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Why can’t i use Facebook Marketplace on a new account?

Why can’t i use Facebook Marketplace on a new account?

There are a few reasons why you may not be able to use Facebook Marketplace on a new account right away. Facebook has certain restrictions in place for new accounts to help protect against spam and abuse.

Account Age Restriction

One of the main reasons is that Facebook requires your account to be at least 30 days old before you can access Marketplace. This is to prevent people from easily creating new accounts just to spam or scam others on Marketplace.

So if your account is brand new, you’ll have to wait about a month before Marketplace becomes available. This gives Facebook time to analyze your account activity and make sure you appear to be a real person using Facebook appropriately.

Limited Account Functions

Facebook also limits certain functions for new accounts, and access to Marketplace is one of those limitations. Features like posting ads, selling products, and messaging are restricted at first as a precaution.

This is because these features could easily be exploited by fake accounts or scammers. So Facebook makes new users go through an initial probationary period to confirm they are not abusive accounts before granting full access.

Requirements for Identity Confirmation

In some cases, Facebook may require new users to complete additional identity confirmation before using Marketplace. This is done to further verify that you are a real person and not a fake account.

You may be prompted to upload a photo ID, provide additional personal info, add friends, or complete other actions to confirm your identity. This can delay access to Marketplace until the process is fully completed.

Limits Due to Suspicious Activity

If Facebook detects suspicious, abusive, or violating activity from a new account, they may impose additional restrictions. Things like spamming, harassment, hate speech, and policy violations can all trigger blocks on features like Marketplace.

So if your new account has demonstrated any concerning behavior, access to certain functions will be limited until you’ve established yourself as a good faith user. This is done to protect the Facebook community.

How to Gain Access to Facebook Marketplace

Here are some tips to help new users gain access to Facebook Marketplace:

  • Make sure your account is at least 30 days old. This is the minimum age Facebook requires.
  • Add friends and establish connections. Having an active network makes your account seem more legitimate.
  • Post engaging, non-abusive content. Behave according to Facebook’s rules and avoid anything suspicious.
  • Provide any requested identity confirmation. Comply with any prompts to upload a photo ID or other info.
  • Report issues through the Facebook Help Center. If you think your account was restricted in error, you can appeal.
  • Be patient and continue using Facebook normally. Restrictions usually lift automatically once your account is older.

Why Does Facebook Limit New Accounts?

Facebook’s restrictions on new accounts are designed to accomplish a few goals:

  • Prevent fake and abusive accounts – The limits make it harder for scammers or spammers to take advantage of Facebook.
  • Ensure safety – Restricting features gives Facebook time to assess new users and blocks dangerous activity.
  • Enhance trust – Building an account history demonstrates users are real people acting appropriately.
  • Improve quality – Facebook wants an authentic community, and account limitations filter out bad actors.

While it can be inconvenient, keep in mind these measures aim to keep the Facebook experience secure and positive for everyone. The requirements are usually temporary until you build a reputation as a valid user.

What Are Some Other Common New Account Restrictions?

In addition to Marketplace access, here are some other common features limited for brand new Facebook accounts:

  • Posting ads – New accounts can’t run advertising campaigns until approved.
  • Creating Facebook Pages – You need an established personal profile first before creating public Pages.
  • Going Live – Broadcasting live video requires meeting Facebook’s eligibility guidelines.
  • Sending messages – Direct messaging is limited to prevent spam and harassment.
  • Post reach – Facebook may limit how widely new account posts distribute at first.

Most of these restrictions will lift automatically as your account ages and develops a positive history. Proving you are a real person using Facebook appropriately is key.

Appealing Access Restrictions

If your new account continues facing limitations beyond the initial 30 days, you can try appealing to Facebook for full access. Here are some tips:

  • Check that you have met all eligibility requirements, like being 13+ years old.
  • Make sure you have provided your real name and accurate personal info.
  • Complete any requested identity confirmation steps or uploading a photo ID.
  • Avoid any behavior that violates Facebook’s rules, like spamming or fake accounts.
  • File appeals through the Facebook Help Center explaining your situation.
  • Add additional info Facebook requests to verify your identity.
  • Be patient as appeals are reviewed. The process can take some time.

Filing polite, detailed appeals is usually the best way to resolve ongoing restrictions. Explain why you need access and provide any evidence requested to prove your account’s validity.

Can You Use Marketplace Anonymously?

Facebook does not allow anonymous accounts on their platform, including on Marketplace. Everyone is required to use their real identity, including the following:

  • Your real first and last name
  • An accurate date of birth
  • Valid contact info like your phone number or email

Creating an account under a false name, fake identity, or someone else’s identity is a violation of Facebook’s policies. All accounts and activity can be traced back to a real person who is accountable.

If you try using Marketplace anonymously through a fake or borrowed account, it’s likely to get reported, disabled, or banned. Maintaining an authentic identity is important for using any Facebook features.

Tips for New Facebook Users

Here are some general tips for smoothly navigating Facebook as a new user:

  • Review and follow all Facebook rules and policies. Read through their Community Standards.
  • Start slowly by liking Pages, joining Groups, and finding friends. Don’t spam right away.
  • Be selective about what info you share publicly and who you connect with.
  • Report any harassment or bullying using Facebook’s tools.
  • Turn on login notifications and monitor account activity closely.
  • Use strong passwords and turn on two-factor authentication for logins.
  • Get familiar with Facebook’s privacy tools and update your settings.
  • Be patient and focus on building a positive reputation over time.

Following Facebook best practices as a new user reduces chances of issues. Be authentic, behave appropriately, and take time establishing yourself.

Why You Shouldn’t Buy or Sell Accounts

Avoid the temptation to purchase, sell, or trade Facebook accounts. These violate Facebook’s policies and can lead to account disabling. Reasons to steer clear of account trading include:

  • Loss of access – Accounts can get reported and disabled when caught.
  • No buyer/seller protection – You have no recourse if cheated or scammed.
  • Personal info risks – Accounts contain sensitive data that can be misused.
  • No way to recover – Once an account is disabled, it’s usually gone for good.
  • Facebook penalties – Account buying/selling can get you banned from Facebook.

Building your own new account and going through Facebook’s verification process is always the safest option. While it takes more patience, you maintain full control and ownership.

The Bottom Line

Not being able to use Facebook Marketplace right away on new accounts is frustrating. But Facebook’s restrictions aim to protect users and maintain a trusted community.

Focus on building your account history legitimately by connecting with others. Avoid policy violations or suspicious behavior that raises red flags. With some time and patience, Marketplace access usually opens up automatically.

If you continue facing access issues after meeting requirements, politely appeal to Facebook for help. Keep providing any requested identity verification until your account is fully confirmed. Though the process can be slow, these limitations are temporary for most new users as you establish yourself on the platform.

Account Age Marketplace Access?
Less than 30 days old No
30-90 days old Yes, if in good standing
Over 90 days old Yes

This table summarizes the typical account age requirements for gaining access to Facebook Marketplace as a new user.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a new Facebook account use Marketplace after 30 days automatically?

In most cases, Facebook will lift Marketplace restrictions within 30 days for accounts that appear legitimate and well-intentioned. However, it’s not guaranteed. Facebook may require additional identity confirmation or restrict access longer if any suspicious activity is detected.

How do I speed up Marketplace approval on a new Facebook account?

Adding friends, posting appropriate content, and avoiding violations will help new accounts establish credibility faster. Completing any ID verification steps Facebook requires will also expedite access. But ultimately, patience and building a positive history are key.

Why am I still blocked from Marketplace after 30 days?

If you are still blocked after a month, it likely means your account triggered some security concern. Issues like an unsupported device, suspicious login patterns, or violating policies can all delay Marketplace approval. Fix any identified problems and file an appeal with Facebook for further help.

Can I use my existing Facebook account on a new device?

Yes, you can use your existing Facebook account on a new device as long as you follow Facebook’s login procedures. Make sure to use a secure internet connection and enter your username and password correctly. Enabling two-factor authentication can add an extra layer of device security.

How do I recover a disabled Facebook account?

If your account was disabled by Facebook, the options are limited. First, read Facebook’s Content Policy to understand what may have caused the violation. File an appeal through Facebook’s Help Center emphasizing you have fixed any issues. Provide any verification info Facebook requests. If appeals are unsuccessful, the account is likely unrecoverable.