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Why can’t I tag someone?

Why can’t I tag someone?

There are a few reasons why you may be unable to tag someone on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. Here are some potential causes and solutions for when you can’t tag someone online.

You Aren’t Connected on the Platform

Most social networks require you to be connected with someone in order to tag them. For example, on Facebook and Instagram you can only tag people who you are friends with or who follow you back. If you try to tag someone you aren’t connected to, the tag will not work.

To fix this, send a friend request or follow request to the person you want to tag. Once they accept, you should then be able to tag them in posts and photos. Keep in mind they will get a notification when you tag them, so only tag people you know.

Connecting on Facebook

On Facebook, you can send a friend request by going to the person’s profile and clicking “Add Friend.” If they accept your request, you will become Facebook friends and will be able to tag each other in posts.

Connecting on Instagram

To follow someone on Instagram, go to their profile and click “Follow.” If they follow you back, you will be able to tag them in photos and stories. You can also send a photo or video directly to someone on Instagram through direct messaging.

Connecting on Twitter

To follow someone on Twitter, click the “Follow” button on their profile. Once you are following them, you can mention them in tweets by using their @handle. They do not need to follow you back for you to mention them.

Privacy Settings Prevent Tagging

Some social networks allow users to control privacy settings for tagging. For example, on Facebook a user can choose to review any tags before they appear on their profile. They can also turn off tagging completely.

If someone has adjusted their privacy settings to limit tagging, your tags may not work. The tag will simply not appear or will remain pending until the user approves it.

There’s no way to override someone’s privacy settings. The only option is to contact the person and ask them to adjust their settings to allow you to tag them.

Facebook Tag Review and Approval

On Facebook, users can choose to review any tags before they appear on their profile. When you tag someone who has this setting enabled, the tag will remain pending until they approve it. You may see a notification like “Your tag is waiting for review.”

Turning Off Tagging on Instagram

In Instagram settings, users can turn off tagging completely. People will then not be able to tag them in photos or stories. There will be no notification that the tag didn’t work.

The Person You’re Tagging Blocked You

If someone has blocked you on a social network, you will typically not be able to tag them. For example, if someone blocks you on Instagram, your tags will not appear on their profile or in their feed.

Unfortunately the only way to fix this is to get the person to unblock you. They would need to visit your profile and unblock you in order for tags to work again.

When Someone Blocks You on Facebook

If someone blocks you on Facebook, you will not be able to tag them in posts, stories, or photos. Your tags simply will not work. You won’t get a notification that you’ve been blocked, but you’ll notice your tags do not appear.

Being Blocked on Instagram

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you are automatically unfollowed from their account. You will no longer be able to view their profile or posts, and your tags will not work. There is no way to tell if you’ve been blocked by someone.

Twitter Blocking and Mentions

If someone blocks you on Twitter, you will not be able to view their tweets or profile. Your @mentions of their handle will also not work. You won’t get notified that you’ve been blocked, but you will be unable to interact with their account.

You Made a Typo in the Username

One simple reason you may not be able to tag someone is because you typed their username incorrectly. Most social networks require you to spell the exact username in order for the tag to work.

Double check that you are using the exact, complete username without any typos. This is especially important on sites like Twitter and TikTok where usernames can be unique combinations of numbers and letters.

Finding the Correct Username on Facebook

You can only tag someone on Facebook if you use their exact profile name. To find the right name to use, go to their profile and copy their username from the URL.

Confirming Usernames on Instagram

Instagram requires you to use the exact username when tagging someone in a post or story. To confirm the correct spelling, go to the user’s profile and copy their username from the URL bar.

Twitter’s Unique @Handles

Twitter lets users create unique @handles that can include numbers, letters, and underscores. Make sure you have the exact @handle copied before trying to mention someone in a tweet.

The Platform is Experiencing a Bug or Outage

In some cases, a technical issue on the social network’s end could prevent tagging. Problems like bugs or outages could cause tags to not work properly during the period of the issue.

Check the network’s status page or Twitter account to see if there are any reported bugs impacting tagging. If you still can’t tag after a reported issue is resolved, the problem likely lies somewhere else.

Facebook App Issues

Sometimes bugs in the Facebook app can cause tags to not work properly. Check the Facebook App Twitter account for updates on known issues.

Instagram API Problems

The Instagram API allows third-party apps to connect to Instagram. API issues can sometimes break Instagram features like tagging in certain apps.

Twitter Service Issues

Twitter has a status page that reports ongoing outages or service issues. If @mentions aren’t working, check their status page for updates.

Your Account Lacks Permission

On some social networks, your account may not have permission to tag other users. This is most common on platforms like LinkedIn and TikTok.

Upgrading to a business account on LinkedIn will allow you to tag other users in posts. On TikTok, you may need to reach a certain follower threshold before you can tag people.

Minimum Connections on LinkedIn

On LinkedIn, you need a minimum number of 1st degree connections before you can start tagging people. Upgrade to a Business or Sales Navigator account if you need to tag people but don’t have enough connections.

Account Type Minimum Connections to Tag
Basic 100
Business 25
Sales Navigator 25

TikTok Follower Requirements

On TikTok, you need a certain number of followers before you’re allowed to tag people in your videos. This restriction aims to reduce harassment on the platform.

Minimum Followers Can Tag In Videos?
Under 1000 No
1000 to 10,000 Only Verify Accounts
Over 10,000 Yes


In summary, there are a variety of reasons you may be unable to tag someone on social media, from privacy settings to blocks to platform bugs. Always double check that you have the right username and are connected to the person on that network.

If all else fails, reach out to the person directly and ask them to adjust their settings to allow you to tag them. With the right troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve most issues that prevent tagging other users online.