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Why can’t I post on a Facebook community page?

Why can’t I post on a Facebook community page?

If you are trying to post on a Facebook community page but are running into issues, there are a few potential reasons why your posts may not be going through. Here are some of the most common reasons why you may be unable to post on a community page on Facebook and what you can do about it.

You are not a member of the group

One of the most obvious reasons why you can’t post on a community page is that you are not actually a member of that group. Most Facebook groups are closed or secret, which means you need to request to join and be approved by an admin before you can view posts and interact with the community. If you try posting on a group you haven’t joined, your posts will not go through.

To check if you are a member of the group, go to the group page and look for a Join button. If you see Leave Group instead, that means you are already a member. You can also go to your Facebook Groups list on your profile and see if the group is listed there.

If you are not a member, request to join the group through the Join button. Once approved by an admin, you will then be able to post.

The group has post moderation enabled

Many Facebook groups enable post moderation to filter spam and keep conversations on topic. With post moderation on, posts made in the group must be approved by a group admin or moderator before they are visible to other members.

If you made a post but it seems hidden to other members, it is likely stuck in the moderation queue. Check with a group admin to see if they can approve your post. You can also try making a post again.

Your account or posts were restricted

In some cases, you may not be able to post because your personal account or specific content you’ve shared was restricted by Facebook. Here are some reasons this can happen:

  • Your account was disabled – If your entire Facebook account is currently disabled due to violations of Facebook’s terms of service, you will be unable to post or interact with any content until it is reenabled.
  • You are banned from the group – A group admin may have specifically banned you from posting and interacting in their community.
  • Your post goes against Facebook’s standards – Trying to share prohibited content like hate speech, nudity, harassment, etc. can lead to restrictions.

If your account or post has been limited, you will receive a notification from Facebook explaining the restriction. To regain access, you must resolve any account violations and may need to contact a group admin or Facebook support if a specific group banned you.

The group has joining questions

Some Facebook groups require members to answer joining questions before they are approved. These questions are set by the group admin when they create the group, often to screen members and maintain quality. If you requested to join a group but did not answer its joining questions, your membership will be pending and you won’t be able to post.

To fix this, find the group page and look for a notification that says you have a pending request. Click on the notification and it will take you to the joining questions you need to fill out before you can fully join. Once submitted, wait for an admin to review and approve your responses.

Posting privileges are limited to certain members

Occasionally, group admins will limit who can post to provide quality control. There are a couple different ways privileges can be restricted:

  • Only admins can post – Turning off member posting prevents anyone but admins from sharing content.
  • New members have limited privileges – Some groups require a member to be in the community for a period of time before they are allowed to post.
  • Certain member roles are excluded – Posting can be disabled for specific member categories like Junior Members.

Unfortunately if your privileges have been intentionally limited by the page admin, there is not much you can do besides asking them to update your permissions. Restrictions are usually temporary as you establish yourself within the community.

You are trying to post too frequently

To prevent spam, Facebook places limits on how frequently the same person can post in a group. Here are some of the restrictions:

  • Groups over 10,000 members – You are limited to 8 posts per day and a maximum of 50 posts every 28 days.
  • Groups between 5,000-10,000 members – The limit is 16 posts per day and maximum 100 every 28 days.
  • Groups under 5,000 members – You can post a maximum of 24 times per day, up to 150 every 28 days.

If you are trying to post but get an error saying something like “User Censored” or “Temporary posting ban”, you have likely hit the posting frequency limit. Take a break from posting and your ability to post again will reset after a period of time.

There is a technical issue

In some cases, technical bugs either on Facebook’s side or with your device could also be preventing your post from going through. Here are some things to try if you can’t seem to post:

  • Force quit and restart the Facebook app on your mobile device or computer.
  • Clear the cache and cookies for Facebook in your browser.
  • Check for any Facebook notifications about technical issues on their end.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Facebook app.
  • Try posting from a different device like a computer instead of your phone.

If the problem persists across devices, contact Facebook support. They can check your account for any potential bugs preventing you from posting.

You are trying to post prohibited content

Facebook has rules around what types of content, products, and services can and cannot be posted. Here are examples of content generally prohibited from Facebook groups:

  • Illegal or regulated goods like drugs, weapons, or tobacco
  • Sexually explicit, dangerous, or violent content
  • Hate speech, bullying, or harassment targeted at protected groups
  • Misinformation like fake news or false advertising
  • Spam, scams, or other attempts to manipulate the community

If you try to post prohibited content, Facebook may remove your post or disable your account from posting. Make sure what you are trying to share does not violate any terms of service.

Your post includes banned keywords

Group admins have the ability to create a list of banned words that will automatically hide any post including those keywords. This allows them to easily filter disruptive conversations.

If your post seems blocked for no reason, check with the group admin – your content may have been flagged if it contained a banned term. You can request they update the keyword blacklist if you think your post was mistakenly blocked.

You are using a fake or duplicate Facebook account

To maintain trust and prevent abuse, Facebook restricts posting from inauthentic accounts like:

  • Fake accounts used to impersonate real people
  • Duplicate accounts created by the same person
  • Accounts registered with false information

If Facebook detects you are using an inauthentic account, they will prevent you from posting. Make sure you are logged into the right profile – you may have separate personal and business accounts.

If you believe your account was disabled in error, you can appeal to Facebook through their Help Center and ask for a review of your account status.

You are blocked by the page admin

Individual group admins have the ability to block you from interacting with a community page they manage. If you are blocked, you will be automatically prevented from posting or commenting.

There is no way to tell if you were blocked by a specific admin unless you try contacting them to find out. In most cases, the block will be lifted after a period of time once any perceived issue with your behavior is resolved.

Your Facebook account is new

To reduce spam and abuse, Facebook sometimes applies temporary limits on brand new accounts. If your account is less than a few days old, you may be unable to post publicly until you establish a bit of a history on the platform.

Restrictions on new accounts are usually lifted within a couple weeks. Add some friends, engage on other public posts, and verify your account to speed up the process.

You have limited internet connectivity

If you are trying to post in areas with slow or unstable internet connections, your post may fail to properly send. Technical issues like weak cellular signals, overloaded WiFi networks, or using a VPN can disrupt your ability to post.

Make sure you have a strong internet connection when trying to post. Move closer to your WiFi router, disable your VPN, or switch from WiFi to cellular data to see if that resolves any posting issues.


Trouble posting on Facebook groups can be frustrating, but the issue is usually temporary and can be fixed by adjusting your account settings, verifying your membership, or appealing any restrictions. Give it some time and try again later if your post does not seem to be going through.

If you continue having trouble posting on a Facebook community page after trying the fixes outlined here, reach out directly to the page admins or Facebook support for additional help getting your account posting abilities restored.

Reason Solution
You are not a member of the group Request to join the group and wait for admin approval
Post moderation is enabled Wait for an admin to approve your post
Your account or posts are restricted Resolve any account violations or request the restrictions be lifted
The group has joining questions Fill out the joining questions to complete your membership
Posting privileges are limited Ask the admin to update your posting permissions
You are posting too frequently Slow down your posting rate and wait for the limits to reset
Technical issue Restart the app, clear cookies, check for outages
Trying to post prohibited content Make sure your post does not violate Facebook’s policies
Your post contains banned keywords Avoid using blacklisted terms flagged by the admin
You’re using a fake or duplicate account Log into your real account and verify your identity
You are blocked by the admin Wait for the block to expire or appeal to the admin
Your Facebook account is new Establish your account history before posting publicly
You have limited connectivity Move locations or switch networks to improve internet

Posting in Facebook groups allows you to connect with specific communities around shared interests and causes. While frustrating when issues arise, there are steps you can take to troubleshoot and get your posting abilities back on track. With a combination of adjusting settings, waiting out any restrictions, and verifying your account, you should be able share your voice on community pages once again.