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Why can’t I receive 5 digit code from Facebook?

Why can’t I receive 5 digit code from Facebook?

Not receiving the 5-digit security code from Facebook can be frustrating and prevent you from accessing your account. There are a few potential reasons why you may not be getting the code:

Incorrect Phone Number

The most common reason is that you have an incorrect phone number associated with your Facebook account. When requesting the code, Facebook sends it to the primary phone number listed in your account settings. If this is outdated or inaccurate, you won’t receive the code.

To fix this:

  • Log into your Facebook account if possible.
  • Go to your account settings and ensure your primary phone number is correct.
  • If you can’t log in, try having the code sent to another number you have associated with your account, like a secondary phone or email.

Incorrect Country Code

Facebook requires you to enter your phone number with the country code included. For example, a US number would be +1 xxx-xxx-xxxx. If you entered your number without the country code, the code won’t send properly.

To fix this:

  • When entering your phone number, make sure to include your country code at the start.
  • You can find the right country code by searching “Facebook country codes.”
  • Re-enter your full phone number with country code and request the 5-digit code again.

SMS Not Enabled

Your phone settings need to allow SMS/text messages to receive the Facebook code. If you have SMS disabled or blocked, the message can’t get through.

To fix this:

  • Go into your phone’s message settings and make sure SMS is enabled.
  • Check that Facebook or short codes are not being blocked.
  • Request the 5-digit code again after adjusting these settings.

Waiting Too Long

Facebook’s 5-digit codes expire after a short period. If you wait too long to enter the code, it will no longer work.

To fix this:

  • Enter the code immediately after receiving the text/SMS.
  • If it says the code has expired, request a new one right away and input it fast.
  • Avoid delays by having Facebook send the code again if needed.

Temporary Block

If you request too many Facebook codes in a short time period, your account can get temporarily blocked from sending codes.

To fix this:

  • Wait an hour or two before trying again.
  • Avoid repeatedly requesting codes within a few minutes.
  • Use alternate verification methods during the block if possible.

Wrong Password

When entering the code into Facebook, you also need to provide your account password. If you enter an incorrect password, the code will not work.

To fix this:

  • Make sure you are using the right Facebook password when inputting your code.
  • Check the password requirements and confirm your caps lock is off.
  • Reset your password if you cannot remember it correctly.

Extra Security Enabled

If you have two-factor authentication or other extra security measures enabled, you may need backup codes instead of the standard 5-digit code.

To fix this:

  • Check your Facebook security settings for options like two-factor.
  • Use backup codes or alternate verification if extra security is turned on.
  • Turn off extra security temporarily if necessary.

Phone Not Supported

In rare cases, an older or unsupported phone may not work properly for receiving Facebook codes.

To fix this:

  • Try having the code sent to an alternate number like your email.
  • Borrow a friend’s supported phone to receive the code.
  • Contact Facebook support if no phone works for your account.

Account Compromised

If your Facebook account has been hacked or compromised, the legitimate security codes may not reach you.

To fix this:

  • Run a virus scan on devices used to access Facebook.
  • Change your Facebook password immediately to one that is very secure.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for increased security.
  • Contact Facebook to recover a compromised account.

Facebook System Issues

In rare instances, technical problems on Facebook’s end could disrupt sending codes properly.

To fix this:

  • Check the Facebook status page for any known issues.
  • Try again later if Facebook is confirming system problems.
  • Use alternate verification methods if available.

Phone Number Removed

If your primary phone number gets removed from your Facebook account entirely, the code will fail to send.

To fix this:

  • Add your phone number back to your Facebook account settings.
  • Have the code sent to an alternate number that is still connected.
  • Contact Facebook support if you can no longer modify settings.

Number Blocked by Facebook

Facebook may block a number from receiving codes if it detects suspicious behavior like spam or violations.

To fix this:

  • Appeal the block by contacting Facebook support.
  • Provide details showing you own the blocked number.
  • Avoid further violations to get your number unblocked.

Phone Out of Range/Service

Your phone must have an active signal and service to receive Facebook’s texts with the code.

To fix this:

  • Make sure your phone has cellular service or can connect to WiFi.
  • Move to an area with cell tower coverage if currently out of range.
  • Use an alternate number that has connectivity.

Code Sent to Wrong Number

It’s possible you accidentally had Facebook send the code to an old number or different contact.

To fix this:

  • Double check what number the code is being texted to.
  • Re-send the code to your correct, current phone number.
  • Remove old numbers that may still be linked.

Number Can’t Receive SMS

Some phone carriers and countries restrict receiving SMS messages from short codes like Facebook.

To fix this:

  • Contact your carrier to enable short code SMS.
  • Have Facebook send the code through call instead of SMS.
  • Enter the code on a device that can get SMS.

Poor Cell/WiFi Connection

Spotty cell service or a weak WiFi signal can interfere with successfully receiving the Facebook code over SMS.

To fix this:

  • Move closer to a window or outside to get better cell strength.
  • Connect your phone to a stronger WiFi network.
  • Toggle airplane mode on/off to reset the connection.

Phone Software Issues

Problems with your device’s software can potentially disrupt receiving texts like Facebook’s code.

To fix this:

  • Update your phone’s operating system to the latest version.
  • Check for any pending app updates and install them.
  • Restart your phone to clear any software glitches.

Messaging App Problems

Issues with your default texting app could prevent the Facebook code showing up properly.

To fix this:

  • Make sure your messaging app is updated and fully closed/reopened.
  • Try switching to a different messaging app as your default.
  • Perform a force stop and cache clear on the problem app.

Jailbroken/Rooted Device

Having a jailbroken iOS device or rooted Android sometimes causes issues with receiving texts reliably.

To fix this:

  • Consider unrooting/unjailbreaking your phone if you can.
  • Try having the code sent to an alternate non-jailbroken/non-rooted device.
  • Make sure no SMS blocking apps are enabled.

Third-Party App Interference

Some third-party apps like SMS blockers or optimizers may inadvertently block Facebook’s code message.

To fix this:

  • Check any apps that customize or control your SMS messages.
  • Disable or remove any that may block the code message.
  • Whitelist Facebook texts if possible.

Outdated Facebook App

An outdated version of the Facebook app may have bugs that interfere with receiving the 5-digit code.

To fix this:

  • Update the Facebook app to the latest version in your app store.
  • Force close and restart the Facebook app after updating.
  • Delete and reinstall the app if issues persist.

Incorrect Notification Settings

If your notification settings are blocking Facebook in some way, you may not see the code message.

To fix this:

  • Check your phone and Facebook notification settings.
  • Make sure notifications from Facebook are not disabled.
  • Disable any Do Not Disturb modes that could block alerts.

Synced Devices

If you have multiple devices synced to one Facebook account, it can create conflict with the code.

To fix this:

  • Make sure to request the code from the device you are using it on.
  • Turn off Facebook sync temporarily on other devices.
  • Log out of Facebook on any other synced devices.

Number Verification Issues

Some users have reported issues verifying their phone number with Facebook’s system.

To fix this:

  • Double check number is entered correctly including country code.
  • Go through the verification flow again carefully.
  • Contact Facebook support if verification won’t complete.

Facebook Bugs

Like any software, Facebook can have bugs that affect the SMS codes feature.

To fix this:

  • Check for any known Facebook bugs reported in the help forums.
  • Update the Facebook app to see if a new version fixes it.
  • Try standard troubleshooting steps like reinstalling app.

Phone Call Issues

Some users report problems receiving Facebook’s 5-digit code through a phone call.

To fix this:

  • Make sure your phone has good reception when getting the call.
  • Answer quickly as Facebook calls expire after a short time.
  • Request the code be sent via text/SMS instead.


Troubleshooting difficulties receiving the Facebook code requires checking for potential problems with your account settings, phone number, device compatibility, mobile settings, Facebook app, notifications, and more. Some common fixes include:

  • Ensuring your primary phone number on Facebook is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Entering your phone number properly with the country code.
  • Making sure SMS capabilities are enabled on your phone.
  • Using the code immediately before it expires.
  • Updating to the latest Facebook app version.
  • Checking call and text blocking apps or settings.

If you still can’t get the Facebook 5-digit code after trying these troubleshooting tips, consider contacting Facebook support for additional help getting back into your account.

Here is a summary of the key troubleshooting tips in table form:

Issue Fix
Incorrect phone number Update number in settings
Wrong country code Re-enter with country code
SMS disabled Enable SMS capabilities
Code expired Request new code quickly
Extra security on Use backup codes
Incorrect password Reset password if needed
Phone unsupported Try alternate device
Account hacked Change password, enable 2FA

With the right troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve most issues that are preventing you from receiving your 5-digit login code from Facebook. The goal is to systematically rule out potential problems with your account, phone, settings, Facebook app, and notifications until you isolate the specific cause. Take the time to carefully check each item, and you’ll likely find that one of the common fixes does the trick to get your Facebook code delivered properly again.