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Why can’t I see the group I created on Facebook?

Why can’t I see the group I created on Facebook?

If you created a group on Facebook but can no longer find it or access it, there are several possible reasons why this may be happening.

You archived the group

One of the most common reasons you can no longer see a Facebook group you created is because you archived it. When you archive a group, it is hidden from your view but still exists behind the scenes. The content and members are preserved, but the group is not visible in searches or your list of groups.

To check if you archived a missing group you created:

  • Go to your Facebook profile
  • Click on the Groups link on the left sidebar
  • At the top, click on the Archived link to view your archived groups

If you see the missing group in the list of archived groups, you can unarchive it to make it active and visible again. Hover over the group and click the Unarchive button.

You deleted the group

Another possibility is that you may have deleted the Facebook group you created. When you delete a group you administered, it is permanently erased along with all of its content.

Unlike archiving which hides a group, deleting it removes it entirely from Facebook. Unfortunately, there is no way to recover a deleted Facebook group.

To check if you deleted the missing group:

  • Go to your Facebook profile
  • Click on the Groups link on the left sidebar
  • See if the group shows up in your list of current groups

If you don’t see the group name anywhere in your groups list, chances are you deleted the group and it no longer exists.

Your access was removed

If you created a Facebook group but are no longer listed as an admin, you may lose the ability to view or manage it. The new admins may have removed your admin status without telling you.

Even if you created a group, having your admin access revoked prevents you from seeing or accessing that group. You would need one of the current admins to re-add you.

To check if this happened:

  • Ask a member of the group if you are still listed as an admin
  • See if any of the other admins removed your access without your knowledge

If you are no longer an admin and your access was removed, you will need to contact one of the current admins to restore your status and ability to view the group.

The group name changed

It’s possible you can no longer find the Facebook group you created because the new admins changed the name. If the group name is different than what you originally set it as, it may be difficult to find.

To see if this is the case:

  • Ask a group member if the name has changed
  • Search for keywords or members from the group to try and locate it

If you find the group under a new name, you will know the name was changed by the other admins after you created it.

Your account was temporarily blocked

If your Facebook account was temporarily blocked due to violations of Facebook’s terms of service, you may lose access to any groups you created.

Account blocks can last anywhere from 1 day to 30 days. Until your access is restored, you will be unable to view or manage any groups you administered.

To see if this is why you can’t find your group:

  • Try logging into Facebook and see if you are blocked
  • Check any emails from Facebook for notifications about account blocks

If your account has been temporarily suspended, you will need to wait out the block duration before you can access your groups again.

Your account was permanently disabled

In some cases where there are severe or repeated violations of Facebook’s policies, your account may be permanently disabled. This means you are unable to log in and all your created content is also removed.

If your account has been permanently disabled by Facebook, you will no longer have any access to the groups you administered.

To check if this is the reason:

  • Try to log into Facebook – if your account is fully disabled you will get an error message
  • See if you received an email notification from Facebook about disabling your account

Unfortunately if your account was permanently disabled, there is usually no way to restore your access or recover any of the removed content including groups.

You were blocked from the group

Although unlikely, a new admin could have blocked you from accessing your created group. Members with admin rights can restrict certain users.

If you have been blocked or banned from the group, you will effectively be unable to view or find it in your list.

To see if you were blocked:

  • Log into Facebook from another account and try to view the group
  • Ask a friend who is in the group if you still appear as a member

If you have been blocked, you will need to directly contact one of the admins who restricted you and request to be unblocked.

The group was reported and removed

In rare cases where a Facebook group violates the platform’s community standards, it may be reported by users and removed by Facebook.

If the group you created was taken down by Facebook due to complaints of objectionable content, spam, harassment issues, or other reasons, you will no longer be able to access or view it.

To find out if this happened:

  • Check your email for any notifications from Facebook about content removal
  • Try viewing the group from another account to confirm it no longer exists

Unfortunately if your group was taken down by Facebook, there is usually no way to have it reinstated even if you were the original admin.

You left or were removed from the group

As the group admin, you have the ability to voluntarily leave your created group. Other admins can also remove you from the group at any time.

If you willingly left the group you made, or another admin took you out of the group itself, it will no longer be visible to you in your list of groups.

To see if this occurred:

  • Ask another group member if you are still listed
  • Check if any admins informed you that you were removed

If you voluntarily left or were taken out of your created group, you would need to be re-added by an admin to access it again.

You were banned from Facebook

In extreme cases of abusive behavior, dangerous threats, or criminal activity, Facebook may decide to ban certain users from their platform entirely.

Being banned means you can no longer access your account or any content you created, including groups. A Facebook ban is more severe than an account block.

To check if you were banned:

  • Try accessing your Facebook account – if banned, it will show an error message
  • See if you received any email notification from Facebook about being banned

If you have been banned from all of Facebook, there is unfortunately no way to regain access to your account, profile information, or groups you administered.

You exceeded group limits

Facebook limits the number of groups each user can create to 6,000. If you reached this maximum limit, you may be unable to view or manage any additional groups you create.

To see if you hit the limit:

  • Check if you have created close to 6,000 Facebook groups already
  • Try creating a new group – if the limit was reached, Facebook will display an error

If you did exceed the group creation limit, you would need to either archive or delete existing groups to free up space for new ones.

There was a site glitch or bug

In rare instances, technical issues on Facebook’s end may cause groups to temporarily disappear from view or become inaccessible.

Problems like site glitches, bugs, or platform updates gone wrong could potentially affect your ability to find groups you manage.

To determine if a technical glitch occurred:

  • Check the Facebook Business Status page for any known issues
  • Ask people who use the same Internet network if they have similar access problems

If Facebook confirms a platform bug, maintenance outage, or error that matches the timing of your missing group, technical difficulties are likely to blame.

Your group privacy settings changed

Facebook group admins can alter privacy settings like who can find, view, or join a group. If your group’s privacy was modified to be more restrictive, that could hide it from your view.

For example, if visibility was changed to “Private” so only members can find the group, you may no longer see it even as the admin.

To find out if settings were changed:

  • Ask a group member to confirm the current privacy status
  • Check if any admins informed you of updates to visibility

If the group’s privacy settings were altered, you or another admin will need to modify them again to make the group visible to you.

You were hacked

If your Facebook account is hacked or compromised, the attacker could delete, archive, or restrict your access to groups you created.

A hacked account can allow someone to take control and wreak havoc, locking you out from your own content.

To see if hacking was the cause:

  • Check for unauthorized changes to your profile or security settings
  • See if the login locations seem suspicious or unknown to you

If your account was compromised, you will need to regain control by securing it again and reversing any malicious changes.


When a Facebook group you created seems to have disappeared or become inaccessible to you, there are many possible explanations beyond simply a site error or glitch.

Reasons like archiving, deleting, having admin access revoked, or being removed from the group yourself can all prevent you from viewing and managing groups you start.

Other causes like technical problems, hitting Facebook’s group limits, or hacking can also restrict your admin abilities and make groups disappear.

By methodically checking each possibility, you can determine exactly why you are unable to see a Facebook group you created. Knowing the specific reason allows you to take appropriate action to either restore your access or create new groups if needed.

With so many ways Facebook groups can potentially go missing or become unavailable to admins, it takes some sleuthing. But systematically examining each option will help you get to the bottom of mysterious vanishing groups.