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Why can’t I see how many followers I have on Facebook?

Why can’t I see how many followers I have on Facebook?

Facebook has changed the way users can view follower counts over the years. In this article, we’ll examine the reasons why you may not be able to see how many followers you have on Facebook anymore.

Facebook’s Changes to Follower Counts

In 2011, Facebook made a major change that removed the ability for users to see their friend count on their profiles. At the time, Facebook said this was to encourage more meaningful connections on the platform, rather than a focus on the number of friends or followers someone had.

More recently, in 2018, Facebook rolled out several changes as part of an effort to improve privacy and data transparency. One of these changes was removing public access to follower counts across Facebook. Now, only you can see your follower count for your profile or Page.

Public Follower Counts Removed

Previously, anyone could publicly see the number of followers another user or Page had on Facebook. However, now that information is only visible to you. When viewing a Facebook profile or Page, the follower/following count will display as “Follows You” if you also follow that user. Otherwise, there is no public follower number shown.

This change was made so that users and Pages are not publicly judged based on follower counts. It helps put more emphasis on the quality of connections and interactions on Facebook, rather than quantitative metrics.

Followers vs Friends on Facebook

It’s important to understand the difference between followers and friends on Facebook:

  • Friends – These are two-way mutual connections on Facebook. Both users have agreed to friend each other.
  • Followers – This is a one-way connection where one user follows another user’s public posts and updates without needing confirmation.

You can follow a user without being their friend. Removing public follower counts helps minimize misconceptions between friends/followers.

Where to View Your Follower Count

While follower counts are no longer public information, here is where you can view your own follower count on Facebook:

Personal Profiles

For your personal Facebook profile, you can see your follower count by:

  1. Going to your profile
  2. Clicking “Friends” on the left sidebar
  3. Clicking “Followers” at the top of the page

This will show you a full list of your followers that you can browse through. Your total follower count will display at the top of the page.

Facebook Pages

If you manage a Facebook Page, you can view your Page’s follower count by:

  1. Going to your Page
  2. Clicking “Followers” on the left sidebar

This will bring up the total follower count at the top, along with options to invite more followers and view your current followers.

Facebook Insights

Page admins can get more detailed analytics about their followers in Facebook Insights. Here you can view trends around your follower growth over time, as well as demographic data like age, gender and location.

To access Insights as a Page admin:

  1. Go to your Facebook Page
  2. Click “Insights” in the left sidebar
  3. Click on the “Followers” section

This will provide graph and chart visualizations about your Page follower data and trends.

Tips for Checking Your Follower Count

Here are some tips to keep in mind when viewing your follower data on Facebook:

  • Check it regularly – Keep an eye on your follower count often to spot trends and growth milestones.
  • Use insights – Dig deeper into the demographics and stats in Facebook Insights for Pages.
  • Compare to engagement – Measure followers alongside engagement metrics like reactions and comments.
  • Set goals – Define follower count goals to work towards for your account or Page.
  • Find influencers – Look through your followers to identify influencers in your niche.

Analyze Your Competition

As a Page admin, you can also use Facebook Insights to view the public follower counts of competitor Pages for comparison and competitive analysis. Look at how their growth and demographics benchmark against your own Page.

Troubleshooting Issues Viewing Followers

In some cases, you may encounter issues trying to view your follower data on Facebook. Here are some troubleshooting tips:

App and Browser Issues

  • Try accessing your follower list from the Facebook website and mobile app to compare.
  • Force quit and relaunch the Facebook app if crashing.
  • Clear browser cookies and cache if page doesn’t load.
  • Update your Facebook app and browser to latest versions.

Account Restrictions

  • Ensure your account or Page is not currently banned or restricted, which can limit access.
  • Check for any active account limits or blocks placed for policy violations.
  • Avoid actions that may trigger restrictions like spamming or fake follower growth.

Contact Facebook Support

  • If issues persist, reach out to Facebook support for additional help.
  • Be prepared to provide details like when the problem started and steps to reproduce.
  • You may need to confirm your identity if reporting issues with a personal account.


Facebook has evolved its stance on public follower counts in pursuit of more authentic community building on the platform. While your exact follower number is no longer public, you can still access follower data in your settings and Insights as a user or Page admin.

Focus on growing your follower base through engaging content and outreach rather than vanity metrics. The quality of your followers and community matters more than the total count. But do keep an eye on your trends to measure growth and inform your Facebook strategy.