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Why can’t I delete a Facebook page I manage?

Why can’t I delete a Facebook page I manage?

As the manager of a Facebook page, you may find yourself in a situation where you want to delete the page but are unable to do so. There are a few key reasons why you may not have the option to delete a Facebook page you manage.

You Do Not Have Sufficient Admin Rights

The most common reason that a page manager cannot delete a Facebook page is that they do not have the necessary admin rights. On Facebook, there are different levels of admins for pages:

  • Page Admin – Has full admin rights, including deleting a page
  • Editor – Can edit the page, create posts, etc. but cannot delete the page
  • Moderator – More limited rights, focused on moderating content
  • Advertiser – Can run ads but not make major edits or delete

If you were added to a page as an Editor, Moderator, or Advertiser, you will not have the option to delete the Facebook page, even if you are listed as a “manager.” Only Page Admins can delete a page.


To delete the page, you would need to either:

  • Ask the top-level Page Admin to delete the page for you
  • Have the Page Admin elevate your privileges to Page Admin so you can delete it

If you are unsure of your admin rights, go to the page, click “Settings” and look for the “Page Roles” section. This will show you your current admin level.

Page Has Been Merged

Another possibility is that the Facebook page you manage has been merged into a new page. When two pages merge, one remains active while the other is deleted.

If you notice the page name has changed or the URL is different, it’s likely your original page was merged. In this case, you won’t be able to find the old page to delete it – because it no longer exists!


If your page was merged, you will need to contact the Page Admin of the new merged page if you want administrator access. They can add you as a manager for the updated page.

Page is Tied to a Deleted Personal Account

Facebook pages must always be tied to a personal Facebook account. If the personal account associated with your Facebook page has been deleted or disabled, it can cause issues managing that page.

Sometimes pages become “orphaned” when their associated personal account is deleted. When this happens, page managers may lose access or the ability to delete the page.


To properly regain control of an orphaned page, you will need to either:

  • Have the original personal account reinstated
  • Claim ownership through Facebook’s verification process

This involves proving you represent the business by verifying via ad account, business email, etc. Once verified as the legitimate representative, you can claim ownership and get full admin rights.

Page Has Been Restricted by Facebook

In some cases, Facebook themselves may restrict access to managing or deleting a page. This can happen if:

  • The page violated Facebook’s Terms of Service or Community Standards
  • There have been disputes about who the legitimate admins are
  • The page appears unsafe, compromised or fake

Typically you will receive a notification explaining the restriction. Admin capabilities can be limited when Facebook deems it necessary to protect the platform and users.


To remove restrictions placed on your page by Facebook:

  • Read any notifications carefully to understand why it was restricted
  • Appeal the restriction through Facebook’s Help Center
  • Provide requested documentation to prove legitimacy

In some cases, Facebook may ultimately decide to delete the page instead of removing restrictions. But appealing should allow you to resolve legitimately or request deletion.

You Have Reached the Account Limit

Facebook limits users to one personal account and a maximum of 50 managed pages. If you already have a personal profile and 50 active managed pages, you won’t be able to create any new pages.

And if you already have 50 pages, you also cannot take over management of any additional pages. So you may be blocked from administering a page someone else wants you to manage.


To take over management of another page when you’ve reached the limit, you would first need to delete one of your existing managed pages. The steps would be:

  1. Select one page you want to delete and remove all content
  2. Transfer any remaining admins to another page if needed
  3. Delete the selected page
  4. Accept admin rights for the new page

This will free up room to take on management of a new page while staying under the account limit.

The Page is Set to Automatically Expire

Some Facebook pages are designed to exist temporarily for a set timeframe. For example, an event page for a conference may be set to expire shortly after the event date.

If the page you manage was set to automatically expire, you will lose the ability to access or delete it once that predefined end date passes.


To avoid this, check the page’s settings to see if there is an expiration date set. Remove the automatic expiration if you want the page to persist long-term.

If the page has already expired, unfortunately there is no way to retrieve or delete it after that point.

You Are Trying to Delete From a Mobile App

An important technical note – some Facebook page deletion options are only available when accessing Facebook from a desktop browser. The mobile apps have more limited functionality.

So you may find yourself unable to delete a page simply because you are trying to do it from your phone. The desktop website provides more configuration options.


When you need to delete a Facebook page, use the desktop website rather than the mobile app. The page deletion options can be accessed from the “Settings” menu when on the desktop site.

If you don’t have desktop access, you can use the mobile site via your device’s web browser instead of the Facebook app.

Page Has Active Ads or Promotions Running

Before deleting a Facebook page, all active ads and promoted posts must be disabled. If you still have active ads pointing to the page, it cannot be deleted.

You may overlook existing ads, especially if they were created by another admin. But they must be turned off first.


To prepare to delete a page with active ads:

  1. Go to Facebook Ad Manager and disable all ads and promotions
  2. Cancel any scheduled or active ad campaigns
  3. Turn off auto-renew for any recurring ad subscriptions

Once all ad content is disabled, you can return to the page and complete the deletion.

Page Deletion Takes Time to Process

After initiating a Facebook page deletion in the settings, it is not always immediate. Facebook deletes pages in batches, so it can sometimes take a few days to complete.

If you cannot access a page shortly after requesting deletion, it does not necessarily mean the process failed. Give it some time to go through.


Be patient. Wait at least 3-5 days after deleting a page before assuming something went wrong. The page should eventually disappear as Facebook processes the deletion.

Rather than deleting and recreating repeatedly, give each deletion request time to finalize.


As a Facebook page manager, not having the option to delete a page can certainly be frustrating. But in most cases, the issue simply arises from limitations around admin roles, account limits, or technical restrictions.

With the right admin access, pages can be deleted successfully. Be sure you have full Page Admin rights, stay under the account limit, disable ads, and use the desktop site.

And if Facebook has imposed restrictions, appeal the decision and provide any requested documentation to demonstrate you represent the business legitimately.

With a clear understanding of the various roadblocks, you can determine why Facebook is not letting you delete a page. And take steps to either resolve the underlying issue or request deletion properly.

Reason Solution
Insufficient admin rights Ask Page Admin to increase privileges or delete page
Page was merged Contact Admin of new page to get manager access
Associated account deleted Reinstate account or verify ownership
Page restricted by Facebook Appeal restriction through Help Center
Reached account page limit Delete existing page to free up slot
Page set to auto-expire Remove automatic expiration in settings
Trying to delete via mobile Use desktop site to delete page
Active ads or promotions Disable all ads through Ads Manager first
Deletion pending processing Allow 3-5 days for removal to finalize