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Why can’t I see my friends friends list?

Why can’t I see my friends friends list?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to see a friend’s friends list on social media platforms like Facebook:

Your friend has set their friends list to private

The most likely reason you can’t see someone’s friends list is that they have set their privacy settings to keep their friends list private. On Facebook, users can choose from 3 friends list privacy settings:

  • Public: Anyone can see your friends list.
  • Friends: Only your friends can see your friends list.
  • Only Me: No one else can see your friends list.

If your friend has their friends list set to “Only Me” or “Friends”, you won’t be able to view it since you aren’t in their friends list. This is done for privacy reasons – some people may not want strangers or acquaintances seeing who their friends are.

You aren’t friends on Facebook

On Facebook, you can only see the friends lists of people who you are also friends with on the platform. If you aren’t directly connected as friends with someone, you won’t have access to view their friends list. You’ll only see mutual friends that you share.

So if you want to view a specific person’s Facebook friends, you need to send them a friend request first. Once they confirm it, their friends list should become visible to you (unless they have the privacy set to “Only Me”.)

Your friend has blocked you

If your friend has blocked you on Facebook, you will no longer be able to see any information about their profile, including their friends list. Facebook blocks completely remove you from the person’s profile and prevents you from viewing any of their friends or posts.

You can check if you’ve been blocked by searching for the person’s profile directly. If it doesn’t come up in search, that likely means you’ve been blocked. You won’t get any notification when someone blocks you, so this is the only way to really check.

Your friend has deactivated their account

If someone has temporarily deactivated their Facebook account, their entire profile will disappear until they reactive it. This includes their friends lists. Deactivating an account removes it from the platform, but saves all the data so it can be easily reinstated.

You will be able to view their friends list again once they reactivate their account by logging back in. Deactivations often only last a few days or weeks before the person comes back.

There’s a technical issue

In rare cases, you may be encountering a technical glitch on Facebook that is preventing you from viewing a specific friends list. Issues like site bugs, connectivity problems, or app issues could block access.

Try viewing the list from a computer instead of mobile, disconnect and reconnect your internet access, or update your Facebook app to see if that fixes any technical problems. If the issue persists, reporting it to Facebook may help get it resolved faster.

You have been restricted

In some cases, a Facebook user can restrict specific people from seeing parts of their profile, including their friends list. This is different than blocking outright, but can prevent you from accessing details about their connections.

You may have been placed on a restricted list by that friend for privacy reasons or due to a conflict or disagreement between you. The person has the right to choose who sees certain profile info, so restricting access may be their resolution if they don’t want to fully block you.

Their account was memorialized

If a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized or permanently frozen in time. Memorialized accounts remain on the platform as a place for friends and family to post memories and condolences.

However, memorialized profiles remove any friends lists and prevent new friend requests. This means you won’t be able to view a friends list for someone who has passed away and had their account memorialized due to their death.


Not being able to see someone’s Facebook friends list typically comes down to their personal privacy settings or restrictions based on your relationship and connection to them. In most cases, you simply aren’t meant to be able to access that information about their profile connections and activity.

If you think it’s a mistake or want to resolve the situation, try communicating directly with your friend to request access or understand why you were restricted. With the right privacy settings and mutual understanding, you should be able to view their friends list.

Reason Explanation
Private friends list settings Your friend has set their list to private, friends only, or just themselves
Not friends on Facebook You need to be directly connected as friends to view friends lists
You’ve been blocked Blocks prevent you from seeing any profile info including friends
Deactivated account All profile info is temporarily removed until they reactive
Technical issues Bugs or glitches may prevent access
Restricted access Your friend can customize who sees what parts of their profile
Memorialized account Friends lists are removed from memorialized profiles

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can I see some friends lists but not others?

If you notice you can’t view just certain friends lists, it likely means those specific people have stricter privacy settings or have restricted you. Friends lists you can see are public or owned by friends who haven’t limited access.

Can I request access to view a friend’s list?

You can send a message to a friend asking them to change their settings to allow you to view their list. However, it’s ultimately up to them – don’t pressure friends if they seem hesitant about privacy.

I used to see the list but now I can’t – what happened?

If access was removed, your friend likely changed their privacy settings or restricted you recently. A deactivated account or new block could also be preventing access.

Are some friends lists always public?

No, every user can choose their privacy settings. Some may keep it public, but nobody is required to do so. Don’t assume a friends list is open without double checking the permissions.

Can I see friends of friends even if we aren’t directly connected?

No, you can only view mutual friends that you share with someone. Without the direct friend connection, you can’t see extended friends lists.

What if I think it’s a glitch?

Technical issues are rare, but can happen. Try troubleshooting by switching browsers or apps, clearing cookies and cache, or reporting the problem. But it’s likely just privacy settings.

Will unfriending fix the problem so I can refriend and see their list?

No, unfriending and re-sending a friend request won’t override any privacy settings already in place on their end. This could also damage the friendship.

Steps to Gain Access

If you want to gain access to view a restricted friends list, here are some steps to take:

  1. Double check your own privacy settings. Make sure you don’t have restrictions preventing friends from seeing your info.
  2. Send a polite message asking if they can change the settings for you. Explain why you would like to see the list.
  3. Wait patiently for their decision and don’t pressure them if declined.
  4. Offer to adjust your settings or relationship to reassure them.
  5. Rethink your need to see the list vs. respecting their privacy.
  6. Accept that it’s their information to share or hide as they want.

With compromise and mutual understanding, they may be willing to grant access. But always respect a “no” if they decide to keep their friends list private from you.


Here are the key takeaways on why you may not be able to view a friend’s Facebook friends list:

  • Privacy settings, restrictions, blocks, and memorializations can all prevent access.
  • You need a confirmed friend connection to view friends lists.
  • Technical issues are rare but can cause problems until resolved.
  • Ask politely for access – but respect denials and focus on your friendship.
  • Their friends list is their private information to control access to.

With over 2 billion Facebook users, protecting privacy is crucial. Keep these reasons and tips in mind when you come across friends lists you can’t view – and always respect your friends’ choices!