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Why can’t I add the place I work on Facebook?

Why can’t I add the place I work on Facebook?

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to add the place you work to your Facebook profile:

Your workplace may not have a Facebook Page

In order to add your workplace to your Facebook profile, that workplace needs to have an official Facebook Page. If your employer does not have a Facebook Page set up, you won’t be able to link to it from your profile.

Before creating a Page for your employer without permission, it’s best to check with them to see if they already have an official Page or want to set one up. Many companies prefer to control their own social media presences.

Your workplace may have restricted who can add their Page

Some business Pages on Facebook have settings enabled that restrict which Facebook users can add that Page to their profile.

For example, a company may only allow current employees to link the business Page to their profile. If you are a former employee or work for an affiliated company, you may not have permission to add their Page.

The admin of the Facebook Page has the ability to set restrictions on who can add the Page to their profile. So even if the Page exists, you may not be able to link to it based on those settings.

You already have the maximum number of workplaces added

Facebook limits users to only having 5 current workplaces and 5 past/previous workplaces listed on their profile at one time.

If you already have 5 current employer Pages linked, you’ll need to unlink one of those before adding another new current workplace.

Similarly, if you already have 5 previous workplaces listed, you’ll have to remove one in order to free up a slot to add another past employer.

You’re trying to add a generic business category rather than a specific Page

On Facebook profiles, you can only link to real, specific business Pages – not general business categories or industries.

For example, you’ll need to add “Starbucks Coffee Company” not just “Starbucks” or “Coffee Shop.” Make sure you are searching for and adding the individual business Facebook Page, not just the name of the company or location.

Your Facebook profile needs to be updated

In some cases, being unable to add your workplace may indicate that your profile information needs to be refreshed. Try completely logging out of Facebook and logging back in or manually updating your profile information.

Double check that your work information, job title, employer’s name, and location are all accurate and up-to-date. Having outdated profile info can sometimes interfere with adding new Pages.

Facebook is glitching or experiencing a temporary error

Like any website or platform, Facebook can sometimes glitch or experience temporary technical errors. If you’ve verified everything else is correct, you may be dealing with a Facebook problem.

Check Facebook’s status page at to see if there are any reported issues. If so, try again later when they are resolved.

You can also try standard troubleshooting steps like force quitting and reopening the Facebook app, clearing your browser cookies and cache, or trying a different web browser or device.

You don’t have permission to add a workplace Page

In order for Facebook to allow users to add employer Pages to their profiles, the user needs to have a role or email address associated with that company.

For example, Facebook may block you from adding your friend’s workplace to your profile if you don’t also work there or have an email address belonging to that domain.

If you get an error saying you “Don’t have permission” to add a particular Page, it’s likely because Facebook cannot verify you actually work there or are affiliated with that business.

Your workplace does not want to be on Facebook

Some businesses or organizations simply don’t want to be included on Facebook and have a formal social media presence.

If your employer has policies against having an official Facebook Page or being mentioned on employees’ Facebook profiles, you’ll need to abide by those guidelines and may not be able to link to your workplace.

You’re trying to add something that isn’t a legitimate business

Facebook limits linking professional Pages to legitimate businesses and organizations only. Personal profiles or unofficial Pages often cannot be added as workplaces.

Trying to add something like “Stay at Home Parent,” “Unemployed,” “Retired,” or “Self-Employed” will not work, even if you created a Page with that name. Facebook requires workplaces linked on profiles to be real businesses.


In summary, here are some of the most common reasons you may be unable to add your workplace to your Facebook profile:

  • Your employer does not have an official Facebook Page set up
  • Your workplace Page has restrictions on who can add/link to it
  • You already have the maximum 5 current and 5 past workplaces added
  • You need to update your profile with accurate employment information
  • Facebook is experiencing technical issues or glitches
  • You don’t have permission or affiliation with the business to add their Page
  • Your employer has policies against having a Facebook presence
  • You’re attempting to add something that isn’t an official business Page

If none of those explanations apply, you may need to contact Facebook support for additional troubleshooting. Make sure to check your workplace’s social media guidelines and get any necessary permission before trying to create or add a Facebook Page for your employer.

Reason Explanation
No Facebook Page Your employer doesn’t have an official Facebook Page set up yet
Page restrictions The Page may have settings limiting who can add/link to it
Maximum workplaces reached You already have 5 current and 5 past workplaces added
Inaccurate profile information Your profile may need to be updated with your latest job details
Facebook technical issues Glitches or temporary errors on Facebook’s side
No permission Facebook can’t verify your affiliation with that workplace
Employer social media policies Your workplace may prohibit having a Facebook presence
Not a business Page Your link must be to an official business, not a personal profile

Linking your workplace on Facebook can be a great way to showcase where you work and build connections with colleagues and customers. However, this feature is restricted to official business Pages only. Make sure your employer already has (or approves of creating) a Facebook presence for their company before trying to add it to your personal profile.

If you continue having trouble linking your workplace Page even after troubleshooting, reach out to Facebook’s Help Center for personalized assistance getting the issue resolved.

Related Questions

How do I add my workplace on Facebook?

To add your workplace on Facebook:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile
  2. Click “Add” under “Work and Education”
  3. Search for your employer’s official Facebook Page
  4. Select the correct Page from the results
  5. Choose if this is your “Current” or “Past” workplace
  6. Click “Add” to link the Page to your profile

What happens when I add my workplace on Facebook?

Adding your workplace on Facebook will showcase your current or former employer on your profile. It can help strengthen connections with coworkers and let others know where you work.

The workplace’s Facebook Page may also gain additional visitors and engagement from being linked on employee profiles.

Can I create a Facebook Page for my business without permission?

It’s best to get explicit permission from your employer before creating an official Facebook Page for their business. Many companies prefer to manage their own social media presences.

Creating a Page without approval could be regarded as overstepping or misrepresenting the business. Consult your employer first before making accounts on their behalf.

What should I do if my old workplace shows up instead of my current job?

Go to your Facebook profile and click the “Work and Education” section. Find the outdated workplace and select “Edit” or the X icon to remove it from your profile. Then search for your current employer’s Facebook Page and add it as your present workplace.

Can I link my Facebook Page as my workplace?

No, Facebook does not allow users to link their personal Facebook Page or Profile as an employer Page. You can only add legitimate business Pages that represent real companies or organizations.