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Why can’t I invite people to like my business page?

Why can’t I invite people to like my business page?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to invite people to like your Facebook business page:

Your account hasn’t been verified

In order to invite people to like your business page, your account needs to be verified. This is Facebook’s way of confirming your identity and making sure you are authorized to create a business page.

To verify your account, you’ll need to confirm your phone number and provide a form of ID such as a passport or driver’s license. Once verified, you should be able to start inviting people.

Your page hasn’t been published

Before you can invite people to like your page, it needs to actually be live and viewable to the public. If you created a page but didn’t hit “publish,” it will still be in draft mode.

To publish your page, go to the admin panel and look for the “Publish Page” button. Once it’s live, you can start sending invites.

Your page is too new

Facebook prevents brand new pages from inviting people until the page is a bit more established. This is to prevent spammy pages from being created and immediately spamming friend requests.

Typically you need to wait between 2-7 days after publishing your page before invite capabilities are enabled. Add some content and let your page age slightly before trying to invite people.

You’ve hit your daily inviting limit

Facebook limits the number of invites you can send each day as an anti-spam measure. The exact limit depends on the age and established history of your page.

If you try inviting people and get an error about exceeding your limit, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow. The daily cap will reset at midnight based on your account’s timezone.

Your page was banned from sending invites

If Facebook detects suspicious activity from your page such as sending spammy invites or messaging people without permission, your page’s inviting capabilities can be revoked.

You can appeal the ban through the page admin panel. Explain what happened and how you will prevent it going forward. If approved, your privileges will be restored.

You have page invite restrictions enabled

Page admins can restrict which roles are allowed to send invites from the page. For example, you may have accidentally disabled invites for admin roles.

Check the page settings to make sure your admin role has permission to send invites. If not, update the settings to allow your role to invite people.

Your friends have their settings restricted

Individual Facebook users can update their privacy settings to limit who can send them friend requests or page invites.

If you are having issues inviting specific people, it may be because their account is restricting invites. There is no way around this other than getting them to update their own settings.

You are trying to invite non-friends

For privacy reasons, Facebook restricts pages from being able to invite people to like them unless those people are already friends with the page admin.

If you want to invite non-friends, you’ll need to send them a friend request first. Once they accept, you can then invite them to like your page.

Your page is not visible to the public

In order for people to receive invitations to like your page, the page needs to be visible to them. If you have set viewing restrictions on your page, people you invite may not be able to access and like it.

Make sure your page visibility is set to public. You can also whitelist specific people, networks, or countries to customize who can see your page.

You need to re-connect your Instagram account

Facebook allows pages to invite Instagram followers to also like their Facebook page. However, the Instagram connection needs to be actively linked.

If you haven’t connected your Instagram for a while, the link may have broken. Go to your Facebook page settings and reconnect your Instagram account to restore invite capabilities.

Your page is restricted from invites

In some cases, Facebook may completely restrict certain pages from being able to invite people. This is typically reserved for punitive reasons if a page has severely or repeatedly violated Facebook policies.

You can request a review through your page’s admin panel. Provide information on what caused the restriction and any steps you’ve taken to address the issues.

You’re using a personal profile instead of a page

Inviting people to like a Facebook business page can only be done from an official page, not your personal profile.

Make sure you have created and are administering your business page. Personal profiles do not have the same invite capabilities.


Being unable to invite people to like your Facebook business page can be frustrating, but the limitations are in place to prevent spam and protect user privacy. In most cases, the issues can be resolved by verifying your account, publishing your page, waiting for your page to mature, reconnecting linked accounts, adjusting settings, or appealing any restrictions.

With some tweaking to your page and account settings, you should be able to start inviting people and growing your audience in no time!

Reason Solution
Account not verified Verify account via ID confirmation
Page not published Publish page to make it live
Page too new Wait 2-7 days for page to mature
Hit daily invite limit Wait until next day when limit resets
Page banned from invites Appeal ban and address policy violations
Invite capabilities disabled Enable invites in page role settings
Friends have restricted settings Nothing can be done, up to those users
Trying to invite non-friends Send friend requests first before inviting
Page not publicly visible Set page visibility to public
Instagram not connected Reconnect Instagram account in settings
Page fully restricted from invites Request review of restrictions
Using personal profile instead of page Switch to administering from business page

This table summarizes the key reasons you may be unable to invite people to like your Facebook business page, along with the corresponding solutions to address each issue.

Account Verification Issues

To send invites from a Facebook business page, the connected Facebook account needs to be verified with either a phone number or a form of ID. Attempting to invite people without completing this verification process will result in errors.

Make sure to confirm your phone number in the account settings. You can also upload a copy of a government-issued ID such as a driver’s license or passport. Facebook will review your ID submission and once approved, your account will be verified.

Publishing and Age Requirements

Before you can start inviting people to like your page, it needs to actually be published live on Facebook. Any pages still in draft mode are not visible to the public. Use the “Publish Page” button in your page admin panel.

Facebook also restricts brand new pages from sending invites for the first few days after publishing. This is an anti-spam measure. Be patient and wait between 2-7 days before attempting to invite people to like the page.

Daily Limits on Invites

To prevent spam, Facebook enforces a daily cap on how many invites can be sent from a page. The exact number varies based on your page history and reputation.

If you hit the daily limit, you’ll have to wait until it resets at midnight based on your account timezone. The next day, your cap will be replenished.

Bans on Inviting Capabilities

Pages that exhibit suspicious behavior such as sending unwanted invites or messages can have their capabilities restricted. Appeal any unfair bans and explain how you will improve behavior going forward.

Individual User Privacy Settings

Users can limit who can interact with them through privacy settings. If your friends have set restrictions, you may not be able to invite them even from an established page.

Non-Friends and Page Visibility

For privacy reasons, you can only invite people who are already friends with your page admin. To invite non-friends, send them a friend request first.

Your page also needs to be visible based on its settings. Non-public pages can only be accessed by certain users. Make your page fully public to maximize invite capabilities.

Using a Personal Profile Instead of a Page

Inviting people to like a Facebook page can only be done from an official page, not your personal profile. Make sure you are accessing the page admin panel and sending invites as the page itself.

Best Practices for Inviting People to Like Your Business Page

Here are some tips to effectively invite people and grow your Facebook business page audience:

  • Only invite people who are likely to be genuinely interested in your business. Mass spam invites will be frowned upon and limited.
  • Personalize invites with a custom message highlighting why the person should like your page.
  • Offer incentives for liking your page like exclusive discounts, contests, content etc.
  • Invite customers who have already purchased from your business in the past.
  • Invite co-marketing partners and affiliates to help spread the reach.
  • Run Facebook ads targeting lookalike audiences of existing page followers.
  • Post great content that organically attracts new people to your page.
  • Use Facebook analytics to understand your page growth and demographics.

By being selective with your invites, personalizing your outreach, and posting engaging content, you can build a quality audience that brings value to your business page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay to send more invites?

No, Facebook does not offer any paid options to increase your daily invite limit. The caps are in place to maintain the quality of the experience for users. You’ll need to be patient and invite people over time within the limits.

Are page invites the best way to grow my audience?

Not necessarily. While invites can help kickstart your growth, focusing on great content and running paid promotions will drive more sustainable results. Invites to existing contacts should only be one small part of your overall strategy.

Can I automate the inviting process?

No. Facebook restricts the use of automated bots or services to send large volumes of invites. These violate Facebook’s terms of service and may result in your page being penalized or restricted.

How many people should I invite per day?

It depends on your daily limit, but aim for 50-100 invites maximum per day. Any more than that and you risk limiting your reach or having Facebook flag your activity. Slow steady inviting is better than mass bursts.

How long do I have to wait to invite Instagram followers?

Once you connect your Instagram account to your Facebook page, you can immediately start inviting your Instagram followers to like your Facebook page as well. There is no waiting period for cross-platform invites.


Inviting people to like your new Facebook business page can be a challenge due to the various rules and restrictions in place. With some troubleshooting to resolve account issues, careful strategy around targeting and messaging, and patience as your page matures, you can overcome most limitations.

Focus on the quality of your invites over quantity. And remember that engaging organic content and strategic paid promotion will drive more substantial results than invites alone. With a savvy approach, you can build an audience of people truly interested in your brand.