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Why can’t I see Facebook group posts?

Why can’t I see Facebook group posts?

Facebook groups are a great way to connect with people who share similar interests and passions. Groups allow members to share updates, photos, events and more in a dedicated space. If you’ve joined a Facebook group but aren’t seeing any recent posts from that community, there are a few possible reasons why.

You may have muted the group

If you don’t want to leave a group but find the notifications to be overwhelming, you have the option to mute the group. Muting stops notifications and removes the group from your main News Feed. You won’t see posts from a muted group unless you specifically go to the group page. Here’s how to check if you have a group muted:

  1. Go to the Groups page in the Facebook app or website and click on the group
  2. In the top right, click the 3 dots icon for more options
  3. If “Unmute group” is listed, that means you have the group muted

Simply click “Unmute group” to start seeing posts from that community again in your News Feed and notifications. Keep in mind you can also mute specific people within a group if there are just certain annoying members you want to avoid.

The group settings are restrictive

Some groups have settings that limit who can see posts and comments. For example, the group admin may have enabled a setting where only members can view posts. If you aren’t an official member of the group, posts will be hidden from your view.

Additionally, the group admin may have enabled restrictions around posting and commenting. There are settings where only certain members, like admins or mods, can make posts. This means regular members won’t see any new updates because no one else can post.

To check if these restrictive settings are enabled:

  1. Go to the group and click the About tab
  2. Scroll down and click the + next to Settings
  3. Here you can see if settings like “Only members can see posts” or “Only admins/mods can post” are enabled

If these limitations are preventing you from fully engaging, you may want to find a less restrictive group where there is more open sharing and engagement.

The group is closed or private

In addition to restrictions around posting, some groups are fully closed or private:

  • Closed group – You have to submit a request to join which admins need to approve
  • Private group – You must be added by another member and not just anyone can join

If you aren’t an approved member of a closed group or weren’t added to a private group, you won’t be able to see any posts at all. To gain access, you’ll need to either send a request to join a closed group or connect with someone already in the private group to be added.

You aren’t looking in the right place

Facebook groups you join will only show up in specific places:

  • News Feed – You’ll see the most recent and popular posts from groups here
  • Groups tab – All your groups are listed here, just click to see posts
  • Notifications – You can get notified of new posts and comments

Group posts won’t appear in other tabs like Most Recent or in your profile news feed. Be sure to check your main News Feed, the Groups tab, and notifications to see any updates.

The group isn’t very active

If you’ve double checked all the other reasons but still aren’t seeing posts, the group may simply not be very active. Unlike big public groups where there are new posts daily, some smaller niche communities can go weeks or months without new updates.

Before leaving the group, check how many members there are and read the description to get a sense of the activity levels. You can also look back at older posts to see how often new ones are typically shared. If it seems like an inactive group, you may want to find a more lively community.

You violated group rules

In some cases, you may be blocked from seeing group posts due to violating community rules or clashing with the admin. For example, if you got into a heated argument on a post, the admin may have banned you from the group.

If you think this may have happened, try viewing the group as a non-member when logged out of Facebook. If you can see recent posts, that’s a sign you were likely banned or blocked.

To gain access, you will need to either contact the admin to remove the ban or join again with a different account.

Your account is restricted

In some cases, restrictions on your overall Facebook account could also prevent you from seeing certain group posts. This can happen if you violate Facebook’s terms repeatedly or post banned content. Facebook may limit your account until issues are resolved, which can temporarily disable features like groups.

If you think your account may be restricted, you will need to check with Facebook directly on which features are currently limited and how they can be restored.

There’s a technical issue

Though rare, there may also be a glitch preventing group posts from loading. Facebook’s apps and site are complex with many interconnecting features, so occasional bugs can hamper visibility.

If issues are widespread, Facebook will typically post an announcement acknowledging the problem. Before reporting a technical issue, check the Facebook Help Community to see if others are reporting the same problem.

You can also try basic troubleshooting steps like reloading the app, restarting your device, or switching from mobile to desktop to see if that fixes things. For individual issues persisting over several days, you may need to report the problem directly to Facebook.

How to troubleshoot and fix common issues

Here are some steps to troubleshoot and try fixing common problems so you don’t miss out on your favorite group’s activity:

  1. Make sure you’re a member – Confirm you actually joined the group and didn’t just get an invite. You’ll only see posts if you’re a member.
  2. Check your membership type – For closed and private groups, make sure your request was approved or you were added by an admin or friend who’s a member.
  3. Review notification settings – Within the group’s menu, choose the notification types you want enabled.
  4. Adjust News Feed preferences – Make sure you didn’t hide posts from the group via your News Feed preferences.
  5. Watch for limits on posting – Check if group settings restrict who can post and comment, limiting engagement.
  6. Unmute the group – If you’ve muted notifications, you’ll need to unmute to see posts again.
  7. Browse missed posts – Scan back through older updates to see if the group has low activity.
  8. Use Search – Type the group name into Facebook’s search bar to pull up recent posts.
  9. Try different devices – Switch between mobile and desktop to see if posts appear on a different platform.
  10. Log out and log back in – A simple logout and login can help refresh your settings and feed.
  11. Report issues to Facebook – If you can’t find posts over an extended period of time, report the problem to Facebook for help.

With over a billion groups on Facebook, there are bound to be occasional issues accessing certain communities. Following this troubleshooting guide should help identify and resolve most common problems preventing you from seeing group posts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did my Facebook group disappear?

There are a few reasons why a Facebook group may disappear for you:

  • The group admin deleted or archived the group
  • You left the group or were removed by the admin
  • The group was reported and removed by Facebook for violating policies
  • You blocked the group or individual members

If none of those apply and the group seems to have vanished, it may be a technical glitch. Try logging out and back into Facebook to see if the group reappears.

Why can’t I post in a Facebook group?

If you’re unable to post in a Facebook group, here are some possible reasons:

  • You aren’t an approved member of a closed group
  • The group settings only allow admins or mods to post
  • Your account or group privileges are restricted due to violations
  • The group admin blocked you from posting

Review the group rules and your account standing to see if any restrictions are preventing you from posting. You may need admin approval or need restrictions lifted on your account.

Why can’t I comment on Facebook group posts?

Similar reasons can prevent you from commenting in a group:

  • You aren’t an approved member of a closed group
  • Group settings disable commenting for certain members
  • Your account or group privileges are restricted
  • The post author or admin turned off commenting

Double check the post and group rules to see if commenting is limited. You may need to join the group, get restrictions lifted, or have privileges enabled by the admin to comment.

How do I request to join a closed Facebook group?

To request access to a closed Facebook group:

  1. Go to the group page and click “Join Group”
  2. Click the option to ask to join the group
  3. Write a message explaining your interest
  4. Wait for an admin to approve your request before you can fully join

Make sure your request is thoughtful and personal to boost your chances of quickly getting approved to join the closed community.

Why can’t I find a Facebook group I joined?

If you’re unable to find a Facebook group you’ve joined, try:

  • Using Facebook Search to search for posts from the group
  • Checking your list of groups in the Groups tab
  • Looking at your past comments and posts in the group
  • Searching your notifications and messages for group mentions

If the group still doesn’t appear anywhere, it may have been deleted, removed, or hidden from your view due to restrictions.


Facebook groups provide the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals in a more intimate setting than your overall News Feed. But sometimes technical issues or confusion over how groups function can make it seem like posts are disappearing.

By understanding how group privacy settings work, where posts live, and how to access communities you’ve joined, you can troubleshoot many common issues. With the right tools and tips, you can stay engaged with all your favorite group conversations and updates.