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Why can’t I confirm friend requests on Facebook?

Why can’t I confirm friend requests on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to confirm friend requests on Facebook:

Your account privacy settings

If your account privacy settings are set to not allow friend requests, you won’t be able to confirm any requests you receive. To check your settings:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and select “Settings & Privacy”
  2. Go to the “Privacy” section in the left column
  3. Under “How people can find and contact you”, click on “Edit” for “Who can send you friend requests?”
  4. Make sure “Everyone” or “Friends of Friends” is selected, not “Friends Only”

If “Friends Only” is selected, change it to “Everyone” or “Friends of Friends” to be able to receive and confirm friend requests again.

Request is no longer valid

Sometimes friend requests can expire or be retracted if you don’t confirm them within a certain time frame. If you notice a friend request is no longer showing up under your notifications or friend requests menu, it’s likely no longer valid and has been automatically removed.

The sender may have also canceled their request before you had a chance to confirm it. In this case, the request disappears from your end as well.

You’ve reached the 5,000 friends limit

Facebook caps the maximum number of friends you can have at 5,000. If you try to confirm a request when you’re already at the limit, you’ll get an error message saying you’ve reached the limit.

To be able to accept more requests, you’ll need to delete some existing friends first to make room.

Temporary glitch or bug

Sometimes a temporary glitch or bug can prevent you from being able to confirm requests properly. Some things to try in this case:

  • Refresh the page
  • Log out and log back into Facebook
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache
  • Try confirming from a different device or web browser

If the issue persists for more than a day or so, you may need to report the problem to Facebook directly.

Your account is temporarily blocked

If your account has been temporarily blocked due to suspicious activity or violating Facebook’s policies, you won’t be able to confirm friend requests until your account is restored.

You’ll need to check with Facebook to find out why your account was blocked and what steps are required to lift the block. This may involve verifying your identity or resolving any policy issues on your account.

How to troubleshoot issues with confirming Facebook friend requests

If you’re having trouble accepting friend requests on Facebook, here are some troubleshooting steps to take:

Check your privacy settings

As mentioned above, make sure your privacy settings allow friend requests from “Everyone” or “Friends of Friends”. If set to “Friends Only”, update to allow requests.

Look for expired or retracted requests

The request may no longer be valid if it disappeared. Senders can retract requests or they expire over time if not confirmed.

Review your current friend count

You can only have up to 5,000 friends on Facebook. If you’re at the limit, you’ll have to delete existing friends to make room for new ones.

Refresh and re-login

A quick refresh or re-login can help clear up any temporary glitches preventing you from confirming the request.

Try different devices and browsers

Switching browsers or devices can sometimes resolve browser-specific or device-specific issues.

Check for account blocks

You can’t confirm requests if your account has been temporarily blocked. Check with Facebook on resolving any restrictions.

Report persistent issues

If you still can’t confirm requests after troubleshooting, report the problem to Facebook so they can investigate.

Tips for managing Facebook friend requests

Here are some tips to make managing friend requests easier:

  • Check requests frequently – Don’t let them build up so any expired ones can be removed
  • Review requests carefully – Make sure they are from people you actually know and want to connect with
  • Delete old friends to make room – Keep your friend count under 5,000 to allow new requests
  • Organize your friends with Lists – Put different groups like family, coworkers, etc in Lists to stay organized
  • Adjust privacy settings as needed – Set who can send requests based on your comfort level
  • Report suspicious requests – If a request seems sketchy or fake, report it to Facebook

Why Facebook limits friend requests

Facebook limits the number of friend requests you can send and receive for a few reasons:

  • Reduce spam and fake accounts – Limits prevent massive request spamming.
  • Improve quality of connections – Encourages more meaningful connections with closer friends.
  • Limit network strain – Reduces bandwidth and resource strain on their networks.
  • Promote authentic engagement – Favors actual relationships over collecting “friends”.
  • Enhance user experience – Provides a more relevant social media experience overall.

The friend limits aim to maximize the quality and meaningfulness of Facebook interactions between real friends and family.

Common Facebook friend request issues

Some common friend request issues people encounter include:

Request appears then disappears

As mentioned earlier, this usually means the sender canceled the request or it expired after a certain timeframe.

Can’t find incoming request notifications

Make sure notifications are enabled in your settings. Also check your filters in case requests are being marked as spam.

Getting “limit reached” error message

You’ve hit the 5,000 friends cap. Delete some friends to open up space for new ones.

“Confirm” button is greyed out

Try refreshing the page or reloading Facebook. A bug or glitch may be preventing the button from working.

Seeing requests from strangers

Scammers and spammers often send fake requests. Carefully review requests and report sketchy ones.

Can’t find sent requests

Sent requests are only shown until the recipient confirms it. If it’s no longer there, they either confirmed it or it expired.

Should you confirm all Facebook friend requests?

Here are some things to consider when deciding whether to confirm Facebook friend requests:

Pros of Confirming

  • Connect with more people you know
  • Increase your network and widen perspectives
  • Strengthen existing real-life connections online
  • Meet new people through friends of friends
  • Feel popular and well-connected socially

Cons of Confirming

  • Overwhelming feed if too many connections
  • Privacy and security risks with strangers
  • Annoying or inappropriate content from acquaintances
  • Harder to manage notifications and messages
  • More clutter interacting with weaker ties

In general, it’s best to only confirm requests from people you know reasonably well in real life. Decline or ignore sketchy requests from strangers to protect your privacy.


Trouble accepting Facebook friend requests typically comes down to privacy settings, expired requests, friend limits, or temporary glitches. Checking your settings, managing your current friends list, reporting issues, and taking other troubleshooting steps can usually resolve problems.

Facebook limits friend connections to improve quality over quantity, so be selective when confirming requests. Building your online social circle with people you genuinely know and interact with in real life leads to the most meaningful experience.