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Why can’t Facebook find my account?

Why can’t Facebook find my account?

There are a few common reasons why Facebook may not be able to find your account when you try to log in:

You entered the wrong email or password

Double check that you are entering the correct email address and password associated with your Facebook account. It’s easy to accidentally type the wrong thing, especially if you have multiple email addresses or passwords to remember.

Your account was disabled

Facebook may have disabled your account due to suspicious activity or if too many people reported your profile as spam. You would have received an email about this from Facebook. If you think your account was wrongly disabled, you can appeal the decision through Facebook’s Help Center.

You’re blocked from logging in

If you entered the wrong password too many times, Facebook will temporarily block you from attempting to log in as a security measure. You just need to wait a bit before trying again. The block is usually for a few hours or up to a day.

Your account was hacked

If someone else gained access to your account, they may have changed the email address and password. In this case, you would need to use Facebook’s account recovery process to regain access. This involves submitting proof of your identity to Facebook.

You’re logging into the wrong Facebook site

Make sure you are accessing the correct Facebook website for your region. For example, is for the US, while is for Canada. Trying to log into the wrong region’s site will make it seem like your account doesn’t exist.

Your account was deleted

If you requested your Facebook account be permanently deleted, then it is no longer in Facebook’s system for you to log into. The deletion process can take up to 90 days to fully complete. If you regret deleting your account, you may be able to recover it within the first 30 days after requesting deletion.

You’re using the wrong login method

Facebook offers a few different ways to log into your account – you can use your email, phone number, or username. If you’re trying to log in with the wrong method, Facebook won’t be able to locate your account. Double check that you’re using the login info you usually use for that account.

Your account was merged with another

If you had two separate Facebook accounts that got merged into one, you will need to log in with the credentials for whichever account remained active after the merge. The merged account would no longer exist on its own.

You haven’t confirmed your email or phone number

To fully activate your Facebook account, you need to confirm your email address or phone number. Until you do, you may have limited ability to log in. Check your email or texts for a confirmation code from Facebook.


Trouble logging into Facebook can be frustrating, but the issue is usually temporary and can be resolved. Take the time to carefully check that you have the correct login details, account name, and method of login. Also make sure your account is still active and accessible. If all else fails, use Facebook’s account recovery options or contact Facebook support for assistance regaining access.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Facebook say my account doesn’t exist?

If Facebook says your account doesn’t exist when trying to log in, some possible reasons are:

  • You entered the wrong email/password
  • Your account was disabled or deleted
  • You used the wrong login method
  • You’re attempting to log into the wrong regional Facebook site

Double check your login credentials and account info to resolve this issue.

How do I recover my disabled Facebook account?

To recover a disabled Facebook account:

  1. Go to Facebook’s Help Center and search for “disabled account.”
  2. Click “My account is disabled” and follow the appeals process.
  3. Submit valid proof of your identity to Facebook for review.
  4. Wait for Facebook’s decision on whether your account can be reactivated.

The appeals process can take up to a few weeks. Make sure to provide as much context as possible on why you believe your account was wrongly disabled.

What should I do if someone hacked my Facebook account?

If your Facebook account got hacked:

  1. Use Facebook’s security tools to log out of all active sessions. This kicks the hacker out.
  2. Reset your password and update your recovery email/phone number.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication for increased security.
  4. Check your profile and settings for any changes made by the hacker.
  5. Report the hacking issue to Facebook.

Taking these steps will help you regain control of your account and prevent further unauthorized access. Be sure to use a strong, unique password when resetting.

Why can’t I log into Facebook even with the right password?

If you can’t log into Facebook even with the correct password, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure you’re not blocked from logging in – wait a few hours and try again
  • Double check you’re using the right email/username method
  • Clear your browser cookies and cache and try logging in again
  • Try logging in from a different device or web browser
  • Make sure you have internet connectivity
  • Reset your password as a precaution

If the problem persists, your account may be temporarily glitching. Contact Facebook support for help getting back into your account.

How long does it take Facebook to find my account when recovering?

The timeframe for Facebook locating your account during the recovery process can vary:

  • If you request an email or text code, it’s usually instant
  • Recovering with security questions may take a few hours
  • Recovering fully disabled/deleted accounts can take 1-90 days

The more information you provide to verify your identity, the faster Facebook can match it up with your account credentials. Be patient as Facebook’s system searches for your account to reinstate access.