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Why can’t I find someone on Facebook but my friend can?

Why can’t I find someone on Facebook but my friend can?

There are a few potential reasons why you may not be able to find someone on Facebook when your friend can:

They may have privacy settings that limit who can see their profile

The most likely explanation is that the person you are searching for has set their privacy settings on Facebook to limit who can see their full profile. Here are some ways they may have done this:

  • Set their profile to be visible only to friends. If you are not friends with the person on Facebook, you won’t be able to see their profile in search results or even confirm that they have a Facebook account.
  • Restricted their profile visibility to friends of friends or a custom friend list that excludes you. Even though you have a mutual friend, they may have set up their settings so you still can’t access their profile.
  • Enabled the “Limit Past Posts” setting. This limits visibility of previous posts to friends only, regardless of your original sharing settings.

In contrast, if your friend is Facebook friends with the person, they would be able to see the full profile within the limits of the privacy settings. So your friend may have access even though you don’t.

They may have blocked you specifically

Another possibility is that the person has actively blocked you on Facebook. This means you would not be able to find or access their profile at all when logged into your account. Some signs they may have blocked you:

  • Searching their name returns no results.
  • Visiting a direct link to their profile says content unavailable.
  • Messages to them fail to send.
  • They never like or comment on your posts.

If they have blocked you specifically but not your mutual friend, your friend would still be able to see their profile normally.

Differences in name spellings or profile names

Facebook search relies on matching the name or profile details you enter with the information on the user’s profile. Here are some cases where a slight difference could prevent you from finding their profile:

  • You are spelling their name differently than how it appears on their profile.
  • They go by a different name on Facebook than you know them by.
  • They got married and changed their last name but you don’t know the new last name.
  • You’re searching an old Facebook profile name that they no longer use.

Your friend may be able to find them easily if they know the precise name or profile details to look for.

They deactivated or deleted their Facebook account

If the person you are searching for no longer has an active Facebook account, neither you nor your friend would be able to find them. They may have deactivated or fully deleted their account.

A deactivated account temporarily disables the profile but keeps all data intact in case the user wants to reactivate. You would not be able to search and find a deactivated account.

A deleted account permanently removes the profile and most associated data. There would be no profile for anyone to find.

Differences in location and language settings

Facebook’s search results can also be affected by differences in your location and language settings on Facebook compared to your friend’s. This likely comes into play if you and your friend live in different countries.

For example, if the person you are searching for has their privacy settings configured to only be visible to users in a certain country, your friend in that country could see them but you could not.

The language settings can also cause issues if you and your friend have Facebook set to different languages. The name search algorithms may work better for finding profiles with one language versus another.

They are using a fake profile or pseudonym

In some cases, people create Facebook profiles using a fake name or alternate pseudonym for privacy reasons. If you try searching for their real name, you won’t find the account.

But if your friend knows the fake name they are using, they may be able to locate the profile easily. Facebook tries to limit fake accounts, but some slip through if they appear legitimate.

How to troubleshoot and find the hidden profile

If you think you should be able to see someone’s profile based on your common friends or interests, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Check different name spellings and variations
  • Search based on school or work info you know about them
  • Look for profile pictures you recognize
  • Check if they have a common alternative name they use
  • Ask your mutual friends for tips on finding the profile
  • Use your friend’s account to search if you can

If you still can’t find the profile after exhausting these options, they likely have privacy limits, location restrictions, or other settings that prevent you from viewing the profile.

When is it appropriate to limit profile visibility?

There are valid reasons why someone may restrict access to their Facebook profile, such as:

  • Avoiding harassment or unwanted contact from strangers
  • Keeping details private from acquaintances, coworkers or employers
  • Controlling information seen by family members or in-laws
  • Preventing access to pictures or posts from a previous time in their life
  • Reducing risk of identity theft or other cybercrime

Here are a few best practices for setting privacy controls:

  • Customize settings so trusted friends can still see posts
  • Review all privacy and audience selectors for posts
  • Limit old posts visibility with the Activity Log setting
  • Block specific individuals as needed

What to do if you think someone blocked you

Getting blocked on Facebook can be frustrating and confusing, but here are some productive ways to respond:

  • Reflect on if you did anything that may have made them uncomfortable interacting with you online.
  • Consider talking to them in person calmly to understand why they felt the need to block you.
  • Respect their right to control interactions on social media and do not retaliate or escalate the situation.
  • Move forward constructively and focus on other positive relationships in your life.

Harassment or trying to force contact after being blocked will only make the situation worse. Take it as a cue to examine how your own behavior may have contributed to the breakdown in the relationship.

When is it acceptable to block someone on Facebook?

Blocking or unfriending someone on Facebook is a personal decision, but some common understandable reasons include:

  • You ended a romantic relationship and need distance.
  • Someone is posting inflammatory, offensive or negative content.
  • You feel harassed, threatened or unsafe interacting with them.
  • A friend or family member is toxic or drains your mental health.
  • An ex-friend won’t stop contacting you against your wishes.
  • A coworker overshares unprofessional information.

In most cases, it is advisable to talk with the person first and explain why you feel the need to block them. But your safety and well-being should be the priority.


Not being able to find or access someone’s Facebook profile when a mutual friend still can is most often due to privacy settings or your account being specifically blocked. However, differences in names, locations, languages, and fake profiles can also prevent you from connecting.

Troubleshooting tips like checking for name variations and alternative profiles may help uncover the profile you are searching for. But extensive blocking or privacy limitations usually indicate the person does not want to interact with you online.

Respecting those boundaries and reflecting on what may have caused the breakdown in your relationship is recommended. With over 2 billion users, Facebook’s role in relationships and communication will continue to evolve.