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Why can’t I add a FB event to my page?

Why can’t I add a FB event to my page?


There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to add a Facebook event to your Facebook Page:

  • You don’t have the appropriate admin permissions
  • Your Facebook Page is not set up properly
  • There are restrictions on your Facebook account
  • There is a technical issue or bug

In order to troubleshoot why you can’t add a Facebook event to your Page, you’ll need to methodically go through different options to identify the specific reason. The good news is that in most cases, the issues can be resolved by adjusting settings, getting the right admin permissions, or working with Facebook to fix a technical problem.

You Don’t Have the Right Admin Permissions

One of the most common reasons why you may not be able to add a Facebook event to your Page is because you don’t have the appropriate admin permissions. Adding events requires you to be an admin of the Facebook Page.

Here are some things to check regarding your admin permissions:

  • Make sure you are logged into the account that is set as an admin on the Facebook Page. You can only add events and access other admin functions when logged in as an authorized admin.
  • Confirm you are set as an Admin, Editor, Moderator, or Advertiser on the Facebook Page. These roles are able to create events, while general users cannot.
  • Check that your admin permissions have not been removed or changed. Sometimes permission settings can get modified inadvertently.
  • If there are multiple admins, make sure at least one of the other admins did not remove your admin permissions. You will need to get reinstated as an admin to regain the ability to add events.
  • For business Pages, make sure you are logged in as the business owner or are using an account that has been given full admin authorization by the business owner.

If you determine that inadequate admin permissions are the reason you can’t add an event, you simply need to get your admin status adjusted. The Facebook Page owner can add or change admin permissions.

Your Facebook Page is Not Set Up Properly

In some cases, issues with your Facebook Page setup or configuration could be preventing you from being able to add events. There are a couple key things to check about your Page setup:

  • Make sure your Facebook Page has been set up properly and is published. You cannot add events to unpublished Pages.
  • Confirm the Page category is correct. Some types of Pages, such as personal profiles, do not have the ability to create events.
  • Check that country restrictions have not been enabled for the Page. Location restrictions can sometimes limit the ability to create events in certain areas.
  • Make sure the Page has not exceeded posting limits. Pages that have reached posting limits may be unable to add new events.
  • Check whether events have been specifically disabled for the Page by country or category. Pages can opt out of events.

If your Page setup seems to be the underlying issue, you may need to adjust the Page category, publishing status, location settings, or posting limits to regain the ability to add events.

There are Restrictions on Your Facebook Account

In some cases, overall restrictions on your Facebook account can prevent you from being able to add Facebook events to Pages you administer. Here are some account restrictions that could affect your ability to create events:

  • Location and age restrictions – Facebook may limit event creation based on your account’s registered location or age.
  • Posting bans – If your account has been banned from posting due to policy violations, you may lose event creation abilities.
  • Unverified accounts – To curb misuse, Facebook sometimes limits event creation until accounts are verified.
  • New accounts – New Facebook accounts may be unable to create events until they build a posting history.
  • Limits for overcapacity – Accounts that have reached friend request and posting limits may be unable to add new events.

If restrictions on your Facebook account seem to be the issue, you’ll need to resolve the specific limitation. This may involve confirming your account details, waiting until a ban or probation period ends, or increasing capacity on your account.

There is a Technical Issue or Bug

In some cases, the inability to add a Facebook event is due to a technical glitch or bug. Facebook’s platform has occasional issues that can affect event creation. Some common technical problems include:

  • Site bugs preventing event creation – Facebook bugs have affected event formation abilities in the past.
  • App issues – The Facebook mobile app in particular is prone to bugs that may stop you from making events.
  • Platform updates – Changes to Facebook’s platform sometimes introduce temporary technical issues.
  • Browser problems – The browser you use may have incompatibilities creating events.
  • Internet connectivity – Lack of a stable internet connection can prevent events from being made.

If a technical issue on Facebook’s side seems like the likely culprit, try the following steps:

  • Clear cookies/cache – Wiping your browser history files can help resolve site glitches.
  • Try another browser – Switch browsers or devices to see if that fixes it.
  • Use the mobile app – The mobile version may work if the desktop site is glitchy.
  • Check for site outages – See if Facebook has reported any bugs or outages related to events.
  • Contact Facebook support – Report the issue to Facebook if needed so they can troubleshoot.

Technical issues are often temporary and get resolved relatively quickly. Patience or contacting Facebook support usually helps in these cases.

You Have Reached the Event Limit

Facebook places limits on the number of events Pages can create and host. If your Page has reached the maximum allotment of events allowed, you’ll be unable to add any more events until older events expire.

Here are some key points about Facebook’s event limits:

  • Pages can only host a certain number of events at once based on Page type.
  • For example, business Pages can have up to 300 active events.
  • Trying to exceed the limit will block new events from being made.
  • Limits help ensure the platform isn’t overwhelmed by too many events.
  • Old events will expire from the limit after their scheduled time passes.
  • Limits vary based on factors like page type, location, and history.

If you’ve hit the cap for ongoing events you can host, you’ll have to wait for current events to finish up before you can add new ones. You may be able to request an increased limit if your Page has a strong need for more concurrent events.

Tips for Adding Facebook Events

If you’ve resolved the permissions, settings, restrictions, or technical issues preventing you from adding events, make sure you follow Facebook best practices for creating events smoothly:

  • Provide complete event details like title, time, location, description, contact info, etc.
  • Review Facebook’s rules and restrictions around selling tickets for events.
  • Use high quality photos representative of the event.
  • Tag relevant locations and invite people connected to the event.
  • Promote the event ahead of time to generate interest.
  • Use tools like Facebook Ad Manager if you want to boost event reach.
  • Analyze event metrics to improve future event performance.

Optimizing your event practices will make it more likely that events get approved and generate engagement on Facebook.

Facebook Group Events vs Facebook Page Events

If you are trying to create an event on Facebook, it’s important to understand the difference between Facebook group events and Facebook page events:

Facebook Group Events

– Can only be created within a Facebook group, not on a business/organization page.

– Are visible only to members of the group.

– Are best for events aimed at existing group members.

– Allow group members to be invited and discuss the event.

– Show up in members’ personal Facebook events calendars.

Facebook Page Events

– Are created directly on an organization or business Facebook page.

– Are public and visible to anyone on or off Facebook.

– Are best for events marketed to the general public.

– Allow promoting the event and selling tickets.

– Appear in the page’s events tab and in Facebook’s event directory.

In summary:

  • Group events are private, only for group members.
  • Page events are public, can be seen by anyone.

So if you are trying to create an event on your business/organization page and it is not working, be sure you are not accidentally trying to create a group event instead of a page event. The events features work differently for groups vs. pages.

Troubleshooting Event Creation Issues

Here is a step-by-step guide for troubleshooting issues with creating events on Facebook:

  1. Make sure you are on a page and not in a group. Page and group events are different.
  2. Confirm you are logged into an account with admin access to the page.
  3. Try creating the event from a computer if you were attempting it on mobile.
  4. Clear your browser history/cache and cookies, then try again.
  5. Try using a different web browser or device.
  6. Check if Facebook is experiencing site issues or outages.
  7. Go to your page’s settings to make sure events are enabled.
  8. Review Facebook’s help center for creating events.
  9. Check page and account restrictions that could affect events.
  10. Make sure your page is published and event capacity not reached.
  11. Update your page’s category if needed (e.g. small business).
  12. Request admin or moderator roles on the page if needed.
  13. Contact Facebook support for additional troubleshooting help.

Following these steps methodically can help diagnose and resolve most event creation problems. Confirm it is a page not a group, use the right admin account, retry on different platforms, check for site issues, and review page settings and restrictions. Getting the appropriate admin access and published page category tends to address most problems.

Getting Help from Facebook

If you continue having issues with adding Facebook events to your page that you cannot resolve yourself, you can reach out to Facebook support directly for help troubleshooting:

  • Use Facebook’s help pages to get information about creating events.
  • Check the Facebook Help Community forums for advice about event problems.
  • Submit feedback through Facebook’s “Give Feedback” link to report issues.
  • Use the Report a Problem link to troubleshoot specific issues.
  • Fill out the request form to contact the Facebook Events Team for help.
  • Twitter can also be used reach out to Facebook’s customer support team.

Provide details on exactly what is happening when you try to create an event along with the steps you’ve taken to fix it yourself. Facebook can investigate on their back end to figure out what is blocking event creation and restore your access. Be patient as it may take a bit for them to respond and resolve the problem.


Being unable to add events to your Facebook Page can be frustrating, but the issue most likely stems from one of several common problems – lack of admin permissions, page restrictions, account limitations, technical bugs, or hitting the events cap. By methodically checking for these problems, you can usually get to the bottom of the issue and find the specific reason you are blocked from creating events. Addressing the underlying problem by getting proper admin access, adjusting page settings, resolving account limitations, or reporting technical issues enables you to once again start hosting events successfully.