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Why can’t I edit the privacy of my cover photo?

Why can’t I edit the privacy of my cover photo?

Changing the privacy settings for your Facebook cover photo can seem confusing at first glance. The cover photo is a large banner image that appears at the top of your profile, and it may contain sensitive information that you only want certain people to see. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t allow you to edit the privacy settings for this specific photo. However, there are some workarounds that allow you to control who sees your cover image.

Why Facebook Doesn’t Allow Custom Privacy for the Cover Photo

Facebook designed the cover photo to be a “public-facing” image that summarizes your profile. They want it to be something that anyone visiting your profile can see, whether they are your friends or complete strangers. Allowing people to customize the privacy settings for this photo would go against Facebook’s intentions for what the cover image is meant to be.

Here are some of the specific reasons why Facebook restricts cover photo privacy:

  • The cover photo is prominent on your profile – it’s one of the first things people notice, so Facebook wants it to be viewable by all.
  • Facebook uses the cover image to identify and brand your profile. Obscuring it for some people would interfere with this purpose.
  • Facebook prefers consistency in how all users’ profiles function. Letting people hide the cover photo would make profiles inconsistent.
  • Restricting the cover image’s visibility could allow the spread of inappropriate content that Facebook’s algorithms cannot detect.

Essentially, Facebook prioritizes uniformity, branding, content monitoring and their intended functionality over customized privacy. For these reasons, they do not let you change the cover photo privacy settings.

Workarounds to Hide Your Cover Photo from Certain People

If your cover photo contains personal information or images you only want certain people to access, there are some workaround options:

Temporarily Change the Photo

The simplest workaround is to temporarily change your cover photo to something more generic or neutral when you need to hide the original image. For example, you could upload a innocuous landscape photo while you have sensitive visitors looking at your profile. When they are gone, you can switch the original photo back.

Crop or Zoom the Image

You can also crop or zoom in on the cover photo to only reveal a portion of the image. Crop out the sensitive or private areas of the photo so that only harmless sections are visible to people you want to hide it from.

Cover Up With a Color or Pattern

Another option is uploading a solid color or repeated pattern as your cover photo, and then adding your real cover image on top of it. Position the main photo further down so the top portion is obscured by the color or pattern. This lets you show the photo only to people who scroll down on your profile.

Use a Profile Picture Overlay App

Some third-party Facebook apps like Cover Overlay for Facebook allow you to display a profile picture overlay on top of your cover photo. The profile picture will conceal and hide the cover image behind it. This takes some setup but can work to block the underlying cover photo.

Adjust Privacy Settings for the Whole Profile

If there is no part of the cover image you want certain people to see, you can hide your entire profile from them. Adjust your profile’s privacy settings so only friends or specific friend lists can view the profile. This will block the cover photo along with the rest of your profile.

Why You May Want to Limit Cover Photo Access

There are a variety of reasons why someone may want to restrict who can see their Facebook cover photo. Some examples include:

  • The cover image contains private family photos you only want close friends and relatives to view.
  • It includes romantic images of you and a significant other that you don’t want public.
  • You use it to promote political or social causes you don’t want professional contacts to see.
  • The photo has inside jokes only certain friends would understand.
  • The image displays alcohol or other mature content unsuitable for family members.
  • It showcases confidential work information that your boss/company would disapprove of publicly sharing.

Basically, anytime the cover image includes something personal, unprofessional or controversial, you may want to limit its visibility. Since Facebook doesn’t allow adjusting the cover photo privacy directly, you need to use workarounds like the methods suggested earlier.

Other Facebook Photos with Customizable Privacy

While you can’t change the privacy settings for your cover photo specifically, Facebook does allow configuring visibility and access for other photos on your profile:

Photo Type Can Privacy Be Customized?
Profile Picture Yes
Timeline Photos Yes
Album Photos Yes

For all these other photo types, you can control the privacy on a granular level. Use the audience selector when uploading photos to limit visibility to only your desired groups, lists, or individuals. You can also go back and edit the privacy settings for existing photos later.

Additionally, any photos uploaded in Facebook groups or events will inherit the overall privacy settings of that group or event. So you have some indirect control over those photo privacy settings as well.

Will Facebook Ever Add Custom Cover Photo Privacy?

Given Facebook’s reasoning for restricting cover photo privacy so far, they are unlikely to add customizable options in the future. The cover image is central to their intentions for uniform branding and complete profiles viewable to all.

However, public demand for more privacy controls has been increasing steadily. With enough feedback from users, Facebook may revisit their stance someday. But currently, they have not indicated any plans to allow adjusting cover photo privacy settings.

For now, using workarounds like cropping, overlay apps, or temporarily changing the photo are your best options. You can also provide feedback directly to Facebook asking for more granular cover image privacy controls.


Facebook limits control over cover photo privacy to align with their vision for consistent, public-facing profiles. While this can be inconvenient for users with sensitive images, there are a few workaround options to obscure the cover photo from certain viewers. With some creative thinking, you can find ways to keep private images out of unwanted eyes. Persistent user feedback may convince Facebook to add direct privacy settings someday, but for now workarounds are required.