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Why can’t I make my Facebook event private?

Why can’t I make my Facebook event private?

Facebook allows users to create events and invite guests. When creating an event, you have the option to make it public or private. Public events can be seen and joined by anyone on Facebook. Private events are only visible to the people you invite. There are a few reasons why you may not be able to make your Facebook event private:

Your Privacy Settings

Check your overall Facebook privacy settings located under Settings > Privacy. Make sure you have your privacy set to “Friends” or “Only Me” for things like post visibility and event visibility. If your privacy settings are completely public, all your events will be public as well.

The Event Creation Process

When you go to create a new event on Facebook, make sure you are clicking on the option to make it private, not public. There is a very clear section when you are making the event that allows you to choose between a public or private event. Don’t forget to actually select the private option before creating your event.

Group Events

If you are creating an event for a Facebook group, it may not allow you to make it private. Some groups require all events and posts to be public to all group members. You will need to either create the event on your own timeline or speak with a group admin about changing the group settings to allow private events.

Page Events

Similarly, when creating events for Facebook pages, there is usually not an option to make them private. Page events are intended to be public and seen by all followers. The only way to make a “private” page event is to create a Facebook group associated with the page and create private group events.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you are still having issues making your Facebook event private after checking the options above, here are some troubleshooting steps:

Log Out and Back In

Sometimes glitches happen! Try fully logging out of your Facebook account and logging back in. Then attempt to create the private event again.

Use a Different Device

Open Facebook on a different device like your mobile phone or a tablet. Check if you have the option to make events private there. A device switch could resolve any platform-specific issues.

Clear Cookies and Cache

Clear your browser history, cookies and cache related to Facebook. This will wipe out any corrupted data that could be impacting your ability to make events private.

Check Your Account Settings

Go to your Facebook account settings and poke around to see if you have any restrictions set up on your ability to create events or set privacy. Make sure nothing in your account is limiting this functionality.

Update the Facebook App

If trying to create events on the Facebook mobile app, make sure you have updated to the latest version. Older versions may not have the private event options. Updating the app could fix this.

Try Facebook Messenger

As a workaround, you can try creating your private event by using Facebook Messenger instead. Open a group chat with the event guests and use the Messenger events feature.

Contact Facebook Support

If all else fails, reach out to Facebook directly through their Help Center. Report your problem being unable to make private events. They can look into your account and the issue further.

Make Your Event Private on Desktop

If you are using Facebook on your desktop, here are step-by-step instructions to make your event private:

  1. Click on Events in the left menu
  2. Click on + Create Event at the top
  3. Fill out all the event details like name and location
  4. Click on the Guests button
  5. Toggle the guest list privacy from Public to Private using the switch
  6. Click on the Create button

Following those steps will ensure your desktop Facebook event is only visible to those you invite.

Make Your Event Private on Mobile

On the Facebook mobile app, here is how to make an event private:

  1. Tap on the three line menu icon
  2. Select Events from the menu
  3. Tap on + Add Event at the top
  4. Enter your event info like name, date, location
  5. Tap on Guests
  6. Toggle the guest list privacy from Public to Private
  7. Tap on Save

This will make your mobile Facebook event only visible to those invited.

Who Can See Your Private Event?

When you make a Facebook event private, who can see it? Here is a breakdown:

  • You as the event creator
  • The hosts you assign to help manage it
  • Any Facebook friends or groups you specifically invite

Anyone not included above will not see or have access to the private event in any way. They won’t see it listed on your timeline or in search results.

Changing Event Privacy Settings Later

What if you create a public event but later decide you want to make it private? Not a problem! You can change the privacy settings on your Facebook event at any time.

On desktop, click on your created event then select Edit Event > Guests > use the toggle to switch to Private.

On mobile, tap into your created event then tap Guests > tap the toggle for Private.

All the existing invited guests will remain on the private guest list. No one new can join unless you specifically invite them.


Facebook events are a great way to organize gatherings with friends, family, coworkers, local groups and more. Making your events private allows you to control exactly who can see and interact with the event. If you are having trouble making an event private on Facebook, double check your account privacy settings, the event creation process and troubleshoot with the steps provided above. With the right settings and steps, you should be able to keep your event guest list and details away from the public eye.