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Why can’t I see comments on my Facebook pictures?

Why can’t I see comments on my Facebook pictures?

Facebook allows users to post pictures and leave comments on them. However, sometimes you may notice that comments left on your pictures are not visible. There are a few reasons why this can happen.

Your post privacy settings

The most common reason that you can’t see comments on your Facebook pictures is because of your post privacy settings. When you upload a photo to Facebook, you can choose who can see that post and who can leave comments.

For example, if you share a photo publicly, anyone on Facebook can view it and leave a comment. But if you share it with only your friends, only your friends will be able to see and comment on that photo. If you share it with a custom audience like family, close friends, etc, then only those people will have access.

So if you are not seeing comments on a particular picture, check your post privacy settings. If the post is visible only to certain people, then comments will also only be visible to those people.

How to check post privacy settings

Here are the steps to check post privacy on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the picture you want to check.
  2. In the bottom left corner of the picture, click on the audience selector (it shows Friend, Public, or a custom audience).
  3. This will open the audience selector menu. Check who can see your post.
  4. If it’s set to Public, anyone can view and comment. If set to Friends, only friends can interact.
  5. To change the audience, click on the menu and select a different option.

How to check comment privacy

Along with the main post privacy, you can also set who can comment on your posts:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the picture.
  2. Click on the Comments link below the picture.
  3. In the Comments window, click on the audience selector in the bottom left.
  4. This will open the comment privacy menu. Check who can comment on your post.
  5. Change it if needed, and save changes.

So in summary, always check both your post privacy and comment privacy settings. If comments are limited to only certain people, you won’t see all comments that others post.

Comment filters and profanity settings

Another reason you may not see some comments is because of Facebook’s automatic comment filtering system and profanity settings.

Facebook has filters in place to detect offensive, abusive, or spam comments and automatically hide them. This is to protect users from harassment and create a safe environment.

So if someone leaves an inappropriate comment on your picture, it will automatically be filtered out and not shown to you or others who can view that post.

Similarly, Facebook also has profanity filters that block comments with swear words or profane language. Based on your personal profanity filter settings, such comments may not be visible to you.

How to check your profanity filter settings

To view your profanity filter settings:

  1. Go to Facebook Settings
  2. Click on Language and Region in the left menu
  3. Scroll down to the Profanity Filter section
  4. Check your filter level – Strict, Moderate, Loose etc.

If your profanity filter is set to Strict, even light profanity could get filtered out. Try changing it to Loose or Moderate.

You hid someone’s comments

On Facebook, you have the option to hide comments from certain people. This means their comments on your posts will no longer be visible to you.

For example, if a friend frequently leaves unpleasant comments on your pictures, you can choose to hide all their comments. Once you do this, you won’t see their comments on any of your posts going forward.

So if you had hidden someone in the past, it’s possible their new comments are not showing up because of that.

How to unhide someone’s comments

To unhide a person’s comments:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. In the left menu, click on Settings
  3. Go to the Blocking section
  4. You will see a list of all users you’ve blocked/hidden
  5. Click on the Unblock button next to their name

This will unhide that person’s comments so they become visible to you again.

Your Facebook account is glitching

In some rare cases, a technical glitch on Facebook’s side could also prevent comments on your posts from loading properly.

Facebook is a complex platform with millions of users, so small bugs can slip through once in a while. It’s possible there is a temporary glitch affecting comment visibility on your profile.

Some signs of a technical glitch:

  • Comments aren’t loading on any of your posts, new or old.
  • You can see the number of comments on a post but can’t see the comments themselves.
  • Refreshing or reloading the page doesn’t fix the issue.

If this persists for more than a day or two, it’s likely a platform issue on Facebook’s end.

How to fix Facebook glitches

Here are some steps you can try if Facebook isn’t showing comments due to a technical issue:

  1. Force quit and relaunch the Facebook app on your phone or computer.
  2. Clear browser cookies and cache if using Facebook on desktop.
  3. Check if Facebook is down for others at
  4. Try accessing Facebook from a different device or network.
  5. Update to the latest version of the Facebook app.

In most cases, these glitches are temporary and resolve themselves within a few hours or days. But if the problem persists, you can contact Facebook support for help.

You accidentally hid the post

On Facebook, you have the option to temporarily hide a post from your profile without having to delete it. This makes the post invisible to you and others.

If you accidentally hid a post that had comments on it, it could cause those comments to disappear from your view.

How to unhide a post

To unhide a hidden post:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click on the 3 dots at the top right
  3. Select Activity Log from the menu
  4. Go to your posts section in the log
  5. Find the hidden post and click on the Unhide option

This will make the post visible again, along with all its comments.

You deleted or reported the post

If you delete a post or report it as spam/offensive, it is removed from Facebook along with all its comments.

So if you had deleted or reported a post in the past that had many comments, that could be why those comments disappeared.

How to restore a deleted post

To restore a deleted post and its comments:

  1. Go to your Activity Log in Facebook Settings
  2. Click on your Posts section
  3. Find the deleted post and click on the “Recover Post” option
  4. The post and associated comments will be restored

However, this only works within 30 days of deletion. After that, posts and comments are permanently removed.

You blocked the commenter

If you block someone on Facebook, all their comments on your posts automatically become invisible to you.

So if you had blocked a person who frequently comments on your pictures, you won’t be able to see their old or new comments anymore.

How to unblock someone

To start seeing comments from a blocked user again, you need to unblock them first:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings
  2. Click on Blocking in the left sidebar
  3. Locate the person in your Blocked list
  4. Click on Unblock next to their name

Once unblocked, that person’s comments will become visible again in all your posts and pictures.


In summary, here are some of the main reasons you may not see comments on your Facebook pictures and how to fix them:

  • Restrictive post privacy settings – Change post audience to Public or Friends.
  • Comment filters blocking inappropriate comments – Adjust profanity filter settings.
  • You hid someone’s comments before – Go to their profile and unhide comments.
  • Facebook glitch preventing comments from loading – Try the troubleshooting steps.
  • Accidentally hiding the post itself – Unhide the post in Activity Log.
  • Deleting the post – Try recovering deleted post if within 30 days.
  • Blocking the commenter profile – Go to their profile and unblock them.

Following these tips should help you troubleshoot and fix missing comment issues on your Facebook pictures. Do a thorough check of post privacy, filters, blocking settings and other factors discussed here. Contact Facebook support if the problem persists across multiple posts and pictures.

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook is bound to have occasional technical quirks. But most comment visibility issues can be easily resolved on your own using the correct settings. Stay active in engaging with your friends and community by posting fun pictures and keeping the comment conversations flowing.

Reason Solution
Restrictive privacy settings Change post audience to Public or Friends
Facebook filters blocking comments Adjust profanity filter settings
You hid someone’s comments Unhide their comments in Settings
Facebook glitch Try troubleshooting steps like reloading, clearing cache etc.
Accidentally hid the post Unhide the post in Activity Log
Deleted the post Try to recover post if within 30 days
Blocked the commenter Go to their profile and unblock

Facebook is designed to foster meaningful connections through photo sharing and commenting. By tweaking a few settings, you can make sure you never miss out on interacting with your friends and family. Comment visibility issues are usually easily fixed once you identify the root cause. So go ahead and have fun sharing your life stories without limitations!

When to seek additional help

In most cases, you should be able to resolve Facebook comment issues on your own with the right troubleshooting. But if these don’t work, consider seeking additional help in the following situations:

  • Problem persists for over 3-4 days despite troubleshooting.
  • Comments missing across multiple different posts.
  • Cannot find relevant settings described in the guide.
  • Seeing error messages when trying to change settings.
  • Facebook platform itself not working properly.

Some avenues to find help include:

  • Facebook Help Community – Connect with other users facing similar issues.
  • Facebook Help Center – Search for solutions or contact support.
  • Facebook Support on Twitter – Tweet @Facebook with your issue.
  • Friends and connections – Ask your friends for troubleshooting tips.
  • Facebook discussion forums – Discuss the problem in online forums.

With over a billion users, Facebook has versatile tools and settings that can sometimes be tricky to navigate. But patience and applying the right troubleshooting techniques can help resolve most common issues. Make sure to use authentic sources of help and advice when needed.

Preventing comment issues in the future

Here are some tips to avoid comment visibility problems on your Facebook pictures in the future:

  • Be selective when blocking or hiding comments.
  • Avoid mass deleting posts with lots of comments.
  • Regularly review your post privacy settings.
  • Familiarize yourself with Facebook’s tools and options.
  • Update Facebook app/clear cache if technical issues.
  • Back up important pictures and comments.
  • Carefully check filters and settings after making changes.
  • Ask connections for help customizing visibility.

With its customizable privacy controls, Facebook puts you in charge of your commenting experience. Invest time learning the platform’s features to maximize both security and engagement.

Maintaining healthy commenting environments

Comment sections can sometimes become toxic and detract from our sharing experience. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy commenting space:

  • Act quickly on offensive or inappropriate comments.
  • Set commenting rules and stick to them.
  • Designate trusted moderators.
  • Reward positive contributions.
  • Foster a supportive, collaborative culture.
  • Promote free but responsible expression.

Stay involved in the conversation and lead by example. Remember that our digital spaces are reflections of our real-world communities.

The future of Facebook commenting

Facebook is constantly evolving new ways to keep users engaged:

  • AI moderation – Automated comment screening for speed.
  • Spatial commenting – Comments anchored to parts of an image.
  • Mobile optimizations – Enhancements for the mobile experience.
  • Sub-commenting – Replying directly to other comments.
  • Gamification – Rewarding engagement with badges, points etc.
  • Live commenting – Commenting on videos and Live content.

The company aims to provide the best tools for users to connect and share experiences. Exciting new features will continue to enrich commenting in the future.

Key Takeaways

  • Check post and comment privacy settings if you can’t see comments.
  • Facebook filters may automatically hide inappropriate comments.
  • Glitches can sometimes cause comments to not load properly.
  • You may have hidden a commenter profile or the post itself.
  • Deleting a post also deletes all associated comments.
  • Blocking someone will make their comments invisible.
  • Troubleshoot methodically and contact Facebook support if needed.

Facebook is the internet’s communal meeting space. Master its features to host vibrant conversations through impactful pictures. Stay connected!