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Why can’t I tag someone on Facebook video?

Why can’t I tag someone on Facebook video?

Facebook videos have become extremely popular in recent years. They allow users to share moments and memories in a dynamic way through moving visuals and sound. One common question that arises is: Why can’t I tag someone on Facebook video?

It’s a Limitation of the Platform

The simple answer is that the ability to tag people in Facebook videos is currently not a feature that is supported. When you upload a video to Facebook, you are given the option to tag people who are in the photo or who appear in the live video, but not in prerecorded videos. This is a limitation of how the platform was designed and developed.

Facebook allows tagging people in photos because static images make it easier to select faces and associate names. With video, people’s faces and bodies are constantly moving, making it technologically more complex to enable tagging throughout the footage. Overall, it comes down to a matter of prioritizing certain product developments over others.

Technical Challenges of Tagging in Video

There are a few key technical challenges that make it difficult to integrate tagging capabilities into Facebook videos:

  • Facial recognition software has advanced greatly but is still not 100% accurate, especially with low quality videos.
  • Object tracking in video is complex, as people’s bodies and faces move out of frame.
  • Mapping names to detected faces across long videos with multiple people would require sophisticated algorithms.
  • Tagging would have to work across different video file formats and codecs.
  • Scaling the feature across billions of videos on Facebook would require immense computing resources.

In summary, enabling precise tagging in videos is still a difficult technical challenge in 2023. The technology continues to improve, but has not yet reached the level of maturity needed for smooth integration into the Facebook platform.

Privacy Concerns Around Facial Recognition

Another key factor that likely makes Facebook hesitant to roll out video tagging is the potential privacy issues surrounding facial recognition technology. There have been growing public concerns in recent years about the use of facial recognition software.

Were Facebook to implement video tagging, it would likely involve some form of facial recognition to identify people’s faces from frames within a video. This raises some potential problems:

  • Users may feel their privacy is being invaded if identifiable in video without consent.
  • Facial recognition data could be leaked or hacked.
  • The technology could enable tracking of people’s identities across multiple videos.
  • Facebook would need to carefully communicate how the facial recognition data is used and protected.

Proper safeguards and transparency around facial recognition are crucial to address users’ privacy concerns. This may factor into Facebook’s decision to hold off on rolling out video tagging for now.

Product Roadmap and Priorities

Ultimately, the decision of whether to implement video tagging comes down to Facebook’s product roadmap and priorities. Here are some key considerations:

  • Facebook has a huge product surface area already – News Feed, Stories, Marketplace, Watch, etc. Adding new features when resources are limited involves tough choices.
  • Video tagging may be seen more as a “nice-to-have” rather than a critical feature that will substantially boost engagement.
  • Focus has likely been on other areas like Reels, ads, VR/metaverse – massive undertakings diverting resources.
  • Video tagging simply may not make the cut among the thousands of potential feature ideas when setting priorities.

Careful planning goes into the product roadmap at Facebook. Tough calls have to be made on what to build, especially when engineering resources are finite. Ultimately, other features and projects have taken priority over video tagging thus far.

Alternatives to Tagging in Facebook Video

Although you currently can’t tag people directly within Facebook videos, there are some workarounds to call out who is in your videos:

  • Mention them by name in your caption.
  • Tag them in a pinned comment under the video.
  • Tag their Facebook page or group if applicable.
  • Add tags to your original footage before uploading to Facebook.
  • Use hashtags of people’s names or handles (e.g. #johnsskateboardtrick).

While not as seamless as tagging directly in the video, these alternatives allow you to identify relevant people. The caption and comments under the video in particular are highly visible areas to mention others by name.

Will Facebook Ever Add Video Tagging?

There is still a possibility that Facebook will add native video tagging at some point in the future. A few reasons why it may happen eventually:

  • Demand for the feature remains strong amongst users.
  • Facial recognition and object tracking technology continues to rapidly improve.
  • Tagging would increase engagement, giving people another reason to interact with videos.
  • It helps people get credit for and discovered from their videos.

On the other hand, the privacy issues around facial recognition remain a barrier. Alternatives like captions and comments lessen the urgency to some degree. But if the technology matures and demand is loud enough, Facebook may very well introduce native video tagging down the road.

The Takeaway

In summary:

  • Tagging people in Facebook videos is not currently possible due to platform limitations.
  • Technical challenges like facial recognition make video tagging difficult to implement.
  • Privacy issues surrounding facial recognition create concerns.
  • Limited resources mean Facebook has to prioritize certain product developments over others.
  • While you can’t tag directly in videos, workarounds like captions and comments allow you to identify people.
  • Video tagging may eventually come to Facebook, but likely isn’t a top priority for the near term.

So for now, tagging remains limited to Facebook photos. But the desire for expanded tagging is certainly understandable. There are creative ways to highlight who is in your videos in the meantime. And hopefully at some point Facebook can find the right technology solutions to make video tagging a reality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I tag someone in a Facebook video after it’s posted?

No, unfortunately once a Facebook video is posted, there is currently no way to add tags to people directly within the video itself. The platform does not support video tagging capabilities. Your only options are mentioning people by name in the caption or comments.

Where should I tag people on a Facebook video?

Since you cannot tag people directly within a Facebook video, the best places to identify relevant people are in the caption or in a pinned comment under the video. Be sure to mention them by name and tag their profile to notify them.

Can I tag someone on a Facebook video using a timestamp?

No, Facebook does not allow you to tag people in videos using timestamps at this time. Timestamp tagging is a feature specifically for photos only. For videos, you will need to tag people in the caption or comments without any time references.

Why does Facebook not allow video tagging if other apps do?

Platforms like Instagram and TikTok built in video tagging capabilities from the start. Facebook, being much older, did not originally design video tools with tagging in mind. Limitations in facial recognition technology and privacy concerns also contribute to the lack of tagging on Facebook.

Can I tag someone on a Facebook live video?

Unfortunately no, the live tag feature when broadcasting live video only allows you to tag profiles to a livestream – not to specific people’s faces appearing on camera. There is no capability to tag people’s visual appearance on either live or prerecorded videos.

Is Facebook going to add video tagging features soon?

There is no official word from Facebook about plans to add native video tagging anytime in the immediate future. While the feature has been requested for years, technical and privacy challenges make quick implementation unlikely. For now, alternatives like caption tagging remain the recommended workaround.


In closing, the inability to tag people on Facebook videos stems from limitations in how the platform was originally built, along with the complexities of accurately identifying faces and objects in video footage. While users have long requested video tagging, Facebook has other higher priority projects and products in development. Concerns around facial recognition data provide further reasons for Facebook’s hesitancy. Still, as technology progresses, video tagging capabilities have potential to come eventually. But for the time being, users will have to rely on captions, comments and other creative workarounds.