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Why can’t I see my friends Facebook posts?

Why can’t I see my friends Facebook posts?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be seeing all of your friends’ Facebook posts in your News Feed:

Your News Feed settings

Facebook allows you to customize what shows up in your News Feed through your News Feed Preferences. Here are some settings that could be preventing you from seeing posts:

  • Filtered Words – You can choose words or phrases that you don’t want to see posts about in your News Feed. If your friends are posting about those filtered terms, you won’t see them.
  • Hide Posts – You can hide posts from specific friends, Pages or groups. Their posts will no longer show up in your feed.
  • Unfollowed Friends – If you unfollow a friend, their public posts will no longer appear in your News Feed. You can still visit their profile to see their posts.
  • Snoozed Friends – Snoozing a friend temporarily hides their posts in your News Feed for 30 days. You can unsnooze them early to see their posts again.

Check your News Feed Preferences and make sure you haven’t filtered words, hidden posts, unfollowed or snoozed friends that you want to see updates from.

Facebook’s algorithm

Facebook uses a complex algorithm to determine what posts show up at the top of your News Feed. Posts you are more likely to engage with will show up higher. This means you may sometimes miss posts from friends if other content is being prioritized in your feed.

Things that can impact what you see include:

  • How often you interact with a friend’s posts – Frequently liking, commenting on or sharing a friend’s posts means you’re more likely to see their future posts.
  • Types of posts you tend to engage with – Facebook will show you more of the types of posts they think you’re interested in.
  • How recent a post is – More recent posts are more likely to appear towards the top of your feed.
  • Paid promotions – Pages and advertisers can pay to boost their posts, putting them higher in your News Feed.

So if you have some friends that you don’t interact with as frequently, their posts may get buried further down your News Feed beneath other content.

They aren’t posting

It’s also possible your friends just aren’t posting updates as often anymore. Things that could be preventing your friends from posting include:

  • Changing habits – They may not be posting as much personal content anymore.
  • Posting to other networks – They could be more active on other social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat etc.
  • Posting to Groups – Your friend may be posting more in private Facebook Groups that you aren’t a member of.
  • Post filters – They could be using filters that exclude you from seeing certain posts.

Check out your friends’ profiles and see if they seem active on Facebook. If not, they may just not be posting much these days.

Restricted audience

Another possibility is that your friends are posting updates but with an audience restriction, so you are not able to see them.

Facebook allows users to control who can see a post by choosing an audience. For example, they could post an update and limit it to only their close friends list or a custom friend list that you are not on. If they are frequently posting updates with a limited audience, you will miss seeing those posts in your feed.

There’s no way for you to tell if this is happening since restricted posts are hidden from you. But if you notice a friend seems active but you rarely see their posts, this could be why.

They blocked or unfriended you

The most extreme possibility is that your friend either blocked you or unfriended you on Facebook. Unfortunately there is no notification when this happens.

If someone blocks you, it severely limits what you can see on their profile and prevents you from contacting them. You may still see their comments on mutual friends’ posts, but you will no longer see their profile pictures or posts in your feed.

If someone unfriends you, it completely cuts off your connection on Facebook. You will no longer see any of their activity, be able to visit their profile or contact them.

Check your friend list and any recent messages to see if someone you expected to see is no longer there. If so, they may have blocked or unfriended you, and that is why you can no longer see their posts.

How to see more posts from friends

If you want to see more updates from specific friends in your News Feed, here are some tips:

  • Like, comment on and share their posts whenever you see them. This tells Facebook you want to see more of their content.
  • Visit their profile page directly and engage with their posts there. You can even turn on notifications so you’re alerted when they make a new post.
  • Add them to your Close Friends list for more visibility. Facebook gives preference to close connections.
  • Temporarily snooze or unfollow other connections to declutter your feed and highlight posts from certain friends.
  • Adjust your News Feed Preferences to make sure you haven’t hidden posts from them.
  • Invite them to also follow you on other social networks where you may be more active.

Making an effort to proactively engage with your friends’ content will go a long way in keeping their posts visible in your ever-changing News Feed.

Troubleshooting missing friends

If you still aren’t seeing any posts from a friend in your News Feed, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take:

  1. Check that you are still friends – Go to their profile and confirm you are still connected. If not, send a new friend request.
  2. See if they restricted you – Look for any recent posts on their profile that would not be visible to you based on the audience. If so, they may have you restricted.
  3. Ask a mutual friend – Have a close mutual friend check if they can see posts the missing friend recently made. If they can, the issue is on your end.
  4. Check other networks – See if they are still active on platforms like Instagram, Twitter etc where you follow each other. If their accounts are gone, they may have left social media.
  5. Send them a message – Politely ask if they’ve been actively posting updates you aren’t seeing. They may confirm you’ve been restricted or reveal that they aren’t really active.

With a bit of sleuthing and open communication, you should be able to get to the bottom of why posts are missing from a friend. But also be prepared to accept that friendships and social media habits change over time.


Not seeing posts from your friends can be frustrating, but is usually easily explained. Be aware of your News Feed settings, Facebook’s algorithm, your friends’ privacy controls and posting habits, and whether your connection has been blocked or severed entirely.

With some adjustments to how you interact with friends’ content, proactive engagement when you do see their posts, and troubleshooting of missing connections, you should be able to regain visibility into what your friends are posting.