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Why can’t I change my Facebook cover photo to private?

Why can’t I change my Facebook cover photo to private?

Facebook gives users the ability to customize their profiles in many ways, including setting profile pictures and cover photos. However, while profile pictures can be set to private, cover photos do not have a privacy setting and are always public.

What is a Facebook cover photo?

A Facebook cover photo is the large header image that appears at the top of a user’s profile. It serves as the background image for the profile and helps users customize and personalize their public-facing page.

The cover photo spans the entire width of the page and is tallest at the middle section. Standard dimensions for cover photos are:

  • Width: 820 pixels
  • Height: 312 pixels (displays as 228 pixels on screens smaller than 980 pixels)

Cover photos are a core part of a user’s profile and identity on Facebook. Along with the profile picture, a cover photo is one of the first things viewers will notice on a profile.

Why are Facebook cover photos always public?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook does not allow users to set cover photos to private:

Cover photos are designed to be public-facing

Facebook cover photos are intended to be the public header image for a profile page. Allowing users to set them to private would go against their purpose as a customizable cover image.

Cover photos impact the user experience

Cover photos appear on the user’s Timeline and throughout the Facebook interface. If cover photos could be set to private, it would create inconsistent experiences for viewers who can’t see them.

Private cover photos could be misused

Facebook likely wants to prevent users from exploiting the cover photo slot for private or inappropriate content not meant to be publicly viewed.

What types of photos work best as Facebook cover photos?

When selecting a Facebook cover photo, it’s important to choose an image that:

  • Accurately represents your identity and interests
  • Looks good stretched across a wide landscape layout
  • Has minimal clutter or text, as it will be obstructed by your profile picture and other elements
  • Has a resolution of at least 720 pixels wide

Some popular types of Facebook cover photos include:

Cover Photo Type Description
Landscape photos Scenic landscapes or cityscapes that stretch well in a wide format
Nature photos Beautiful natural images like forests, mountains, sunsets, etc.
Travel photos Memorable vacation photos from around the world
Event/activity photos Photos from weddings, concerts, races, holidays, etc.

Tips for choosing a good Facebook cover photo

Here are some tips to ensure your Facebook cover photo looks great:

  • Pick eye-catching colors that represent your personality or interests
  • Make sure the focal point is toward the middle where it will be most visible
  • Avoid too much clutter, text, or people’s faces
  • Select a meaningful photo with personal significance
  • Use high-resolution images for best quality
  • Preview how it will look on desktop and mobile
  • Check that your profile picture and name are not obstructed
  • Change it periodically to keep your profile looking fresh

Do Facebook profile pictures have privacy settings?

Yes, Facebook profile pictures can be set to public, private, or limited public visibility. To change the privacy settings of your Facebook profile picture:

  1. Click on your profile picture
  2. Select “Update Profile Picture”
  3. Click on the audience selector that reads “Public” by default
  4. Choose who can see your profile picture: Public, Friends, Only Me, Custom
  5. Click “Save Changes”

Setting your profile picture to private or limited visibility is a good option if you want to customize your image for friends and family without sharing it publicly.

Can I hide my Facebook cover photo?

There is no built-in way to completely hide or remove your cover photo on Facebook. However, you have a few options if you want to opt out of having a cover photo:

  • Upload a plain colored background like solid white, black, or gray
  • Use an abstract pattern or geometric design
  • Display a motivational quote, inspirational text, or words describing yourself/interests
  • Showcase a close-up photo of an object or texture instead of a landscape

Choose something that says enough about you without revealing private or personal details. Avoid uploading unacceptable images like offensive, illegal, or copyrighted content.

What happens if I upload an inappropriate cover photo?

Facebook prohibits users from uploading nudity, graphic violence, hate speech, and other objectionable content as cover photos. Here’s what may happen if you try to use an inappropriate image:

  • Facebook will remove or block the inappropriate photo
  • Your account may be temporarily blocked from editing your profile
  • For severe or repeat violations, Facebook may disable your account

Make sure to read Facebook’s Terms of Service to understand what types of content are deemed unacceptable. Some guidelines include:

  • No nudity or other sexually suggestive content
  • No graphic, gory, or violent content
  • No hate speech, threats, or bullying
  • No content that violates copyright or trademarks
  • No fake, misleading, illegal, or dangerous content


Facebook cover photos are designed to be public, customizable header images for a user’s profile page. While you can customize what image it displays, there is no option to make it private or limit its visibility. If you want a private image, the profile picture is the part of your Facebook presence that can have privacy settings applied. Be mindful of the type of content you share as your cover photo since inappropriate images may result in your account being temporarily blocked or disabled.