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Why can’t I see the invite list on Facebook event?

Why can’t I see the invite list on Facebook event?

Facebook events allow users to create and manage events, invite friends, and coordinate get-togethers. However, one common issue that users run into is not being able to see the full list of invited guests for an event they did not create. There are a few reasons why you may not be able to see the complete invite list for a Facebook event:

Privacy Settings

The event creator likely has privacy settings enabled that limit who can view the guest list. Facebook’s default setting for events is that only the event host can see the full list of invited guests and responses. As an event guest, you can only see your own response to the event, but not the full list of invitees.

The event creator has full control over the guest list visibility settings. They can limit it to only the event host, all invitees, public, or custom settings. So unless the creator chooses to make the guest list public or visible to all invitees, you will not be able to see the full list.

Event Type Settings

Facebook has event types like private, public, and group events. Private events are visible only to the invited guests. Only members of the group can see group events. For both private and group events, you can see only your own invitation, but not the full guest list.

Public events are open to all Facebook users. However, for public events also, you can see only your own response status unless the event creator enables the option to show the guest list publicly.

So the type of event also impacts your ability to see who else is invited. For private, group, and public events with a guest list visible only to the admin, you will have a limited view.

You Are Not Logged In

To view any details about a Facebook event, including the guest list, you need to be logged into your Facebook account. If you are trying to view the event as a non-registered user or when logged out of Facebook, you will not be able to see any information about the invited guests.

This is because Facebook’s privacy settings require you to be logged in for viewing most event details. Unless the event and guest list have been made fully public, you will be unable to access the guest list if you are not logged into the account that was invited.

When Can You See the Full Guest List?

In most cases, regular invitees to a Facebook event will not be able to see the full list of invited guests or respondents. However, here are some scenarios where you can view the complete invite list:

You Are the Event Host

As the creator of the event, you have full access to see who has been invited, who has declined the invite, and who has confirmed they are attending. You will be able to see the full guest list at any time as the event organizer.

The Host Makes the List Public

The event host can configure the guest list visibility settings and make the list public or visible to all invitees. If they select this option, all invited guests will be able to see the full list of invitees and their responses.

It is a Public Event

For public events that are open for anyone to join, attendees can view the guest list if the host has made the list public. The host can enable the “Show Guest List” option for public events, allowing anyone to see who is invited and attending.

You Are an Event Co-Host

If you have been added as a co-host for the event, you will be able to access the same options and information as the main event host, including seeing the full guest list. Co-hosts have administrative privileges for the event.

You Are Invited to a Group Event

For group events on Facebook, members of the group can view the list of invited members and the status of their response. So if you are a part of the group for which the event was created, you can see who else from the group has been invited and whether they are going.

How to See the Guest List on Mobile

Here are the steps to view the guest list on the Facebook app for mobile:

From the News Feed

1. Tap on the event from your news feed.

2. Tap on ‘Guests’ below the event image.

3. Here you will see the list of guests who responded. Tap on ‘See All’ to view the full list the host has made visible.

From Events Tab

1. Tap on the Menu icon and choose ‘Events’.

2. Select the event you want to view.

3. Tap on ‘Guests’ below the cover image.

4. Tap ‘See All’ to view the full visible guest list.

From Event Details Page

1. Navigate to the Details page for the event.

2. Scroll down and look for the ‘Going’ and ‘Invited’ sections.

3. Tap ‘See All’ in either section to view the full guest list if available.

So in summary, from any events page or details page, look for the Guests section and tap ‘See All’ to try to view the full invite list the host has made visible.

How to See the Guest List on Desktop

On the Facebook website, here is how you can find and view the guest list for an event:

1. Go to the event page or click on the event notification.

2. Look on the right pane for the Guests section.

3. You will see the list of guests who have responded. Click ‘See All’ to view the full list if the host has made it visible.

Alternatively, you can also try the following:

1. Click on ‘Discussion’ on the left pane.

2. Click on the ‘Going’ and ‘Invited’ tabs.

3. Click ‘See All’ to try viewing the full guest list.

If the host has limited visibility, you will only see a partial list of guests who have responded. To see the full list, the host has to make it visible to all invitees.

How to Make the Guest List Visible as the Event Host

As the creator of the Facebook event, you can configure the visibility settings for the guest list. Here are the steps:

1. Go to your Facebook events page.

2. Click on the event you want to manage.

3. From the left pane, click on ‘Edit Event’.

4. Go to the Guests section.

5. Click on the drop-down next to ‘Guest List Visibility’.

6. Select from the options:

– Only Hosts: Default option. Only you can see the full list.

– Invited: Visible to all invitees.

– Public: Guest list is visible to anyone.

– Custom: Select custom friends and groups.

7. Click ‘Save’ to make the changes.

So as the event host, you have full control over who gets to view the guest list. Make it ‘Public’ if you want to make the complete invitee details visible to all.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some troubleshooting tips if you are unable to view the guest list for a Facebook event:

– Make sure you are logged into the account that received the event invite.

– Double check the event privacy type – private or group events have restrictions.

– If it’s a public event, check if the host has enabled ‘Show Guest List’.

– Confirm whether you are the event host, co-host or group member. These roles may allow you to see the full details.

– Try viewing the guest list from the event page, details page or discussion tabs.

– Click on ‘See All’ under the ‘Going’ and ‘Invited’ tabs to see the maximum available info.

– If you are the event host, modify the ‘Guest List Visibility’ to ‘Public’ or ‘Invited’.

– Make sure the event has invited guests. Events with no invites will show no guest list.

– Report the issue to Facebook if you are unable to see the list despite the right settings.

Why Facebook Limits the Guest List Visibility

Facebook aims to give users control over their privacy. By default, they limit the guest list visibility to only hosts for the following reasons:


Most users want to control who gets to see who has been invited to their events. Making the full list visible by default would infringe on the guests’ privacy.

Prevent Unwanted Guests

Public events can be crashed or trolled by uninvited guests. Limiting the guest list by default prevents unwanted attendees.

Control for Hosts

Hosts should have full control over their event settings and guest list visibility. The default limited settings prevent unauthorized access.

Follow Best Practices

Facebook’s default privacy settings follow the recommended best practices for events, limiting info access only to the hosts.

Customization Ability

At the same time, customizable guest list settings empower hosts to modify visibility as needed for each event.

So in summary, Facebook balances privacy and control for hosts with flexibility to change settings per event. The limited default visibility prevents privacy issues.


To summarize, regular invitees cannot view the full guest list for Facebook events by default due to the platform’s privacy settings. Only hosts can modify visibility settings on a per-event basis. As an invitee, you can only see the guest list if the host has enabled the ‘Public’ or ‘Invited’ options under Guest List Visibility. Troubleshooting tips like checking if you are logged in, your event role, event type, and viewing on different pages may help surface more guest details. But ultimately the event host has full control over the guest list. Facebook’s default privacy limits on guest list access aim to balance the privacy needs of hosts and attendees.