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Why can’t I find my Facebook page on Google?

Why can’t I find my Facebook page on Google?

If you’re having trouble finding your Facebook page in Google search results, there are a few potential reasons why it may not be showing up:

Your Page Hasn’t Been Indexed by Google

In order for your Facebook page to appear in Google search, Google’s web crawlers need to find and index the page. This process can take some time after initially creating your page. Make sure your page has been public and available to be crawled by Google for at least a couple of weeks. If it’s a brand new page, you may just need to be patient and allow more time for Google to discover and index it.

You Have Low Authority and PageRank

Google ranks pages based on authority and PageRank, which is essentially a measure of how valuable and reputable Google considers a page to be. Newer pages with little content often have low authority and PageRank. Having quality content, links from authoritative sites pointing to your page, and engagement on your page (likes, shares, comments, etc.) can help build authority over time. But a brand new page starts with minimal authority in Google’s eyes.

Problems with Metadata and URL Structure

Make sure your Facebook page has a unique title and description metadata filled out. This provides Google with information about what your page is about. The URL for your Facebook page should also be simple and easy for Google to interpret, like:

Avoid overly complex or dynamic URLs. Also make sure your page name matches your brand name so Google understands the entity your page represents.

Issues with Facebook Platform

Sometimes technical issues with the Facebook platform itself can cause new pages to not get crawled and indexed properly. Facebook pages are dependent on Facebook’s system being optimized for search engine visibility. If Facebook is having platform or infrastructure issues, this can temporarily impact new pages being discovered by Google.

Your Page Was Blocked by Facebook

If your Facebook page violated Facebook’s policies, such as by promoting illegal products/services or using banned techniques like automation, it’s possible your page was blocked or restricted by Facebook. This prevents it from being publicly visible and crawlable by Google.

You Violated Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

Similarly, violating Google’s webmaster guidelines for things like webspam techniques, scraped content, or misleading promotions can cause Google to manually block and de-index your page. Make sure you comply fully with both Facebook’s and Google’s policies.

How to Fix It

Here are some steps to get your Facebook page indexing properly in Google:

  • Make sure your page has been public for at least 2 weeks to allow time for indexing
  • Add quality content and engage with users to build authority and PageRank
  • Optimize title metadata and URL structure
  • Use Facebook’s fetch and index tools
  • Build links from other sites to your Facebook page
  • Check for platform issues and restrictions on both Facebook and Google

Use Facebook’s Fetch and Index Tool

Facebook provides a “Fetch and Index” tool that allows you to manually submit a page for crawling:

  • Go to your Facebook page
  • Click Settings at the top
  • Select Public Search
  • Click Fetch and Index
  • Enter your Facebook URL
  • Click Submit

This tells Facebook to recrawl and re-index your page, which may help get it into Google search results.

Building Links to Your Page

Having reputable external sites link to your Facebook page can signal to Google that your page is valuable. Here are some ways to build quality links:

  • Update your website/blog to link to your Facebook page
  • Ask partners or vendors to link to your page from their sites
  • Participate in link building outreach and guest posting opportunities
  • Engage with other reputable pages and profiles on Facebook to build internal links
  • Promote your page on other social media channels

Focus on getting links from sites relevant to your industry or niche to build contextual authority.

Be Patient and Persistent

It can sometimes take weeks or even months for a new Facebook page to start ranking in Google, especially for competitive keywords. Have reasonable expectations, continue building out your page, and use the fetch/index tools regularly. Maintain your on-page and off-page optimization efforts. With consistent hard work over time, your Facebook page visibility in search should improve.


Achieving Google search visibility takes effort, but is worth it for connecting with more customers. Ensure your page is indexed, build authority signals like content and links, follow best practices for metadata and structure, and leverage Facebook’s built-in tools. With time and optimization, your Facebook page can absolutely get found in Google.

Factor Optimization Tips
Indexing Issues
  • Allow time for Google to crawl new pages
  • Use Facebook’s fetch and index tool
  • Make sure page is public
Low Authority
  • Create valuable content
  • Get engagement from followers
  • Build links from related sites
Metadata Optimization
  • Unique title and description
  • Consistent page name
Technical Issues
  • Check for Facebook platform problems
  • Ensure proper URL structure
  • Fix any page errors

Having your Facebook page come up in Google search results can significantly expand your reach and visibility online. Invest time into on-page and off-page optimization best practices to improve rankings. Be patient, as SEO takes time. Use Facebook’s built-in fetch and index tools to speed up indexing. Building authority through content and backlinks remains one of the most effective ways to boost your Facebook page’s search presence.

With focus and persistence, you can absolutely get your Facebook page showing up in Google. Search visibility leads to more traffic, engagement, and conversions. View SEO for Facebook as an ongoing investment into your brand and business growth. Maintain optimization efforts over time and your page will start ranking for your target keywords.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take for Facebook pages to be indexed in Google?

It typically takes 2-6 weeks for a new Facebook page to get indexed in Google. However, it can sometimes take 2-3 months for competitive keywords. Be patient and focus on building authority through content and backlinks.

Should my Facebook page name match my business name?

Yes, having a consistent page name that matches your brand name helps Google understand what your page represents. It also helps users find your page.

Can I speed up indexing of my Facebook page?

Using Facebook’s Fetch and Index tool can help get your page recrawled faster. Building quality backlinks also signals Google to prioritize indexing your page.

How often should I use Facebook’s Fetch and Index tool?

When trying to get indexed initially, submit your page 1-2 times per week. Once your page is established, fetch/index every 1-2 months to ensure proper visibility.

Should I noindex my Facebook page?

No, you want Google to index your page so it appears in search results. Noindex tells Google not to show your page in their search results.

How can I check if Google has indexed my Facebook page?

Do a site: search for your URL in Google. If your page appears, it’s indexed. You can also check Google Search Console for indexing status.

For example:


Gaining visibility in Google search results is crucial for driving traffic to your Facebook page from search engines. But it requires diligence and patience, especially when getting started. Ensure technical components like metadata and URL structure are optimized. Give Google time to discover and index new pages. Build authority through valuable content creation and link building over time.

Use Facebook’s built-in Fetch and Index tool regularly to speed up the process. Fix any platform issues or restrictions that may be preventing Google from crawling your page. Achieving top search rankings takes persistence, but the additional reach and visibility for your Facebook page make it well worth the effort.

With consistent optimization and patience, your Facebook page can gain traction in Google search results, resulting in more visitors, engagement, and conversions. Treat SEO as an ongoing process, and keep refining your on-page and off-page signals to maintain and improve your search visibility over time.