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Why can’t I see my admin invite on Facebook?

Why can’t I see my admin invite on Facebook?

Facebook group admins can invite members to become admins of their groups. However, sometimes an invited member may not see or receive the admin invitation from the original admin. There are a few potential reasons why this can happen.

You haven’t accepted the admin invite yet

When a Facebook group admin sends you an invitation to become a co-admin, you will receive a notification of this invitation. However, the invitation will not show up in your list of groups that you administrate until you formally accept the invitation.

So if you were recently invited to be a co-admin but don’t see the group on your “Groups You Manage” list, it’s likely because you simply haven’t accepted the invite yet. To accept an admin invitation:

  • Go to your Facebook notifications and look for the notification about being invited to be a group admin.
  • Click on the notification.
  • On the next page, click the “Accept” button to confirm that you want to be a co-admin.

Once you formally accept the invitation through these steps, the group should now appear on your “Groups You Manage” list within your Groups section.

The admin invitation expired

Facebook group admin invitations expire after 14 days if not accepted. So if it has been over 2 weeks since you were invited to be a co-admin, the invitation may have simply expired.

When an admin invitation expires, you will no longer have the option to accept the invitation. The only way to become an admin is if the original admin re-sends a new co-admin invitation.

So if you notice an old notification about being invited to be an admin but can no longer accept it, this means the invitation has expired. To resolve this, reach out to the group admin and ask them to re-send a fresh invitation.

You are in the group with a different account

Facebook allows you to be part of the same group with multiple accounts. So it’s possible the group admin invited one of your accounts to be an admin, but you are looking for the invitation on a different account.

For example, if the admin invited your personal Facebook account to be an admin, but you are signed into your business page account, you would not see the invitation on that account.

To check for invites across accounts:

  • Switch to the account you think the invitation was sent to
  • Check the notifications and “Groups You Manage” section on that account

If you locate the invitation there, you’ll need to either accept it on that account or ask the admin to re-send the invite to your preferred account.

You left the group

If you leave a Facebook group after being invited to be an admin but before accepting the invitation, you will no longer have access to the invitation.

Even if you re-join the group, the prior admin invitation will not be restored. You will have to be re-invited to be a co-admin of that group.

So if you notice you recently left the group, this may be why you no longer see the admin invitation.

The admin removed the invitation

Facebook group admins have the ability to rescind admin invitations before they are accepted. So it’s possible the admin sent an invite, then changed their mind and canceled it before you had a chance to accept.

When an admin removes an invitation, you will no longer have any record of being invited to be an admin. Your only recourse is to reach out to the admin and ask them to re-send a new invitation.

You were removed as an admin

If you previously were an admin of a group but no longer see it listed under “Groups You Manage,” you were likely removed as an admin by the other group admins.

When a co-admin is removed, they will no longer see the group as one they manage. The only way to regain admin access is if one of the current admins re-invites you to be an admin again.

It’s a glitch

In rare cases, not being able to see an admin invitation may simply be a glitch with Facebook’s platform.

Some potential glitches include:

  • The notification about the admin invite not showing up properly
  • The group not appearing under “Groups You Manage” even after you accept the invite
  • Facebook’s servers being temporarily unavailable, preventing invite acceptance

Glitches tend to be temporary, so try again later if you suspect this might be the issue. If the problem persists, report it to Facebook as a bug.

How to Resend an Admin Invitation on Facebook

If the admin invitation expired, was sent to the wrong account, or needs to be sent again for any other reason, the current admin will need to resend a new invitation.

To resend a Facebook group admin invitation:

  1. Go to the group’s page
  2. Click on “Members” in the left sidebar
  3. Find the member you want to invite to be an admin and hover over their name
  4. Click on the 3 dots icon that appears
  5. Select “Make Admin” from the dropdown menu
  6. Confirm by clicking “Send Invite”

This will send a new notification to the user with the option to accept the admin invitation. They will then be added as an admin once they formally accept.


Not being able to find or accept a Facebook group admin invitation is usually easily resolved. Typical reasons include not accepting the initial invite, the invitation expiring, needing to switch accounts, or the admin rescinding the invitation. In most cases, asking the current admin to resend an invite is all that’s needed to regain access.

Rarely, technical glitches may also prevent invited admins from seeing and accepting their invitation. Reporting the issues to Facebook can help resolve these types of problems.

With a new invitation, the invited member will once again be able to accept and begin helping to manage the Facebook group as an admin.

Reason Solution
Haven’t accepted invite yet Accept invitation from notifications
Invitation expired Ask admin to resend invite
Invited on different account Check other accounts
Left the group Rejoin and get reinvited
Admin removed invitation Ask admin to resend invite
Removed as admin Get reinvited by current admin
Facebook glitch Try again later or report bug

Additional Steps to Troubleshoot a Missing Facebook Admin Invitation

If you still can’t find or accept your Facebook group admin invitation after checking the common reasons, here are some additional troubleshooting steps:

  • Log out of Facebook and log back in – This can reset any glitches
  • Check your Facebook message requests – The admin may have contacted you there
  • Use Facebook’s search bar to search for the group name – This checks you didn’t accidentally leave or get removed
  • Check your Facebook notifications regularly – The invite may still come through
  • Ask other admins if they can see you as an invited admin – This verifies if there’s an issue
  • Check that you meet all criteria to become a group admin
  • Review any Facebook notification emails – Invites usually get emailed too

If you still can’t see the invitation after trying these troubleshooting tips, reach out to the group admin to resend a new invite. Be sure to also let them know the issues you are facing so they can confirm everything appears normal on their end.

With persistence, you should be able to get the admin access needed to help manage the Facebook group and assist the admin team.

Can a Facebook Group Admin Retract an Admin Invitation?

Yes, Facebook group admins have the ability to retract admin invitations that have been sent but not yet accepted. This allows them to change their mind about adding a particular person as a co-admin.

To retract a pending admin invitation:

  1. Go to the group’s Admin tools
  2. Click on “Members”
  3. Find the member with the pending invite listed under “Invited to be admin”
  4. Hover over their name and click the “X” icon to revoke invitation

Once retracted, the invited person will no longer see or have access to accept the admin invitation. The only way they can become an admin after retraction is if the current admin sends a new invitation.

Implications of Retracting Admin Invitations

  • The invited person will receive no notification that the invitation was removed
  • All record of the invitation will be erased for the invited person
  • The admin can choose to leave the person as a regular member or remove them entirely
  • The invitation can no longer be accepted, even if the person had opened the notification
  • The admin can send a new invitation at any time if they change their mind again

Essentially, retracting the invitation is equivalent to canceling or deleting the invite – it is immediately revoked and the invited person has no way to view or accept it anymore.

Is There a Limit to How Many Facebook Group Admins You can Have?

Yes, there are limits on how many co-admins a Facebook group can have. The maximum number depends on the total size of the group:

Group Member Count Max Admins
0 – 5,000 250 admins
5,001 – 10,000 300 admins
10,001 – 50,000 500 admins
50,000+ 2,000 admins

So for example, a group with 25,000 members could have up to 500 admins. Once that limit is reached, no additional co-admins can be added until existing admins are removed.

There must also always be at least one remaining active admin in the group at all times. The platform won’t allow removing admins if it would result in zero active admins left.

Knowing these group admin limits can help understand when invitees may not be seeing or receiving admin invitations.

Can You Invite Someone to Be Facebook Group Admin Who Isn’t a Member?

No, in order to become a Facebook group admin, someone must first be added as a regular member of the group.

The platform does not allow inviting non-members to immediately become admins. This is likely a spam prevention measure by Facebook.

However, there is a workaround to add someone as an admin who isn’t yet a member:

  1. Add the person to the group as a regular member
  2. Once they have accepted the member invitation, invite them through the admin tools to become an admin

Following these steps essentially “promotes” a regular member to be a co-admin of the group. The platform requires the person be a member first before granting admin privileges.

Can a Group Admin Demote Other Admins?

Yes, Facebook group admins can demote other co-admins, removing their access and privileges as an admin. This can be done by:

  1. Going to the group’s Admin Tools > Members page
  2. Finding the co-admin’s name in the “Admins” list
  3. Hovering over their name and clicking the 3-dot icon
  4. Selecting “Remove as admin” from the dropdown menu

The co-admin will immediately lose all admin privileges when removed. They will remain as a regular group member unless also removed entirely from the group.

Some key things to know about demoting admins:

  • Any admin can demote any other co-admin
  • The removed admin will get no notification they were demoted
  • It is final and cannot be undone, a new invite would be required
  • The top admin cannot be removed by other admins

So demoting admins can create bad blood if not handled carefully! Open communication is advised first.

Who Can You Contact for More Help With Facebook Group Admin Issues?

If you continue experiencing difficulty with accepting or seeing a Facebook group admin invitation, here are some options for getting additional help:

  • Group Admins – Explain the issue and ask if they can re-send invites or troubleshoot
  • Facebook Community Support – Post questions to Facebook’s community help pages
  • Facebook Help Center – Consult Facebook’s FAQs and help documentation
  • Facebook Support Team – Submit official tickets to Facebook staff
  • Facebook Advisors – Hire social media consultants to resolve problems

With some targeted help, any problems accepting a Facebook group admin invite should be able to be resolved quickly and easily.


When invited to become a Facebook group admin but not seeing that invitation, there are a number of potential culprits to investigate. Expired or retracted invites, switching accounts, leaving groups, and platform glitches can all prevent viewing an admin invitation.

Thankfully, the solutions tend to be straightforward – either tracking down the initial invite or asking the current admins to resend a new one. Persistence and good communication can help overcome any admin invitation difficulties.

Becoming a group admin allows you to help shape the community through moderation, posting, and creating an engaging member experience. Putting in the small effort to troubleshoot a missing invite is worth it to gain the ability to positively impact the group.