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Why can’t I add random people on Facebook?

Why can’t I add random people on Facebook?

There are a few reasons why Facebook restricts the ability to send friend requests to people you don’t know:

Preventing Spam

One of the main reasons is to prevent spam and fake accounts. Allowing users to send unlimited friend requests would enable spammers and scammers to easily connect with real users and potentially spread malicious content or steal personal information. By limiting friend requests to people you actually know, Facebook reduces the risk of unwanted solicitation.

Maintaining Authentic Connections

Facebook is designed to help you connect with family, friends, and other real acquaintances. The platform does not want to facilitate random connections between strangers, as this would dilute the sense of community. Requiring a certain level of familiarity preserves the authenticity of connections.

Protecting User Privacy

Your Facebook profile likely contains personal information, photos, interests, and more. This is information you would reasonably only want to share with people you know and trust. Allowing anyone to view your full profile poses privacy risks. Requiring a confirmed connection protects user privacy.

How Facebook Defines a Friend Connection

So how does Facebook actually determine if you “know” someone enough to send a friend request? There are a few criteria:

Mutual Friends

If you and the other person have a number of mutual Facebook friends, the platform will allow a request, assuming there is a real-world connection somewhere. The more mutual friends, the more likely the request will go through.


Belonging to the same networks, such as school, workplace, city, etc. also establishes enough of a connection for a friend request. For example, two people who went to the same high school can probably reasonably add each other as friends.

Public Interactions

Interacting publicly on Facebook also justifies a friend request. For example, commenting on the same post or being tagged in the same group. These public interactions suggest you are not total strangers.

When You May Be Blocked from Sending a Friend Request

There are certain situations where Facebook will prohibit you from sending a friend request to another user:

No Mutual Friends or Other Connections

If you truly have no mutual friends, networks, or public interactions with a person, Facebook will not allow you to send them a direct friend request. This is Facebook’s way of stopping completely random solicitation.

Previous Rejection

If you have attempted to add a person as a friend in the past, and they rejected your request, you may be prohibited from sending a second request. This prevents pestering.

Blocked by User

Similarly, if the other user has preemptively blocked you, you cannot send them a friend request. They have already indicated they do not wish to connect.

Suspicious Activity

If your account or activity appears suspicious to Facebook, your ability to send requests may be limited. This commonly happens with new accounts or accounts that show signs of spam or bot-like behavior.

How to Send a Friend Request to Someone You Don’t Know

If you have no mutual connections to someone but still wish to connect on Facebook, there are a few options:

Connect Through a Mutual Friend

Ask a mutual friend to formally introduce you in person or over Facebook. This mutual friend can then tag you both in a post or vouch for your connection.

Interact Publicly First

Comment on the person’s public posts or interact within public groups. Once you’ve established some public familiarity, a friend request may be allowed.

Use a Friend Request Message

When sending the request, use the provided message field to explain who you are and the reason for your request. This context can help justify the out-of-the-blue request.

Add a Phone Number

Adding a phone number to both your and their account can help prove neither account is fake. Facebook sees this as a trust signal.

Limits for Sending Friend Requests

In addition to restricting who you can send requests to, Facebook also limits the number of requests you can send:

Daily Limits

Each Facebook account has a maximum number of friend requests allowed per day. This is typically around 100.

Monthly Limits

Similarly, accounts are restricted to around 1,000 total friend requests per month.

Increased Limits for Established Accounts

Older, more established accounts in good standing may have higher daily and monthly limits. But restrictions still apply to prevent spam.

Timeouts After Hitting Limits

If you hit the request limit, you may encounter timeouts ranging from 24 hours to a week when trying to send more requests. This enforces the limit.

Why Facebook Limits Are Necessary

While the inability to instantly connect with anyone on Facebook can be frustrating, keep in mind these limits are in place to enhance the user experience. Benefits include:

Reduced Spam and Scams

Scammers have fewer targets and reduced ability to reach real users with unwanted solicitations and fake accounts.

More Meaningful Connections

With random connections discouraged, the connections that do occur tend to be more meaningful between real acquaintances.

Safer Sharing Environment

Users can share more openly knowing their personal information and posts are visible mainly to people they actually know.

Higher Quality Experience

By keeping undesirable activity in check, Facebook maintains a higher quality experience overall for its billions of users.


Facebook’s limits on sending friend requests to strangers exist primarily to protect user privacy, prevent spam, and cultivate authentic social connections on the platform. While these restrictions can be annoying if you want to connect with someone you have no existing connection to, they exist for good reason. The best option is to build up public familiarity with the person before sending a request, or ask a mutual friend for a formal introduction. With over 2 billion users, some limits are necessary for Facebook to deliver a high-quality, spam-free experience.

Connection Type Friend Request Allowed?
Mutual friends Yes
Public interactions Yes
No connection No
Rejected request before No
You are blocked No
Suspicious account activity No
Account Type Daily Request Limit Monthly Request Limit
Standard account 100 1,000
Established account in good standing 200 2,000

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook restricts friend requests to prevent spam, maintain authentic connections, and protect user privacy.
  • Criteria like mutual friends, networks, and public interactions determine if you “know” someone enough to request them.
  • With no connection, your request may be blocked, so interact publicly first.
  • Daily and monthly limits on sending requests also exist to limit spam.
  • While frustrating, restrictions ultimately improve the Facebook experience for all users.