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Why can t you see peoples tagged photos on Facebook anymore?

Why can t you see peoples tagged photos on Facebook anymore?

Facebook has made a number of changes over the years to its privacy settings and visibility of content. One of the more controversial changes involved limiting the visibility of tagged photos. Here is an overview of why you can no longer see peoples’ tagged photos on Facebook by default.

The Default Setting Changed

Up until around 2009 or so, the default setting on Facebook allowed anyone to see and search all tagged photos. So if you were tagged in a photo, anyone could search for your name and see that photo pop up, even people who weren’t your Facebook friends.

Sometime around 2009, Facebook changed this default setting so that tagged photos were only visible to your friends by default. This was likely done due to privacy concerns and complaints from users who did not want their photos viewable by the general public.

How to Adjust Your Photo Tagging Settings

Even though the default setting changed, you still have some control over who can see photos you’re tagged in. You can adjust this in your Facebook privacy settings:

  • Go to your Facebook profile and click on the arrow in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings & Privacy” then click on “Settings.”
  • Click on “Privacy” in the left sidebar.
  • Under the “Your Activity” section, click on “How people can find and contact you.”
  • Under “Who can see posts you’ve been tagged in on your profile,” select your preference: Friends, Friends Except, Specific Friends, or Only Me.

So you can make your tagged photos visible to the public or to certain groups of friends if you want. But the key is that it’s no longer the default setting for everyone.

The Introduction of Tag Review

More recently, Facebook went a step further by introducing a “tag review” feature. This means that when someone tags you in a photo now, it will not appear on your profile right away.

You will get a notification that you’ve been tagged, and you can then choose to approve the tag before it appears on your profile. This gives you even more control over what tagged photos of you are visible to who.

Photos You’re Tagged In Are Different from Uploaded Photos

Also keep in mind there is a difference between photos you are tagged in versus photos you have uploaded yourself:

  • For photos you are tagged in, the default visibility is friends only.
  • For photos you upload yourself, the default is public visibility, unless you adjust your settings.

So photos that appear on your own profile are not governed by your tag settings – anyone can see them by default unless you customize your photo upload settings.

Why Facebook Made These Changes

There are a few reasons why Facebook likely made these changes over time:

  • To give users more control over their privacy
  • To prevent unauthorized or embarassing photos from being widely visible
  • To encourage users to share more photos if they know the visibility is limited
  • To reduce bullying/harassment from untagged photos being visible
  • To reduce stalking/unwanted attention from public photo access

While some users appreciate these changes for privacy reasons, others are frustrated that they can’t see or find as many photos as they used to be able to. But overall, the trend has been towards users having more granular control over any photos they are tagged in.

How to See Old Tagged Photos on Facebook

If you want to find and see tagged photos from the “old days” of Facebook when they were largely public, here are some tips:

  • Search for individual users you know used to post lots of public, tagged photos back in the day and look directly on their profiles.
  • Check any groups or event pages you were part of where lots of public photo tagging happened.
  • Look for saved or cached versions of those photos in other places like Google image search.
  • Download your own data archive from Facebook to find any old tagged photos.

So in summary:

You can’t see peoples’ tagged photos on Facebook anymore by default because…

  • The default privacy setting changed around 2009 to limit tagged photo visibility to friends only
  • Facebook introduced a tag review feature that requires approval before tags appear
  • Users now have more granular controls over tagged photo visibility
  • Facebook likely made these changes due to privacy concerns and user demand

But you may still be able to find some old, publicly tagged photos by checking individual profiles, groups, cached versions, and your own archive.

Year Facebook Tagging Policy
Pre-2009 Tagged photos public by default
2009 Default changed to friends only visibility
2012 Tag review introduced requiring approval before appearing

The Future of Tagging on Facebook

While Facebook has made tagging more private over time, here are some possible changes around tagging they could make in the future:

  • Let you review/approve tags before they show up in News Feed (not just your profile)
  • Let you set visibility preferences by friend list or group rather than all friends
  • Automatic facial recognition on all new photos to suggest tags
  • Restrict ability to tag completely for under 18 accounts
  • Remove tagging capabilities altogether
  • Charge users or pages to be able to tag people

It will be interesting to see if Facebook continues the trend towards tighter restrictions around tagging or if they will relax things to encourage more tagging and photo sharing. The company often walks a fine line between privacy and profit motivations.


Facebook’s tagging features have evolved significantly over time. Where once all tagged photos were public, now stringent privacy controls mean you can’t see peoples’ tagged photos unless they specifically allow it. For some, this provides desired protection and peace of mind. For others, it makes Facebook photos less fun and interesting to engage with. But the broader trend has clearly been towards protecting user privacy and preventing unwanted attention or harassment from photos.

Going forward, we may see Facebook tweak photo tagging settings further or perhaps even eliminate it as an option altogether someday. Social networks frequently have to balance privacy concerns against desires for social engagement. With photo tagging in particular, Facebook has landed on giving individual users more control over visibility as the solution – even if that means tagged photos are not as ubiquitous as they once were.