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Why can’t I Delete someone’s comment on my Facebook post?

Why can’t I Delete someone’s comment on my Facebook post?

Facebook allows users to post status updates, photos, videos, and more on their profile. Other users can then comment on those posts. While the original poster has control over their own content, they cannot delete comments left by others.

You Don’t Have Permission to Delete Other Users’ Comments

The main reason you can’t delete someone else’s comment on your Facebook post is that you don’t have permission to do so. On Facebook, comments are considered to be the content of the user who posted them. So even if a comment is left on your post, you are not allowed to delete it.

When someone comments on your post, they are essentially posting content to their own Facebook profile, on your page. Their comment lives on your post but belongs to them. This means that only they have the authority to delete or edit their own comment.

Facebook’s platform policies are designed to give users control over their own content while limiting what others can do with it. These policies protect free speech and self-expression. Users are given autonomy over their comments, even those left on others’ pages, to uphold these values.

The Original Poster’s Options

While you can’t directly delete another user’s comment, there are a few options available to you as the original poster:

  • Hide the comment from your page – This doesn’t delete it, but prevents it from being visible to you or others who visit your post.
  • Report the comment to Facebook – If the comment violates Facebook’s Community Standards, you can report it and Facebook may remove it.
  • Ban the user from your page – This prevents them from being able to comment on any of your posts in the future.
  • Delete your entire post – This would also remove all comments, but obviously has the downside of deleting your own content.

While inconvenient, allowing original posters to delete others’ comments could set a dangerous precedent. It would enable censorship, infringement on speech rights, and the unfair silencing of dissenting opinions.

Why Facebook Doesn’t Allow Comment Deletion

Facebook has several publicized reasons why they prohibit users from deleting others’ comments:

  • Prevent censorship – As mentioned, disallowing comment deletion upholds free speech and open discussion. It prevents users from controlling dialogue or suppressing unfavorable opinions on their posts.
  • Avoid confusion and misinformation – Deleting key parts of a conversation could misrepresent what transpired. It could leave comments without context and make information unclear or misleading.
  • Honor commenters’ rights – Facebook wants to respect users’ control over content they create. Allowing comment deletion could too easily lead to misuse, abuse of power, and infringements on user rights.

Some may argue that preventing comment deletion allows trolling, harassment, and other toxicity. Facebook balances these concerns by giving posters options like hiding, reporting, and banning users when necessary.

What About Deleting Your Own Comments?

Unlike other users’ comments, you do have the ability to delete your own comments on Facebook. You can remove any comment you have posted, on your own content or others’, by following these steps:

  1. Go to the post where your comment is located.
  2. Hover over your comment and click the “X” icon that appears.
  3. Confirm that you want to delete your comment.

Your comment will be immediately removed. Other users will no longer be able to see it.

However, there are a couple caveats:

  • If another user has already replied to your comment, your comment will be replaced with a note saying “Comment Removed.” The replies will remain visible.
  • Deleting your comment from a page doesn’t remove your name and profile picture, which stay connected to the thread.

In summary, you have control over your own comments, but not those left by other users. This policy aims to balance the complex needs of an open social platform supporting billions of users worldwide.

Moderator Comment Deletion Privileges

There are special Facebook roles that do have increased comment moderation abilities:

  • Page Moderators – Individuals added as moderators to a Facebook Page can delete comments from others on that Page’s posts. They act on behalf of the Page owner.
  • Group Admins/Moderators – Admins and moderators of Facebook Groups can delete comments in the Group, to enforce group rules and guidelines.

So in spaces like brand Pages and private Groups, assigned moderators can delete comments. But on personal profiles and timelines, no one can remove others’ comments.

Steps to Try If You Want a Comment Gone

If you are frustrated that you can’t remove another user’s unwanted or inappropriate Facebook comment, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Politely ask the commenter to remove it themselves. They may be willing to delete their own comment if asked nicely.
  2. Hide the comment from public view so it is no longer visible on your post.
  3. Report the comment to Facebook for review if it seems to violate policies.
  4. Block the user altogether so they can’t comment on your posts in the future.
  5. Turn off commenting on your post to prevent any further unwanted remarks.
  6. Delete your post if the situation becomes unmanageable.

While you don’t have direct control, taking one of these actions usually resolves the issue until the comment naturally moves down your feed over time.

Special Cases When Comment Deletion May Occur

In some special cases, it is possible for comments to be removed from Facebook without the original commenter’s involvement:

  • Facebook removes violating content – If a comment is reported and found to violate Community Standards, Facebook can remove it.
  • Owners of deceased users’ accounts – Immediate family members managing a deceased user’s profile can request comment removal.
  • Court orders – In rare cases, courts may order Facebook to delete content in cases involving privacy, defamation, etc.

So in certain specific situations, usually involving violations, abuse, or legal matters, comments may be taken down by Facebook itself. But otherwise, users retain full control.

Best Practices for Handling Unwanted Comments

When managing unwelcome comments from others on your Facebook posts, keep these tips in mind:

  • Stay calm and polite in your responses, avoiding heated arguments.
  • Avoid name-calling, insults, or threats that could get yourself in trouble.
  • Express why you feel the comment is inappropriate or harmful.
  • Appeal to the commenter’s better judgment and ask them to remove it.
  • If necessary, report, block, or ban the user instead of fighting.
  • Turn comments off for the post if the situation becomes uncontrollable.

Handling it gracefully can mitigate most unwelcome comment situations without needing to delete remarks. Focus on what actions you can take instead of the deletion abilities you lack.

The Philosophy Behind Facebook’s Stance on Comments

Some key principles underscore Facebook’s policies on commenting and deletion abilities:

  • Free speech – All users deserve a voice, open discourse, and the right to express opinions.
  • Ownership – Users should maintain control over content they create.
  • Open dialogue – Discussions have value when all sides can be heard.
  • Transparency – Removing comments lacks transparency about what transpired.
  • Fairness – No users should have unchecked power over what others say.

While Facebook’s rules may be frustrating at times, they arise from a desire to create an equitable platform that respects diverse perspectives.

The Risks of Allowing Comment Deletion

Some hypothetical risks if regular users could remove other comments include:

  • Posts could provide a skewed, one-sided version of interactions.
  • Minority views and marginalized groups could be suppressed or censored.
  • Harassment of individuals whose comments were deleted could increase.
  • Users and public figures could avoid criticism and dissent by deleting critical remarks.
  • Facebook’s role as a transparent public forum could diminish.
  • Misunderstandings could arise from missing context and incomplete conversations.

Enabling comment deletion risks distortion of real interactions. While frustrating at times, Facebook’s system aims to prevent these pitfalls.

Perspectives on Both Sides of the Issue

Facebook users fall on both sides of this issue, with reasonable arguments for each perspective:

In Favor of Allowing Comment Deletion

  • Posters should have control over their own pages.
  • Comment moderation tools could prevent harassment.
  • It would enable removal of toxic, dangerous, or abusive remarks.
  • Comments are often irrelevant to the original post.
  • The original poster bears the brunt of unwanted remarks.

Against Allowing Comment Deletion

  • Commenters deserve ownership of their own content.
  • It could enable censorship and suppression of unpopular views.
  • Deleted comments lack transparency about what was said.
  • There are better ways to handle unwelcome comments constructively.
  • Facebook aims to be an open platform for diverse expression.

Facebook seeks to balance both standpoints but ultimately leans toward maintaining open dialogue.

The Risk of Abuse and Harassment

Two legitimate concerns around Facebook’s comment rules are:

  1. Abusive comments – While anyone can report abusive comments, the inability to delete them can lead to ongoing harassment and pain, especially for vulnerable users.
  2. Piling on – Controversial posts can attract excessive, overwhelming quantities of negative remarks that are hard to escape from.

Facebook does ban hate speech, bullying, and direct threats. But ultimately, allowing comment deletion risks much greater harms through censorship. It’s a complex balancing act with reasonable arguments on both sides.

How Comment Moderation Works on Other Platforms

Facebook is not alone in how it approaches comment moderation abilities:

  • Twitter – Users cannot delete others’ tweets but can report them or block the user.
  • Reddit – In subreddits, moderators can remove comments but users cannot remove others’ comments.
  • Instagram – Users can’t delete others’ comments but can report them or disable commenting.
  • YouTube – Users cannot remove others’ comments on videos but owners and moderators can.
  • Disqus – Third-party commenting system allows comment deletion by thread creators and moderators.

Most platforms grant similar capacities, attempting to balance open dialogue, ownership, and speech rights. Community standards enforce what content is allowed.

Changes Over Time in Facebook’s Policies

Facebook has updated and clarified its stance on comment deletion over time:

  • Pre-2009 – For a brief period, users could delete others’ comments.
  • 2009 – Facebook introduced the current policy prohibiting comment deletion.
  • 2013 – Page moderators were granted comment deletion abilities to maintain Pages.
  • 2018 – Facebook publicly codified its policies around comment deletion in its Terms of Service.
  • 2021 – Added clarifications about hiding, reporting, and deleting your own comments.

Facebook listened to feedback and found prohibiting comment deletion struck the right balance. The core rationale has remained steady even as new issues like misinformation arise.

Comment Moderation Challenges Posed by Misinformation

Social media misinformation has highlighted some challenges around Facebook’s comment policies, like:

  • Misleading claims can spread quickly through comments.
  • Banning misinformation risks claims of censorship.
  • Leaving it up permits false rumors to flourish.
  • Comments lack verifiability unlike source posts.
  • Out-of-context comments multiply confusion.

Balancing open dialogue with truth and safety poses deep societal challenges. But allowing users to delete others’ comments would likely enable greater manipulation and misinformation spread.

The Need for Thoughtful Commenting Norms

Ultimately, a more thoughtful commenting culture benefits everyone on Facebook:

  • Post substantive, on-topic remarks that advance the discussion.
  • Avoid trolling, insults, name-calling, or piling on.
  • Be willing to reconsider and engage civilly with dissenting views.
  • Correct factual inaccuracies politely without attacking individuals.
  • Report truly abusive comments instead of escalating arguments.

While Facebook’s policies may be imperfect, participating constructively according to sound principles minimizes problems.


Facebook’s stance on comment deletion arises from a desire to balance transparency, user rights, and open dialogue. While imperfect, these rules aim to create a fair platform that gives everyone a voice.

As a Facebook user, focus on posting thoughtfully, handling unwanted remarks gracefully, and maintaining civil dialogue. Though you cannot remove others’ comments, these practices foster a healthier community for all.