threshold before being able to join groups. Make sure your page has been actively posting and engaging with users during that time.

Your business page hasn’t accumulated enough followers

Some groups have minimum follower requirements for business pages wanting to join. For example, a group may require your business page to have at least 500 followers before approving your request.

Check the group’s description or pinned post to see if they have any specified minimum follower requirements. If your page doesn’t meet the threshold yet, focus on organically growing your follower count through great content and engagement.

You have requested to join too many groups

Facebook limits the number of groups a business page can join, likely to prevent spammy behavior. If you’ve sent a lot of join requests over a short period of time, you may be temporarily blocked from joining more groups.

Slow down on the number of requests you’re sending. Wait a few days before trying to join additional groups. Stagger your requests out over a longer time frame.

Your industry is prohibited from joining that group

Some groups block business pages from certain industries, like multi-level marketing (MLM) companies, from joining. The group admin specifically excludes those industries in the group settings.

If you think your industry may be prohibited, try joining with your personal profile or ask the group admin if pages in your field are allowed to join.

Your page has been flagged for policy violations

If your business page has a history of policy violations, including things like posting banned content, spamming, or harassing users, then Facebook may impose restrictions on your ability to join groups.

Avoid any behaviors that go against Facebook’s terms of service. If your page has been flagged, you will need to appeal the violation and have the restrictions lifted before being able to join groups again.

Your request is still pending admin approval

When you request to join a private or closed group that requires admin approval, make sure to wait for the admin to accept your request. Your business page won’t show up as a member until the admin approves you.

Don’t continue sending multiple join requests, as that may annoy the admin and work against you. Be patient for the approval.

You were removed or banned from the group

If you were previously a member of the group but got removed by an admin, you won’t be able to rejoin without getting approval again. Similarly, if you were banned from the group, you won’t be able to join unless a ban appeal is approved.

Read over the group rules again carefully. If you believe you were removed or banned unfairly, reach out politely to the admin asking if the decision can be reconsidered.

How to troubleshoot your business page not joining a group

If your Facebook business page is unable to join a group for an unknown reason, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  • Make sure your page meets the minimum requirements like being over 30 days old and having enough followers.
  • Try joining with your personal profile to test if the group allows business pages.
  • Look for any specified reasons in the group description or pinned posts.
  • Contact the group admin directly to ask about the join requirements.
  • Slow down on sending a high volume of join requests.
  • Check that your page account is in good standing overall.
  • Review the group settings and your industry to ensure they align.
  • Be patient and wait for pending requests to be approved by the admin.

Troubleshooting methodically can help identify the specific factor that is preventing your page from successfully joining the Facebook group. Address that issue at the root cause to resolve the problem.

Benefits of joining industry-related Facebook groups

Joining relevant groups has many advantages for business pages when done properly:

  • Increased visibility – Exposure to an engaged audience.
  • Market research – Gain insights into customer needs and pain points.
  • Lead generation – Interact with potential customers.
  • Partnerships – Connect with other businesses.
  • Customer service – Address issues and provide support.
  • Reputation management – Highlight positives about your brand.
  • Promotion – Share content, offers, events, etc.
  • Networking – Build relationships with influencers.

However, simply spamming groups with promotional messages won’t garner positive results. Offer value through meaningful engagement.

Best practices for business pages in Facebook groups

Here are some top tips for business pages to follow when joining and participating in Facebook groups:

  • Review group rules and etiquette before joining.
  • Add value before trying to sell anything.
  • Engage regularly through comments vs just self-promotion.
  • Respond helpfully to questions about your industry.
  • Share links strategically when highly relevant and allowed.
  • Post insightful content that isn’t overly promotional.
  • Collaborate with influencers and other businesses.
  • Monitor discussions for reputation management.
  • Focus on relationship building, not just transactions.

The key is emphasizing authentic engagement over aggressive sales pitches when participating in groups as a business page. Bring value rather than just take it.

How to notice and avoid restricted Facebook groups

When evaluating groups to join, look for the following signs that signal a group may be too restrictive for business pages:

  • Group name includes “No Business Pages”
  • Description explicitly says pages not allowed to join
  • Pinned post with rules prohibits business accounts
  • Mainly individuals rather than business pages in the member list
  • Few to no business page accounts actively engaging
  • Admin has declined your previous page join requests

Avoid trying to join groups where business pages are clearly unwelcome. Forcing your way in will only generate frustration for everyone involved.

Seeking out groups that organically allow and interact with business pages will be a more productive use of your time and efforts.


Trouble joining Facebook groups as a business page is often due to restrictive group settings, inactive account status, or overly-aggressive request behavior. Evaluate the possible obstacles and thoughtfully engage in approved groups to benefit your brand. With perseverance and value-driven participation, your page can become a welcome member of industry communities.