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Why can’t I see my boyfriend’s relationship status on Facebook?

Why can’t I see my boyfriend’s relationship status on Facebook?

There are a few possible reasons why you may not be able to see your boyfriend’s relationship status on Facebook:

He has not updated his relationship status

The most obvious reason is that your boyfriend simply has not updated his relationship status to indicate that he is in a relationship with you. Unless he proactively changes his status to “In a Relationship” or “In a Relationship with [Your Name],” his relationship status will remain blank or will still show whatever it was before you started dating.

Some people frequently update their relationship status when they enter or leave relationships, but others do not bother changing it very often or at all. Your boyfriend may fall into the latter group and simply has not gotten around to updating his info. Or he may prefer to keep his relationship status private rather than post it publicly on Facebook. This does not necessarily mean anything bad; it only indicates that he has not taken that step to officially confirm your relationship on his profile.

His privacy settings are limiting who can see his info

Your boyfriend may have used Facebook’s privacy settings to limit who is able to view his relationship status and other personal information. There are a few options for how to configure these settings:

  • Show relationship status to Only Me – no one else can see it
  • Show relationship status to Friends Only – only his confirmed Friends list can see it
  • Show relationship status to Friends of Friends or Public – wider audience can see it

If your boyfriend has used the “Only Me” or “Friends Only” options, that would explain why you are not able to see his relationship status – you would have to be included on his Friends list in order to have access. These privacy limits also apply to other info like Family Members, Workplace, Education History, Birthday, and more.

He has blocked you from seeing his profile and posts

On the more extreme end, it’s possible your boyfriend has outright blocked you from viewing his Facebook profile and posts. If he has done this, it means you would be entirely unable to see his profile picture, cover photo, posts, About info, and of course his relationship status. The only indication you would get that he has blocked you is that his profile would appear completely blank if you tried to visit it while logged into your own account.

People usually block ex-partners, people they do not get along with, or others they wish to prevent from interacting with them on Facebook. If you have had a particularly messy breakup or other issues with your boyfriend, that could motivate him to block you. However, keep in mind that there are also minor tech glitches that can sometimes make a Facebook profile appear hidden, so he may not have intentionally blocked you.

He removed you as a Friend

Along the same lines, your boyfriend may have specifically removed you from his Friends list. Just like blocking, this would prohibit you from viewing his relationship status or any other personal information he has shared. The difference is that removing someone as a Friend is less extreme than blocking – with blocking, he would disappear from your Friends list as well, whereas removing you only impacts what you can access on his end. However, in both cases the practical effect would be that his profile seems to have no relationship status displayed to you.

His account was disabled or deleted

On a broader level, you would also not be able to see your boyfriend’s relationship status if he no longer has an active Facebook account. There are a couple scenarios that could cause this:

  • He deactivated his account – This makes the profile disappear temporarily but can be reversed simply by logging back in
  • He disabled his account – This is more permanent and requires going through an appeals process to reactivate
  • He deleted his account – This is permanent and all his info is erased from Facebook

Any of these actions would obviously mean his relationship status totally disappears from public view. Before assuming he took one of these steps, you may want to check with any mutual friends or try searching his name to see if his profile still exists without you having access.

His profile is glitching

Lessdramatically, a minor technical glitch could also be to blame for an unavailable relationship status. Facebook’s interface has been known to suffer occasional bugs and quirks that affect visibility of profile info. If other people are able to see your boyfriend’s relationship status perfectly fine, that points to some kind of glitch only impacting what you see on your end.

Try logging out and back into Facebook to reset the issue. You can also report the problem through Facebook’s Help Center. There may be a simple fix like refreshing the page or clearing your browser cache. For any glitches, it’s usually a good idea to check if other people can view his info normally before assuming his is intentionally hiding something from you.

How to gain access to his relationship status

If you want to get to the bottom of why your boyfriend’s relationship status is not visible, there are a few practical steps you can take:

  • Ask to be Friends if you are not already connected on Facebook – This is the first step for gaining access
  • Check your own privacy settings – Make sure you did not limit visibility of your own list of Friends
  • Look for evidence that he blocked you – This could show up through mutual connections
  • Try accessing his profile from a Friend’s account – See if his info is visible to others
  • Speak with him directly about it – Having an open conversation is best

In most cases, there is unlikely anything nefarious going on, so avoid jumping to conclusions. Assuming you are on good terms, your boyfriend should be willing to explain if you just ask about it. If he is reluctant to give you access, that would be more reason for concern.

Reasons why he may not list the relationship

There are also a variety of personal reasons why your boyfriend might avoid publicly posting his relationship status with you, including:

  • Wants to keep your relationship private from certain circles like family, coworkers, etc.
  • Does not want to receive too many questions or comments about the relationship
  • Had a bad experience after going Facebook official with a past girlfriend
  • Does not want to trigger an ex-partner or cause drama
  • Prefers to keep his dating life separate from social media presence
  • Simply forgets or does not care to update status very often

None of these motivations are necessarily suspicious or relationship-threatening on their own. Lots of people opt to keep new relationships under wraps at first or have different comfort levels for what they share publicly online. It’s a good idea to have an open conversation with your boyfriend about both of your expectations surrounding social media and privacy.

How to approach the situation

If it really bothers you not to have visible confirmation of your relationship status, here are some tips for how to bring it up tactfully with your boyfriend:

  • Avoid angry accusations – Keep the conversation calm and thoughtful
  • Listen to his reasons first before making judgments
  • Acknowledge his right to privacy if that is his wish
  • Explain why it’s meaningful to you and makes you feel more secure
  • See if a compromise is possible like limiting visibility
  • Focus on strengthening your actual connection, not just online profiles

Having a mature, caring dialogue about this can help get you on the same page. If he is still resistant, evaluate whether it is such a core issue that the relationship cannot work, or if you are able to be flexible and accept it. But communicating your feelings is an important starting point if Facebook status visibility matters to you.

How to feel more secure in your relationship without the online status

While having your connection clearly validated on social media can be reassuring, there are healthier ways to gain confidence and security in your relationship even if you cannot see his Facebook status, such as:

  • Focusing on his actions and how he treats you in real life
  • Having regular open and honest conversations to stay connected
  • Making quality time together a priority and sticking to commitments
  • Respecting each other’s need for autonomy and space
  • Finding alignment on core values and relationship goals
  • Celebrating positive milestones reached as a couple

A strong foundation based on trust, vulnerability, dependability, and intimacy makes a relationship fulfilling with or without the social media label. Try to gain perspective if you are placing too much weight on this one piece of information. Backing off pressuring him may also make him more comfortable taking that step when the time is right.

When to be concerned

There are a few cases where your boyfriend hiding his Facebook relationship status could be more alarming, including:

  • He was recently listed as Single, then changed it to hidden after you brought it up
  • You see him actively avoiding tagging you or mentioning he has a girlfriend
  • He says he will update it but keeps stalling and making excuses
  • Mutual friends seem uncomfortable discussing his status with you
  • There are other signs he may be hiding something bigger

Situations like these could point to a confirmation issue or unwillingness to fully commit. Have a candid talk and try not to come across as accusatory. If he cannot give you legitimate, reassuring reasons, it may unfortunately signify he is not ready for an exclusive relationship.


Not being able to see your boyfriend’s relationship status can naturally be upsetting, especially if he used to have it displayed. However, there are many practical motivations for him to keep that information private or limited to certain groups. Having an open, vulnerable dialogue and focusing on your offline connection is key.

If his reasons seem suspicious or you cannot get on the same page, it may be a red flag signaling immaturity or lack of readiness for commitment. But in most cases, this single piece of social media information does not have to undermine an otherwise healthy relationship. Try to extend grace and not pressure or guilt him. With trust and compromise, you can gain confidence with or without the official relationship status.

Some of the key takeaways to remember are:

  • Do not assume the worst without calmly communicating
  • Respect his privacy wishes if that is his preference
  • Evaluate whether this is a dealbreaker for you or something you can let go
  • Build security through openness and quality time together
  • Focus on your real-life connection as the top priority

With the right perspective and maturity from both people, your relationship can thrive with or without the formality of a Facebook status. Use this as an opportunity to set healthy precedents for communication and trust as you move forward in your relationship journey together.

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