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Why can’t I see message request on Messenger?

Why can’t I see message request on Messenger?

Facebook Messenger’s message request feature allows users to receive messages from people they are not friends with on Facebook. If you are unable to see message requests on Messenger, there are a few potential reasons why this may be happening.

You have message requests turned off

The most common reason you can’t see message requests is because you have the feature turned off. Facebook allows users to disable message requests in their Messenger settings. This prevents non-friends from sending you messages on Messenger that go into a message request inbox. If you have disabled message requests, you simply won’t get any and therefore can’t view any message requests.

To check if you have message requests turned off:

  • Open the Messenger app
  • Tap your profile picture in the top left
  • Go to Preferences
  • Look for the setting labeled “Message Requests” and make sure it is toggled on

If this setting is off, toggle it on to begin receiving message requests again.

Your message requests inbox is full

Facebook limits users to having 250 pending message requests at one time. If your message requests inbox is full, you will stop receiving new requests until you clear out some of the current ones. The inbox does not automatically make space by deleting older requests – you have to manually delete requests to free up space.

To see if your inbox is full:

  • Open Messenger
  • Tap your profile picture
  • Tap “Message Requests”
  • Check if it says “Message Requests Full” at the top

If your inbox is full, you will need to delete some message requests before new ones will come through again.

Your account privacy settings are limiting messages

Facebook allows you to limit who can send you message requests in your account’s privacy settings. If your settings are very strict, this can inadvertently block all message requests.

To check your privacy settings related to messages:

  • Go to Facebook in a desktop browser
  • Click the arrow in the top right and go to “Settings”
  • Click “Privacy”
  • Go to “Messages”
  • Review the options under “Who can send you messages?” and “Message requests”

Make sure these settings are not so restrictive that they block all users not already friends with you from sending message requests. You may need to loosen the filters if they are set to “Friends Only”.

You have been blocked by the message sender

If someone has blocked you on Facebook, you will be unable to see any message requests they send you. They will be able to message you, but the messages will be automatically deleted and will not appear in your inbox.

Similarly, if someone has added you to their blocked list for Messenger, any messages they attempt to send will not come through as message requests to you.

There is no way to confirm if you have been blocked by a specific user unless they tell you. In general, if you are not getting any message requests at all from anyone, being blocked is unlikely to be the issue.

You are not accepting message requests

For message requests to continue coming in, you need to occasionally accept them. If you continually ignore all your message requests, Facebook may throttle or stop new requests from coming in.

Facebook wants users to accept requests so people can develop connections on the platform. If too many of your requests are going unanswered, at a certain point Facebook will stop forwarding new requests. Make sure you are accepting and responding to requests periodically.

There is a technical issue

In some cases, a technical bug or glitch may be preventing message requests from getting through. Issues like an outage or server problem could temporarily disrupt the message requests feature.

If you are experiencing the problem along with many other users, it likely indicates an underlying issue at Facebook’s end. Check Downdetector to see if others are reporting Messenger problems.

Additionally, check Facebook’s known issues page and Developer’s platform status to see if they have reported any bugs impacting message requests.

If the problem is widespread or Facebook has acknowledged an issue, the only solution is to wait for Facebook to resolve the problem on their end.

Your account is temporarily banned from messaging

If you have violated Facebook’s terms of service around messaging, your account may face temporary suspensions from certain messaging abilities, including sending and receiving message requests.

This ban is usually imposed if you have been reported for sending unwanted, abusive, or spam messages. The length of the ban depends on the severity and frequency of the violations.

If you cannot send or receive any messages on Messenger at all, you have likely been hit with a messaging ban. You will need to wait out the duration of the ban before your messaging abilities are restored.

You are using an unsupported browser

Facebook Messenger only fully supports modern desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you are trying to use Messenger in an older, unsupported browser, certain features like message requests may not work properly or at all.

Make sure you are using an up-to-date browser that Facebook lists as supported. If you have multiple browsers installed, try switching to a different one to see if message requests begin working normally.

How to troubleshoot issues with message requests

If you are sure you have message requests enabled yet still cannot see new requests coming in, try these troubleshooting tips:

  • Force quit and relaunch the Messenger mobile app or refresh your desktop browser window
  • Double check your message request settings to confirm they are enabled
  • Check your connected pages and accounts to make sure none have blocked the sender
  • Clear your Messenger cache and cookies
  • Log out and log back into your Facebook account
  • Ensure you have the latest version of Messenger installed
  • Try accessing Messenger from a different device
  • File a bug report through Facebook’s Help Center

If you are able to eliminate the common issues, these troubleshooting steps may help get message requests working properly again in cases where there is a lesser-known technical problem.

Why message requests matter

Message requests provide important functionality within Facebook Messenger. Here are some reasons why receiving message requests is useful:

  • Allows you to connect with people outside your friends list, like distant acquaintances or those you have newly met
  • Helps facilitate communication around matters like school, work, or business
  • Enables people to get in contact who may not have your phone number or email
  • Gives you greater awareness of who is reaching out and trying to contact you
  • Opens up new opportunities to develop relationships and find common connections

Being able to easily exchange messages with broader connections on Facebook has many benefits. That’s why keeping message requests active and resolving any issues with them should be a priority for most users.


If you are not seeing new message requests on Facebook Messenger, there are a number of possible reasons, ranging from settings changes to technical issues. The most common culprits to check are whether you have message requests enabled, if your inbox is full, or if your account privacy settings are too restrictive.

Troubleshooting steps like updating your Facebook Messenger app, reloading the page, or logging out and back in can also help surface message requests that are failing to display. File a bug report if nothing seems to work. And be sure to periodically accept message requests so that the ability for new ones to come in remains active.

Message requests provide a key way to facilitate broader communication on Facebook Messenger. Investigating and resolving any problems with receiving them allows you to stay connected and accessible as part of your vital social networking presence.