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Why can’t I tag a business page on Facebook?

Why can’t I tag a business page on Facebook?

Facebook business pages are a great way for companies and organizations to establish an online presence and connect with customers. However, one common question that arises is why you can’t tag these pages in posts and comments like you can with individual Facebook profiles.

It’s a Limitation of Facebook’s Platform

The main reason you can’t tag business pages on Facebook is simply due to how the platform is designed. Facebook does not allow tagging business pages the same way you can tag individual profiles. This limitation applies across Facebook – you cannot tag business pages in posts, comments, photos, or videos.

When you tag someone on Facebook, it creates a link to their profile and sends them a notification. Facebook’s policy is that business pages do not receive notifications in the same way as individual users, so the tagging functionality does not work for them.

Some key differences between individual profiles and business pages on Facebook:

  • Individual profiles represent real people, while business pages represent organizations, companies, brands, public figures etc.
  • Profiles can have “friends” and can comment on and react to content, while pages have “followers” and can only post content.
  • Profiles get notifications when tagged, pages do not.

So in summary, the tagging limitation exists simply because of how Facebook has structured business pages compared to individual profiles.

Potential Workarounds

Although you can’t tag a Facebook business page directly, there are some potential workarounds:

  • Tag the business page using its username rather than the actual page name. For example, @Walmart rather than @Walmart.
  • Tag the business page in the comments of a post they created. Their own posts are one place where pages can be notified of tags.
  • Tag the business page from your own Facebook business page rather than your personal profile.
  • Tag an individual employee of the business who runs the Facebook page using their personal profile.

However, these workarounds are not guaranteed to work in every case. The only surefire way to get the attention of a business page is to post directly on their Facebook page or send them a direct message.

Why Doesn’t Facebook Allow Page Tagging?

So why doesn’t Facebook allow pages to be tagged in the first place? There are a few potential reasons behind this limitation:

  • To control notifications – Facebook wants to limit notifications sent to business pages to avoid spamming them. Individual users have more control over managing notifications.
  • Privacy reasons – Tagging pages without consent could enable tracking or harvesting of data.
  • Commercial intent – Having pages tagged could allow for unsolicited advertising or marketing messages.

Facebook product manager Joshua Gross has said the tagging limitation exists “to protect the integrity of Facebook Pages and to make sure Pages can’t be spammed.”

Essentially, Facebook restricts business page tagging as a way to maintain control over the user experience and prevent misuse of the feature.

Does Facebook Plan to Allow Page Tagging?

Currently, Facebook has not announced any plans to change their policy and allow business pages to be tagged in the future. The limitation has existed for many years now and seems to be an intentional part of their platform design.

However, some speculate that Facebook could eventually relax the restrictions around page tagging as they continue trying to build engagement between users and businesses. There are some signs that Facebook is slowly opening up tagging for pages:

  • Pages can now be tagged in comments on their own posts.
  • Facebook is expanding clickable @mentions for pages.
  • Facebook is exploring a new feature called @community to connect followers with pages.

While full business page tagging does not seem imminent, Facebook may be warming up to the idea. But for now, the technical restrictions are still firmly in place.

Tips for Engaging With a Facebook Business Page

Even though you can’t tag a Facebook business page in posts, here are some tips for engaging with and mentioning pages on Facebook:

  • Like and follow the business page to see their posts.
  • Comment directly on posts and photos published by the page.
  • Share page posts and recommend the business profile to friends.
  • Use the page’s username in comments (such as @Walmart) to mention them.
  • Post and tag the page on their own page if you want to get their attention.
  • Send a direct message to the page if you need to contact them.

And when in doubt, you can always reach out and engage with a business the old fashioned way through a phone call, email, or visiting them in person.


Tagging Facebook business pages is not possible due to limitations set by Facebook’s platform policies. Pages cannot be tagged in the same way as individual user profiles. The main reasons behind this limitation are to control notifications, prevent misuse, and maintain the intended user experience.

While there are some tricky workarounds, the only surefire way to engage with a page is by posting directly or messaging them. Facebook may eventually update its policies around page tagging, but for now the restrictions remain in place.

Despite the lack of tagging capabilities, you can still connect with business pages by following them, commenting on their posts, mentioning their username, sharing their content, and contacting them directly when needed.