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Why can’t I see settings on Facebook?

Why can’t I see settings on Facebook?

If you’re having trouble accessing the Settings menu on Facebook, there are a few potential reasons why it may not be appearing for you:

You’re not logged in

The Settings menu is only accessible when you’re logged into your Facebook account. If you’ve logged out or aren’t currently logged in, you won’t see the Settings option in the top right menu.

To access Settings, first make sure you’re logged into the correct Facebook account by clicking on your profile picture in the top right. This will bring up a menu – if it says “Log In” at the top, you’ll need to enter your Facebook credentials to log back in.

Your account is restricted

In some cases, Facebook may restrict access to certain features and menus on your account. This can happen if you violate Facebook’s terms of service or community standards.

Restricted accounts may not have access to the Settings menu or the ability to edit profile information, post content, send messages, etc. You’ll need to resolve whatever issue got your account restricted in order to regain full access.

You’re viewing Facebook in a different language

The Settings menu may also be labeled differently if you are accessing Facebook in a language other than English. For example, in Spanish it would be “Configuración” and in French it would be “Paramètres.”

If you don’t see the term “Settings” in the top menu, look for the translation in the language you’re viewing Facebook in. The location stays the same in the top right corner.

The Settings menu has moved

Facebook occasionally moves options around in the user interface. It’s possible they may have relocated the Settings menu for some users.

If you don’t see Settings in the top right corner, try clicking on the downward arrow or three line “hamburger” icon. This will open a larger menu – Settings may have been moved into this expanded menu.

You’re using an outdated version of Facebook

Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app installed on your device or that you’re using an up-to-date browser if accessing Facebook from a computer.

Outdated versions may not include all of Facebook’s newest features and menus. Updating your app or doing a hard refresh of your browser cache can help load the current version.

Your browser has an add-on or extension interfering

Some browser extensions, like ad blockers, can sometimes interfere with page elements loading correctly. Try disabling any add-ons you have enabled in your browser and see if that brings back the Settings option.

You can also try accessing Facebook from a private/incognito browsing window where extensions are generally disabled by default.

Cookies are blocked on your browser

Facebook uses cookies to remember your logged in session and customize settings. If you have disabled cookies in your browser settings, it can break certain site features.

Try enabling cookies and reloading the page. The Settings menu should appear as normal once cookies are allowed.

Your browser needs to be refreshed

In rare cases, a simple browser refresh can fix menu issues like this. Try reloading the page to clear out any stuck caches or glitches.

You can also do a force refresh by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F5 on Windows or Command + Shift + R on Mac. This does a hard refresh of the page contents.

There’s a temporary technical issue

Like any website, Facebook can have intermittent technical issues that cause problems with accessing certain features. It’s possible you’re seeing an error due to a temporary glitch.

Check Downdetector to see if others are reporting widespread problems with Facebook. If so, the Settings menu may become available once the issue is resolved.


In most cases, not seeing the Settings menu is caused by something simple like being logged out of Facebook. Refreshing your browser, updating Facebook, and checking your browser extensions can also help restore access.

If the Settings menu is still missing without explanation, you may need to contact Facebook support for additional troubleshooting. Continued access issues could indicate your account is restricted, in which case you’ll need to resolve that with Facebook directly.

Potential Cause Solution
Not logged into Facebook Log into your Facebook account
Account is restricted Resolve any violations and appeal restrictions
Viewing Facebook in different language Look for “Settings” translation in that language
Settings menu has moved Check hamburger menu for Settings
Using outdated Facebook version Update Facebook app or refresh browser
Browser extension interference Disable extensions and try private browsing
Cookies blocked Enable cookies for Facebook domain
Browser cache needs refresh Force refresh browser (Ctrl/Command + Shift + R)
Temporary technical issue Check for outage at

Not being able to access Settings on Facebook can be frustrating. Hopefully one of these troubleshooting tips will help restore your access. If the issue persists, don’t hesitate to contact Facebook support for help getting your settings back.

When did Facebook introduce the Settings menu?

The Settings menu on Facebook has been around for over a decade. It was introduced in 2008 as part of a site redesign that streamlined and centralized various account settings.

Prior to 2008, most settings were spread across different pages like Account Settings, Privacy Settings, App Settings, and Notifications Settings. The redesign created a single Settings page with categories to house all these options.

What options are available in Facebook Settings?

Facebook Settings allows you to configure the following categories of options:

  • Account – Change contact info, language, usernames, add profiles
  • Security – Manage login approvals, trusted contacts, two-factor authentication
  • Login and Security – Edit or remove login methods, view security logins
  • Privacy – Control visibility of posts, limit audience, manage blocked users
  • Notifications – Manage email, push, text notifications for Facebook activity
  • Ads – Adjust ad preferences and interests used for targeting
  • Apps and Websites – Manage connected apps, remove permissions

There are also settings for topics like manage contacts, regional preferences, accessibility, payments, and subscriptions.

How do I access Facebook Settings on mobile?

The easiest way to access Settings on the Facebook mobile app is:

  1. Tap the hamburger menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right
  2. Scroll down and tap “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Tap “Settings” to view the full settings menu

You can also tap on “More” from the main menu and select “Settings & Privacy > Settings” to get to the same place.

Why can I only see limited settings on mobile?

Facebook’s mobile apps show a truncated version of the full desktop settings. This is primarily for usability since mobile screens are smaller.

You’ll find basic settings like account settings, security, privacy shortcuts, notifications, and ads in the mobile Settings menu. More advanced options require using the Facebook website.

If you are looking for a specific setting not available on mobile, you can log into Facebook from a browser to access the full desktop settings.

How do I use Facebook Settings on a computer?

To access Settings on the Facebook website from your computer:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right to open the menu
  2. Select “Settings” to open the Settings page
  3. Use the left sidebar to navigate between categories
  4. Click on a specific setting to open the editor
  5. Make changes and click “Save” or “Done” when finished

This allows full access to all Facebook settings that may not be available or easy to find in the mobile apps.

What are some key settings I should update?

Here are some important Facebook settings worth checking and updating:

  • Privacy – Control who can see posts, profile info, contacts
  • Ads – Manage interests Facebook uses to target ads
  • Security – Set up two-factor authentication
  • Notifications – Adjust notification settings
  • Apps – Remove permissions for unused apps
  • Account – Confirm contact info is current

Regularly reviewing these settings helps ensure your account is secure, your information is private, and you have control over your Facebook experience.

What happens if my account gets hacked?

If your Facebook account is hacked or compromised, here are some steps to take:

  1. Log out of all active sessions – this secures your account
  2. Change your password to something strong
  3. Enable two-factor authentication for extra security
  4. Check Settings and remove anything suspicious like unknown logins or app permissions
  5. Scan devices for malware in case of a device hijack
  6. Report the hack to Facebook so they can investigate

Recovering a hacked Facebook account quickly limits the amount of damage that can be done. Make sure friends know the account was compromised in case of fake messages or posts.

Can I download my Facebook data?

Yes, Facebook allows you to download all the data associated with your account:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu
  3. Click “Download Your Information”
  4. Select data types to download or “Select All”
  5. Click “Create File” to request the download

Facebook will assemble your archive and email you a link to download it when ready. This can take a few minutes up to a few days depending on how much data is gathered.

How often does Facebook update Settings?

Facebook frequently updates the Settings menu with new options and categories. Major settings updates happen a few times per year.

Some examples of recent notable Settings changes include:

  • June 2022 – Added “Account Status” section
  • May 2022 – Updated “Audience and Visibility” controls
  • March 2022 – Added more “Security and Login” protections
  • February 2022 – Rolled out updated “Privacy Policy and Terms” section

Settings are usually updated incrementally rather than all at once. Changes reflect new Facebook features, user feedback, and security priorities.

The best way to stay on top of Settings changes is to review your options regularly. When Facebook introduces something new, it often prompts you to review relevant settings.

How do I change my language settings back to English?

If your Facebook language has been changed to something other than English, use these steps to switch it back:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right
  2. Open “Configuración” or the translation for “Settings”
  3. Go to “Idioma y región” or the translation for “Language and Region”
  4. Under “Idioma” or “Language”, select “English (US)”
  5. Click “Guardar cambios” or the translation for “Save Changes”

This will change the interface language back to English. You can repeat these steps for any other languages if you want to switch again later.

Why can’t I find the Manage Contacts setting?

Facebook removed the dedicated “Manage Contacts” page in late 2021. Contacts can still be managed, but the settings were relocated.

To manage your imported contacts:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left menu
  3. Select “Contacts” to manage contacts

This is now the only way to access and edit contact settings on Facebook. The old direct “Manage Contacts” page no longer exists.