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Why can’t I unfriend someone on Facebook?

Why can’t I unfriend someone on Facebook?

Facebook’s “unfriending” feature allows you to remove a friend from your friends list and stop seeing their posts in your News Feed. However, some users find that the unfriend option is sometimes unavailable for certain friends. There are a few reasons why you may not be able to unfriend someone on Facebook.

They have restricted your ability to unfriend them

One possibility is that the friend has used Facebook’s “Limit Past Posts” privacy setting, which prevents current friends from unfriending them. This setting allows the user to limit unfriending to within 14 days of initially friending someone. So if you friended someone more than 14 days ago, you won’t be able to unfriend them unless they change this setting.

Here’s how the “Limit Past Posts” setting works:

  • When enabled, the setting places a 14-day time limit on unfriending.
  • You can only unfriend someone within 14 days of becoming friends.
  • After 14 days, the unfriend option is no longer available.
  • The person who enabled the setting can still unfriend you at any time.

This setting is designed to prevent people from unfriending after gaining access to old posts. It limits unfriending to a short period after initially becoming friends.

You may have blocked them

If you’ve blocked someone on Facebook, it also removes the option to unfriend them. The unfriend button disappears from their profile page. This is because blocking prevents you from viewing their profile or having any contact with them on Facebook.

Blocking is a more extreme option than unfriending. When you block someone:

  • Their messages go to your Message Requests folder, which you cannot access.
  • You cannot visit their profile or see any of their content.
  • They are unable to start conversations with you or add you as a friend.

So in this case, you cannot unfriend them because blocking cuts off all contact and profile viewing. To restore the unfriend option, you would first need to unblock them.

You may have deleted them

If you have deleted someone as a friend, they are completely removed from your friends list and you lose the ability to unfriend them again. Deleting is different than unfriending because it severs the connection entirely on your end.

When you delete someone:

  • They are permanently removed from your friends list.
  • You can no longer see any of their posts or content.
  • The option to add them back only appears if they add you as a friend first.

So if you previously deleted someone as a friend, you won’t have the option to unfriend them again unless they send you a new friend request first.

They may have deleted their account

If someone deleted their Facebook account entirely, this would also remove the option to unfriend them. Since the account no longer exists, there is no friend connection to sever on your end.

Some signs that someone deleted their account:

  • Their profile page says “User Not Found.”
  • You can’t find them by searching their name.
  • Your mutual friends no longer show them in their friends list.
  • Their name no longer appears in your friends list or messages.

If someone deleted their account, you would need to add them again if they created a new account and sent you a friend request. The unfriend option only applies to active accounts.

You may have misunderstood your connection

Sometimes people assume they are Facebook friends with someone when there is no actual confirmed friend connection. Just because you can see someone’s public profile posts does not necessarily mean you are friends.

Some ways you may think you’re friends with someone but aren’t:

  • You’ve viewed their public profile but never actually added them.
  • They added you but you never confirmed the request.
  • You removed them previously but still remember being friends.

To check if you’re actually friends, look for the “Friends” button on their profile. If it says “Add Friend” instead, there is no confirmed friend connection to unfriend.

Their account may be temporarily unavailable

In some cases, someone’s Facebook account may become temporarily unavailable due to violations of Facebook’s terms and policies. While the account is restricted, options like unfriending and messaging will be disabled.

Some examples of policy violations that can restrict accounts:

  • Abusive, dangerous, or harassing behavior
  • Spreading misinformation or hate speech
  • Impersonating others
  • Spamming or fake accounts

If someone you know has a restricted account, the unfriend option will be temporarily disabled along with other account functions. These restrictions are sometimes lifted after a period of time.

You may have reached Facebook’s friend limit

Facebook places a 5000 friend limit for user accounts. If you’ve reached the maximum, you may be unable to add new friends or unfriend current ones. You’ll need to delete existing friends to open up space for new connections.

Here’s what happens when you hit the friend limit:

  • The “Add Friend” button disappears for other users.
  • You cannot accept or send new friend requests.
  • The unfriend option may be removed for current friends.

To allow unfriending again, you would need to delete enough current friends to get back below the 5000 limit. Facebook does this to prevent strain on its servers from accounts with excessive friends.

You are using Facebook’s “Take a Break” feature

Facebook’s “Take a Break” allows you to temporarily disable your account for a period of time. This suspends most account functions until the break is over.

When on a Facebook break:

  • Your profile is hidden from other users.
  • You cannot post, react, or comment.
  • Friends cannot message you or interact with your account.

Unfriending is also disabled during the break. To unfriend connections, you would need to end the break first and reactivate your account.


In summary, here are some of the main reasons why you may be unable to unfriend someone on Facebook:

  • They limited unfriending with the “Limit Past Posts” privacy setting.
  • You previously blocked the person, which removes the unfriend option.
  • You already deleted the person as a friend on your end.
  • The person deleted their Facebook account entirely.
  • You misunderstood your connection and were never friends.
  • Their account is temporarily restricted for violations.
  • You’ve reached Facebook’s 5000 friend limit.
  • Your account is inactive during a “Take a Break.”

If someone is bothering you on Facebook, blocking may be a better solution than unfriending. And if the issue is serious, report them to Facebook and consider restricting your own privacy settings.