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Why can’t I scroll through groups on Facebook?

Why can’t I scroll through groups on Facebook?

Facebook groups are a popular way for people to connect over shared interests, but unlike your main News Feed, groups don’t allow for endless scrolling. This can be frustrating if you’re a member of many groups and want to quickly skim new posts. So why doesn’t Facebook allow scrolling through groups?

How browsing groups works on Facebook

When you visit a group’s page on Facebook, you’ll see a few recent posts from that group. To view older posts, you need to click “See More” at the bottom of the page. This will load a few more recent posts. To continue seeing older posts, you need to keep clicking “See More.”

So instead of being able to continuously scroll down to view all recent posts like you can on your News Feed, groups are paginated. Only a limited number of recent posts are shown at a time.

Why Facebook chose this design

There are a few potential reasons why Facebook designed groups this way:

Performance and loading times

Allowing infinite scrolling through posts would likely put a lot of strain on Facebook’s servers. Groups often have thousands or even millions of members. If all the recent posts were loaded at once, it could cause long loading times and lag for users trying to browse groups.

Paginating group content limits the number of posts that need to be loaded at a time, making the experience smoother.

Encouraging engagement

With infinite scrolling, users tend to quickly skim through posts without always fully reading or engaging with them. By paginating content, Facebook may be trying to encourage more thoughtful consumption of each post.

Having to manually click to see more posts gives users a natural break point. They may be more likely to take time to read and interact with the posts loaded on each page.

Mimicking old-school forums

Before social media, people participated in forums to discuss interests online. Forums were threaded, with replies indenting below each original post. Users would click through pages of forums to read different threads.

Facebook groups are designed to replicate some aspects of this old-school forum experience. The pagination of posts prevents the chronological, real-time feel of something like your News Feed.

Are there any workarounds?

Unfortunately, there is no setting to enable infinite scrolling through Facebook groups. The pagination appears to be a fixed part of the groups experience for all users.

However, there are a few workarounds that can help you browse groups more efficiently:

  • Use search – Search for keywords related to topics you’re interested in within a group to pull up relevant posts.
  • Filter by recent posts – Use the “Recent Posts” filter to view only newly-added content.
  • Receive notifications – Turn on notifications for groups you engage with most so you see new posts.
  • View on desktop – Paginated content tends to be easier to quickly click through on desktop than mobile.

Why Facebook still hasn’t added infinite scrolling

While infinite scrolling for groups is a popular feature request, Facebook has yet to implement it even after many years. This indicates there are likely some hurdles or reasons holding Facebook back, such as:

Technical limitations

Scaling servers and databases to handle endless scrolling through millions of posts across millions of groups worldwide is likely a major technical challenge.

Discouraging engagement

As mentioned earlier, infinite scrolling tends to promote skimming over thoughtful engagement. Facebook wants to encourage more meaningful interactions in groups.

Risk of harmful content going viral

With endless scrolling, harmful posts like misinformation could spread more rapidly as users quickly skim through many posts without scrutiny. The pagination creates speed bumps that may limit virality to some extent.

Complaints from users

Some users claim infinite scrolling causes them eye strain or dizziness. The pagination provides a break from reading.

Ad revenue

The page breaks provide more opportunities for Facebook to insert ads without them feeling overly intrusive.

The future of scrolling on Facebook

While infinite scrolling seems unlikely to come to groups anytime soon, Facebook is exploring ways to enhance the experience. For example, Facebook is testing a “See More Like This” button that automatically surfaces related posts from the group based on keywords, without needing to click through multiple pages.

Facebook is also developing more machine learning capabilities to intelligently recommend content to users based on their interests and activity. This could reduce the need for manually browsing through groups.

So while infinite scrolling may not arrive for Facebook groups, new features that personalize and streamline the experience for each user are on the horizon.


In summary, Facebook groups do not support infinite scrolling due to technical restraints, a desire to encourage thoughtful engagement, and concerns about harmful viral content. The lack of infinite scrolling can be frustrating for users accustomed to endless feeds in other parts of Facebook and across social media.

But the pagination creates a unique experience suited to the discussion-centric nature of groups. And Facebook is working on new recommendation features to show users relevant posts without the need for manual browsing. So while infinite scrolling on groups isn’t likely in the near future, the experience will continue to evolve over time.