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Why can’t I see professional mode on my profile?

Why can’t I see professional mode on my profile?

Not being able to access the professional mode on your profile can be frustrating. Here are some quick answers to common questions about this issue:

My profile is set to public but I don’t see the professional mode toggle

LinkedIn rolled out the new professional mode to select members in stages. Even if your profile is public, you may not have access yet. LinkedIn says they plan to provide access to all members over time.

Do I need a premium account for professional mode?

No, you do not need a premium account for professional mode. It is available for free to all members, but is still gradually rolling out.

I turned on professional mode but now I don’t see it. What happened?

It’s possible LinkedIn did some testing by turning professional mode on/off for some users. If you don’t see the toggle anymore, it likely means they turned it off for your account as part of the gradual rollout process.

Here is a more detailed look at some common questions and issues around accessing professional mode on LinkedIn:

What is LinkedIn professional mode?

LinkedIn professional mode is a feature that allows you to customize your public profile for a more professional presentation. Here are some key things to know about professional mode:

  • Lets you hide metrics like number of connections and followers
  • Allows you to pin featured content to the top of your profile
  • Gives you a dedicated space for an intro/bio section
  • Enables you to rearrange profile sections

Overall, professional mode gives you more control over how your profile looks and what visitors see when viewing it in a professional context.

Who can use LinkedIn professional mode?

Professional mode is available for all LinkedIn members, but is rolling out gradually. Here are some key facts about access:

  • You must have a public profile to use professional mode
  • The feature is not available for private profiles at this time
  • LinkedIn is enabling professional mode for batches of members over time
  • Not everyone has access yet, but LinkedIn plans to roll it out globally

How do I turn on professional mode?

If professional mode is available for your account, here are the steps to activate it:

  1. Go to your profile page
  2. Look for the “Turn on professional mode” toggle switch
  3. Flip the toggle to the “on” position
  4. Click “Save changes” to apply your settings

Once enabled, you will see your profile display in professional mode. You can customize the look and feel further in the settings.

Why don’t I see the professional mode toggle?

If the professional mode toggle is missing from your profile, here are some possible reasons why:

  • Your profile is still set to private mode – professional mode requires a public profile
  • LinkedIn has not enabled professional mode for your account yet
  • You are accessing LinkedIn through the mobile app (toggle only on desktop site)
  • You have another setting blocking the professional mode toggle from displaying

The most common reason is that LinkedIn simply hasn’t granted the access yet, as they are still rolling out the feature. Try checking again in a few weeks if you still don’t see it.

What options can I customize in professional mode?

Once enabled, professional mode allows you to customize your profile in a few key areas:

  • Featured section – Pin content like publications, projects, media etc. to the top of your profile
  • Introduction – Add a bio/intro section with details about yourself and your work
  • Reordering sections – Arrange profile sections like Work Experience and Education in your preferred order
  • Turning off metrics – Hide public view counts for your connections, followers, etc.

You can access these options through the “Professional mode settings” link on your profile after turning the feature on.

Is professional mode the same as a Creator profile?

No, LinkedIn professional mode and LinkedIn Creator profiles are separate features. Here are some key differences:

Professional Mode Creator Profile
Available for all members Only for members approved as LinkedIn Creators
Focuses on profile customization Provides metrics and insights for creators
Doesn’t offer creator metrics Provides content performance analytics

In summary, professional mode provides profile customization options, while the creator profile gives creators analytics and tools tailored for content publishing on LinkedIn.

Why don’t I see some profile sections when professional mode is on?

With professional mode enabled, you have the flexibility to show or hide certain profile sections. Some sections may not appear because you have them turned off.

To adjust which sections are visible or hidden in professional mode:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Professional mode settings”
  2. Scroll down to the “Show or hide profile sections” area
  3. Toggle sections on or off based on whether you want them displayed
  4. Click “Save changes” to apply your settings

With professional mode, you can pick and choose which profile sections to showcase based on your preferences.

Can I use professional mode on mobile?

At the time of launch, professional mode is only available when accessing LinkedIn through the desktop website. Mobile support has not been added yet.

Some key limitations on mobile:

  • You can’t turn professional mode on or off in the LinkedIn app
  • Any profile customizations made on desktop will not apply on mobile
  • Your profile will display in regular mode, not professional mode

Hopefully LinkedIn adds support for professional mode in the mobile app soon. But for now, the feature is limited to the desktop experience.

Does professional mode work on tablet devices?

Tablet support for professional mode depends on which LinkedIn interface you are using on your device:

  • Mobile app – Professional mode does NOT work on the tablet mobile app
  • Desktop website – Professional mode IS supported when accessing the full desktop website on a tablet

So you can enable and customize professional mode through the desktop site on a tablet, but not through the LinkedIn tablet app at this time.

Can I A/B test different profile looks with professional mode?

Yes, the flexibility of professional mode makes it possible to A/B test different profile variations:

  • Create one version with certain sections in a specific order
  • Create another version with a different arrangement of sections
  • Switch between versions by toggling professional mode on/off
  • See which version drives more profile views, engagement, etc.

By saving different professional mode settings, you can easily A/B test profile layouts and content sections.

Is professional mode available for job seekers?

Job seekers can definitely take advantage of professional mode to showcase their background and skills to employers and recruiters.

Here are some ways job seekers can use professional mode on their LinkedIn profile:

  • Craft a compelling intro/bio section that summarizes your experience and value proposition
  • Reorder sections to put your strongest assets front and center, like Work Experience for senior roles or Education for recent grads
  • Hide distracting metrics like number of connections to keep the focus on your professional details
  • Pin key projects, certifications, publications or media to the top of your profile as featured content

Overall, professional mode gives job seekers more control in presenting their professional brand on LinkedIn to stand out to recruiters and hiring managers. The feature is available to all members, including those looking for new job opportunities.

Can I use professional mode when applying to jobs?

Yes, job seekers can leverage professional mode when applying to jobs in the following ways:

  • Turn on professional mode before applying to jobs to showcase your profile to recruiters
  • Customize your profile sections and intro to highlight skills and experience for the roles you are targeting
  • Make sure featured content at the top of your profile is relevant to the jobs you are applying for
  • Keep your profile in professional mode when networking with recruiters and hiring managers
  • Monitor profile views and engagement to see how recruiters interact with your professional profile

Professional mode gives you more control over the information recruiters see when viewing your LinkedIn profile during the job search process. Take advantage of the feature when applying to make a strong first impression.

Should I keep professional mode on all the time?

That depends on your goals and priorities for your LinkedIn presence. Here are some pros and cons to keeping professional mode on permanently versus toggling it on and off as needed:

Keeping It On

  • Your profile always displays in its professional layout
  • One less thing to worry about when networking or applying to jobs
  • Consistency for your personal brand and public presence

Toggling It

  • Lets you A/B test different profile layouts
  • Keep your main profile viewable when not actively job searching
  • Switch it on when needing your profile in professional presentation

In general, keeping professional mode on ensures your profile is consistently in its professional state for networking and job searching. But toggling can be useful for testing or when you don’t need the professional view active.

What type of content should I feature in professional mode?

The content you feature on your professional LinkedIn profile depends on your industry, career goals and priorities you want to showcase. Here are some types of content to consider:

  • Relevant work samples/portfolio pieces
  • Publications, presentations or projects related to your expertise
  • Media coverage, awards or testimonials that build credibility
  • Certifications or courses that highlight new skills
  • Volunteer work or leadership activities that showcase soft skills

Focus on featuring samples of your best work, personal highlights and anything that communicates your unique experience, skills and abilities to stand out for professional roles. Choose featured content that aligns with the impression you want to make.

Should I turn off the number of connections in professional mode?

Whether to show or hide your number of LinkedIn connections in professional mode depends on your personal preferences and goals for your profile.

Here are some pros and cons of displaying vs. hiding your connections count:

Show Connections

  • Demonstrates your network reach and relationships
  • Higher number can build credibility and influence
  • Gives recruiters a sense of your connectivity

Hide Connections

  • Keeps focus on skills, experience and credentials
  • Avoids overemphasizing volume of connections
  • Profile appears less cluttered and distraction-free

In general, those newer to LinkedIn or with smaller networks may prefer hiding their connections count in professional mode. Those with larger networks may want to keep it visible. But personal preferences should drive the decision.

Can I reorder education and work sections in professional mode?

Yes, one of the benefits of LinkedIn’s professional mode is the ability to customize the order of profile sections like work experience and education.

To reorder sections in professional mode:

1. Go to your profile and click “Professional mode settings”

2. Scroll down to the “Drag to reorder profile sections” area

3. Click and drag sections like Work Experience and Education to arrange them as desired

4. Click “Save changes” to apply new section order

With this flexibility, you can:

– Prioritize your Work Experience or Education section

– Break up like sections with others in between

– Group sections however fits your professional narrative best

Take advantage of reordering sections in professional mode to present your profile and background to your liking.

Can I edit the intro section in professional mode?

Yes, professional mode on LinkedIn provides a dedicated space for an introduction or “About” section where you can customize descriptive text about yourself.

To edit the intro:

1. Turn on professional mode in your profile settings

2. Click on the pencil icon in the intro section to open the editor

3. Enter or modify the text and formatting using the editor toolbar

4. Click “Save” when finished with your intro text

Tips for an effective profile intro:

– Keep it concise and scannable

– Lead with an impressive summary or value proposition

– Use formatting like bullet points to highlight key info

– Tailor messaging to your target audience

– Align intro with your professional brand and goals

Take advantage of the customizable intro section in professional mode to engage visitors and make a strong first impression.

Can I change the profile background photo in professional mode?

LinkedIn does not currently allow you to set a customizable background photo for your profile through professional mode.

However, there are a couple ways to change up your profile’s visual header:

– Update your profile photo – this appears prominently in the header area

– Update your cover photo – provides a background visual behind your profile info

– Showcase featured media content – photos, videos, etc. pinned to the top of your profile

So while you can’t explicitly choose a profile background photo, you can change the visual experience through:

– Profile & cover photos for personal branding

– Featured visual content to add visual interest

– Shortening profile sections to keep key info “above the fold”

Take advantage of these options within the constraints of LinkedIn’s profile design to showcase your professional brand.

What are LinkedIn’s future plans for professional mode?

LinkedIn has hinted at some future capabilities they are exploring for professional mode, including:

– Mobile support – enable managing professional mode on iOS and Android apps

– Analytics – provide data like profile views and engagement

– More branding – expanded options for intro text, color themes, etc.

– Profile templates – preset layouts or themes to choose from

– Enhanced customization – additional options for rearranging sections

– Group profiles – tools for Showcasing Company Pages in professional mode

So in the future, we may see professional mode become more robust with increased personalization, analytics, and flexibility for branding on LinkedIn profiles.

For now, the capabilities focus mainly on customizing the structure and visibility of profile content. But the feature is likely to evolve over time based on LinkedIn’s product roadmap.


LinkedIn’s roll out of professional mode profiles provides new options for members to customize and control how their profile appears to other users of the platform. While availability is still limited as LinkedIn finishes enabling the feature, professional mode offers helpful tools for crafting an impressive profile tailored to your professional goals. Take advantage of the capabilities once you have access to present your best self on LinkedIn to employers, recruiters, and your wider network.