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Why can’t I see someone’s active status on Facebook Messenger?

Why can’t I see someone’s active status on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger’s active status feature allows you to see when your friends were last active on Messenger. However, you may notice that sometimes you can’t see when certain friends were last active. There are a few reasons why this can happen.

They turned off active status

The most common reason you can’t see someone’s active status is because they have turned the feature off. On Facebook Messenger, you can control who gets to see your active status and who doesn’t. So if someone has their active status turned off for you, you won’t be able to see when they were last active.

To turn active status on or off on Messenger:

  • Open your Messenger app
  • Tap on your profile picture in the top left
  • Tap on Active Status
  • Toggle the switch next to “Active Status” on or off

Here you can choose to share your active status with everyone, friends only, a custom list of people, or no one. So if someone has active status turned off for you, you won’t see when they were last active.

They’re logged out of Messenger

You also can’t see someone’s active status if they are logged out of Messenger. Active status only shows when someone was last active while logged into the Messenger app. So if they aren’t logged in, it won’t display an active status time.

Possible reasons someone could be logged out include:

  • They closed the Messenger app
  • Their phone died or lost internet connection
  • They logged out of Facebook on their device

As soon as they open Messenger again while logged into Facebook, their active status will update to show when they were last active.

They blocked you

If someone has blocked you on Facebook Messenger, you also won’t be able to see their active status. Blocking someone prevents them from seeing your profile information and prevents any communication, so active status is hidden as well.

You can check if you’ve been blocked by trying to search for their profile in Messenger. If you can’t find them, there’s a good chance you’ve been blocked.

It’s a bug or glitch

Sometimes active status can disappear for someone due to a bug or glitch in the Messenger app. Bugs occur from time to time with any software. Trying closing and reopening the Messenger app to see if that fixes it. If the active status is still hidden, it’s likely due to one of the other reasons on this list.

Their account was deactivated

If someone deactivated their Facebook account, their active status will no longer show up in Messenger either. Deactivating removes their profile and access to Facebook services, including Messenger, unless they decide to reactivate their account.

You don’t have an internet connection

Make sure you have an internet connection on your device. Active status relies on internet access to update in real time. So if you lose your wifi or cellular data connection, active statuses will not refresh with new times until you reconnect to the internet.

Their account was temporarily locked

If someone’s Facebook account gets temporarily locked due to suspicious activity, they will be logged out of Messenger as well. This means you won’t see their active status until their account is restored. Account locks are usually only temporary while Facebook reviews the activity.


Not being able to see someone’s active status on Messenger usually comes down to them turning it off for you, being logged out, blocking you, or a temporary technical issue. If the active status is gone for an extended time, they likely adjusted their privacy settings to hide it from you.

There are valid reasons why people may turn off active status, such as wanting more privacy in when they are online. While you may want to see it, ultimately it’s up to each user what they feel comfortable sharing on Messenger.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I turn off active status completely?

Yes, you can turn off your active status completely in your Messenger settings so no one can see when you were last active. Go to your profile, tap Active Status, and switch it off.

What does active status show?

Active status shows the last time someone used the Messenger app. It updates any time they open Messenger while logged into their Facebook account.

Can someone see I read their message?

The read receipts feature allows people to see when you’ve read their messages. You can turn read receipts off in your Messenger settings if you don’t want people to know when you’ve read their messages.

Can I see who views my Facebook profile?

No, Facebook does not have a feature that shows who views your profile. Profiles are public, so anyone can view them without you being notified.

Can I see if someone is typing a message to me?

Yes, if someone has the feature turned on you can see when they are typing a message to you in real time. A “typing indicator” will appear below their name while they compose a message.

Changes to Active Status Over Time

Facebook has modified the active status feature several times over the years. Here is a look at how it has changed:

Year Active Status Update
2014 Active status first introduced on Messenger mobile app
2015 Active status added to desktop Messenger
2018 Ability to hide active status from specific people added
2020 Active status shows for Instagram DMs when linked to Messenger

As you can see, users have gained more control over active status over time. Facebook has also expanded active status to Instagram Direct when accounts are linked.

Benefits of Active Status

While active status can seem intrusive to some users, there are also benefits:

  • Initiate conversations when friends are online
  • See when a good time is to expect a reply
  • Avoid interruptions if someone is offline
  • View patterns in friends’ online habits

For many, the benefits of active status outweigh the privacy concerns. It provides useful context about the best opportunities to have a real-time chat.

Privacy Concerns

Some of the top privacy concerns around the active status feature include:

  • Constant monitoring of when you’re online
  • Expectation to always be available for chat
  • Revealing patterns in your daily routine
  • Feeling obligated to respond right away when active

Due to concerns like these, it’s important that users have granular control over who can view status. Facebook has added options over the years to give more control to users.

Similar Features on Other Platforms

Many other messaging platforms have similar “last seen” or “active status” features, including:

App Active Status Feature
WhatsApp Last Seen
Telegram Last Seen
Skype Active Status
Snapchat Active Now
Twitter Active Now

The concept has become a common part of most messaging apps. But the level of control over who can see your status varies across each platform.

Future of Active Status on Messenger

It’s likely that active status will remain a part of Messenger for the foreseeable future. Social media and messaging is becoming increasingly focused on real-time engagement. Active status provides vital context in online conversations.

However, Facebook will likely continue expanding privacy controls based on user feedback. More options to limit who can view active times helps alleviate growing privacy concerns. But the core feature will remain as real-time presence is critical on messaging platforms.

New status indicators may also emerge, like the ability to show activities like driving, sleeping, working, or do not disturb. But active status will continue to show when someone was last on Messenger itself.


Active status is designed to create awareness of when friends are actively online for real-time conversations. Disappearing active status times are usually the result of someone turning the feature off for you in their privacy settings. There are valid reasons for wanting to limit active status, but many find value in the presence awareness it provides.

As with any social media feature, there is an ongoing balance between utility and privacy. But active status remains a central part of messaging platforms like Facebook Messenger for the foreseeable future.