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Why can’t I join a private Facebook group?

Why can’t I join a private Facebook group?

If you’ve tried to join a private Facebook group but were unable to, there are a few potential reasons why you may have encountered issues:

You don’t meet the group’s joining requirements

Many private Facebook groups have specific rules or requirements that members need to meet before they can join. Here are some common requirements that private groups may have:

  • Needing approval from an admin or moderator
  • Needing to be added or invited by an existing member
  • Having to answer joining questions
  • Meeting certain criteria like location, school, job, etc
  • Paying a membership or subscription fee

If the group has any such requirements, you won’t be able to join just by searching for and clicking the Join Group button. You’ll need to meet the criteria first before you can successfully join.

The group membership is full

Facebook limits the maximum number of members that a group can have based on the group’s privacy settings:

Group Type Max Members
Public No limit
Private 250,000
Secret 100,000

If the group you tried joining has reached its maximum capacity, you won’t be able to join until existing members leave to free up space.

Your account doesn’t meet the minimum age or friend requirements

Facebook requires private group members to:

  • Be at least 13 years old
  • Have at least 5 friends on the platform

These requirements are in place to help prevent fake accounts from infiltrating private group discussions. If your account is too new or doesn’t have enough friends, you’ll need to meet the requirements first before joining a private group.

The group has been archived or deleted

It’s possible the private Facebook group you were trying to join no longer exists. Group admins can archive or delete groups at any time, which would prevent you from joining.

You were banned from the group

If you were previously a member of the private group but were removed by an admin, you could be banned from joining again. Admins can ban specific people from the group when removing them.

You reached the joining limit

Facebook limits the number of groups you can join each day as an anti-spam measure. The daily joining limit is 200 groups if you’re joining as yourself. If you try exceeding the limit, you’ll encounter errors when trying to join more groups that day.

The group has restricted join settings enabled

Group admins can restrict the join settings for private groups as another anti-spam defense. This means only admin-approved members or member invites can successfully join the group.

You declined a previous invite

If you previously declined an invitation to join the private group, you won’t be able to join again on your own. The group administrator would need to re-invite you.

You’re trying to join too soon after leaving

When you leave a private Facebook group, you can’t immediately join again. There is a short waiting period (around 24-48 hours) before you can request to re-join after leaving voluntarily.

It’s a glitch

In rare cases, a technical glitch on Facebook’s side could also be preventing you from joining a group. Trying again later or reporting the issue to Facebook may help resolve a glitch.

What to do if you can’t join a private Facebook group

If you encounter issues joining a private Facebook group, here are some things you can try:

  • Make sure you meet any listed joining requirements for the group
  • Contact the group admin and ask to be added
  • Wait for an open spot if the group is full
  • Build up your friend list if your account is too new
  • Wait out the post-leave re-join period if needed
  • Double check you weren’t previously banned
  • Report technical issues to Facebook

Reading the group description thoroughly, communicating with the admin, and ensuring you meet any criteria are key to solving most joining problems. With enough effort, you should eventually be able to join the private Facebook group you want.

Tips for joining private Facebook groups

Here are some helpful tips for smoothly joining private groups:

  • Search for groups related to your interests, hobbies, school, job, etc
  • Look for groups your friends are in and ask to join too
  • Make your join request look more appealing to admins
  • Answer any membership questions thoughtfully and thoroughly
  • Thank the admin for accepting your request
  • Engage with the group actively once you’ve joined
  • Don’t spam groups with your own content or links
  • Follow group rules and be respectful to other members

The benefits of private Facebook groups

Private Facebook groups offer many advantages over regular public posting. Here are some of the benefits:

  • More exclusive, curated discussions
  • Increased privacy and security
  • Stronger sense of community
  • Targeted content relevant to members
  • Ability to talk about niche or sensitive topics
  • Admins can filter out trolls and spammers
  • Members often share insider knowledge
  • Networking opportunities in professional groups

Joining the right groups can provide amazing opportunities for learning, networking, and connecting with people sharing your specific interests or experiences.


Joining a private Facebook group requires meeting certain criteria set by the group admin. You may need to get admin approval, be invited by an existing member, or meet requirements like location, age, or number of friends. Technical issues can sometimes also prevent you from joining, though reporting problems to Facebook can often resolve them. With enough patience and effort, you can eventually gain access to private groups to enjoy exclusive conversations with relevant members.