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Why can’t I recover my Facebook password?

Why can’t I recover my Facebook password?

There are several reasons why you may be unable to recover or reset your Facebook password. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • You don’t have access to the email or phone number on your Facebook account
  • You’ve been locked out of your account after too many failed login attempts
  • You’ve forgotten your current password and don’t remember the answers to your security questions
  • Your account has been compromised by a hacker or scammer
  • There is an error with Facebook’s password recovery system

Recovering and resetting your password is an important part of regaining access to your Facebook account. Without access to your account, you can’t update your profile, connect with friends, share photos and memories, or use any of Facebook’s features.

Not being able to log in can be frustrating and concerning, especially if Facebook is an important way for you to connect with others. The good news is that in most cases, with some time and effort, you should be able to recover your password and get back into your account.

Check if you can reset your password directly

Before going through more complicated account recovery steps, first try resetting your password directly through Facebook. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to and click on the “Forgot Password” link below the login fields.
  2. Enter your email address or phone number associated with your account.
  3. Facebook will send you an email or text with a password reset link.
  4. Click on the reset link, which will open a page to create a new password.
  5. Enter and confirm your new password.
  6. Log in with your new password.

This is the easiest way to reset your password if you still have access to the email or phone number on your account. The reset link expires after a short time, usually an hour or less.

If you no longer have access to your account email or phone number, this method won’t work. You’ll have to use the full account recovery process instead.

Try your account recovery options

If resetting your password directly through Facebook doesn’t work, the next step is to go through Facebook’s account recovery process. This draws on any recovery options you may have set up for your account.

Here are some of the recovery options you may have available:

Trusted contacts

Facebook allows you to designate several trusted friends who can help you regain access to your account if you’re locked out. If you selected trusted contacts, you can enter their information to send them a code to help you get back in.

Backup email addresses or phone numbers

In your account settings, you can add extra emails or phone numbers besides your primary login details. Facebook will send a code to your backup contact info that you can use to verify your identity.

Recovery codes

When you enabled two-factor authentication for enhanced account security, Facebook generated special recovery codes for you. You can enter one of these recovery codes to regain access.

Security questions

Setting customizable security questions is another recovery option. You’ll have to answer your security questions correctly to prove you are the account owner.

To try these recovery options:

  1. Go to Facebook and click “Forgot password?”
  2. Enter your username, email or phone number.
  3. Select “No longer have access?” if you don’t have your login info.
  4. Choose “Recover Using Friends” or “Other Methods” depending on what’s available for your account.
  5. Follow the instructions to have a code sent to a trusted contact, backup contact info or answer your security questions.
  6. Enter the code or answers to regain access and reset your password.

If none of these account recovery options are set up, or if you no longer have access to your trusted contacts or security info, you will have to use the Facebook account recovery form instead.

Use Facebook’s account recovery form

The Facebook account recovery form should be used when you have no other way to reset your password or regain entry to your account.

Through this form, you provide info about yourself and details about your account. Facebook reviews this info to confirm you are the account owner and restore access if possible.

Here is the process:

  1. Go to and click “Forgotten password.”
  2. Select “No longer have access?” below the password reset box.
  3. Choose “My Account Has Been Hacked” or “I Can’t Reset My Password.”
  4. Select “My Account is Disabled” if your account was recently disabled by Facebook.
  5. Complete the account recovery form with as many details about yourself and your account as possible.
  6. Submit the form. Facebook will send a response within 24 hours in most cases.
  7. Keep checking the email you submitted for updates from Facebook. You may need to provide additional info.

The account recovery form asks for:

  • Your full name
  • Associated email addresses or phone numbers
  • Locations where you used Facebook
  • Friends on Facebook
  • Profile photos or details
  • Pages or groups you joined

Providing more specifics can help prove you are the account owner. If Facebook can confirm your identity from the info submitted, they will send instructions for regaining access and securing your account.

Common problems with Facebook password recovery

While Facebook’s recovery options allow many users to reset passwords and restore access, you may run into frustrations or issues with the process. Some common obstacles include:

Not having access to your email or phone number

Most Facebook password resets involve confirmation codes sent to your email or phone number associated with your account. If you no longer have access to these (for example, if you changed phone numbers or email providers), it can be impossible to reset your password.

Adding backup contact options when you create your Facebook account, like a backup email and phone number, can help prevent this issue.

Security info errors

If you try answering your account’s security questions, a slight mistake in recalling the specifics can prevent you from progressing. Try your best to precisely remember the answers you originally set up.

Hacked or compromised account

If someone else has gained access to your account and changed login credentials, the standard password reset won’t work since you can’t access the associated email anymore. Use Facebook’s account recovery form to report the hacking.

Getting locked out

Too many failed log in attempts can temporarily lock your account as a security precaution. You may have to wait 24 hours before trying account recovery options.

Needing to provide government ID

For accounts Facebook deems high risk, they may require you to submit a Government ID to confirm your identity and complete the recovery process.

No longer having access to old emails or phone numbers

If you no longer have access to the original email address or phone number you used to create your Facebook account, recovering your password can be very challenging or impossible in some cases. Always maintain access to your old login contact info if possible.

Not remembering key account details

To vet your identity, Facebook asks for specific personal info and account details in the recovery form. If your memory of the account has faded, you may not be able to provide enough verifiable information.

Tips for a successful Facebook password recovery

To boost your chances of regaining access to your Facebook account, keep these tips in mind:

  • Add backup contact options like a secondary email and phone number.
  • Set up trusted contacts to help if you’re locked out.
  • Enable two-factor authentication and save your recovery codes.
  • Frequently update your security questions with answers you’ll remember.
  • Make your answers to security questions more unique and hard to guess.
  • Maintain access to old phone numbers, emails, and other accounts associated with Facebook.
  • Review your established recovery options yearly to confirm they still work.
  • If recovering your account, provide Facebook with as many relevant details as possible.

When you still can’t recover your Facebook password

In some cases, despite your best efforts, you may find it impossible to complete Facebook’s password recovery process and regain access to your account. Some scenarios where you could be permanently locked out include:

  • You cannot access the original email or phone number for your account.
  • You no longer remember your security question answers.
  • Your account has been disabled by Facebook for violation of policies.
  • You forgot key personal details needed to confirm your identity.
  • Your account was hacked and the hacker changed your contact information.

If you are convinced you have exhausted all recovery options, these steps may be helpful:

  1. Use Facebook’s form to request a review of your account if disabled.
  2. Try contacting Facebook support through messaging or their help center.
  3. Submit a request through your state’s AG office or other consumer protection agency.
  4. Consult with an attorney about potentially taking legal action.
  5. Consider starting a new Facebook account and informing contacts.

Losing permanent access to your Facebook account can be upsetting and inconvenient. But in some cases where you cannot recover the account despite extensive effort, moving on by creating a new profile may be the practical solution.

Prevent future Facebook password problems

To avoid Facebook password headaches going forward, be proactive about account security:

  • Create a strong password using random phrases or strings of letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Don’t use the same password across multiple sites or accounts.
  • Change your password every 60-90 days.
  • Always log out fully after using Facebook on shared devices.
  • Be cautious of phishing emails or texts requesting you reset your password.
  • Use up-to-date antivirus software on your devices and keep apps current.
  • Turn on login alerts to detect suspicious activity.
  • Limit what personal info you share publicly on your Facebook profile.

Enabling two-factor or two-step authentication is also highly recommended for stronger security beyond just a password. With this extra layer turned on, you’ll need to enter both your password and a temporary code generated by Facebook when logging in from a new device.

Two-factor authentication makes it much harder for a hacker to access your account, even if they have your password. The built-in security key option is more convenient than using text or email codes.


Recovering your Facebook password can be necessary when you get locked out of your account or forgot your login credentials. In most cases, you can successfully reset your password through built-in account recovery options, trusted contacts, or the account recovery form.

However, if you no longer have access to your original account email address or phone number, or cannot answer your security questions, regaining entry can be very difficult or impossible. Setting up backup contact options and recovery methods when creating your profile is key to avoid permanent lockout.

If you exhaust all recovery options, starting a brand new Facebook account may be your only feasible recourse. To avoid password problems in the first place, always practice strong password hygiene and enable two-factor authentication for maximum security on your account.