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Why can t i send a message on Facebook even though they didn t block me?

Why can t i send a message on Facebook even though they didn t block me?

Quick Answer

There are a few common reasons why you may not be able to send messages on Facebook even if you haven’t been blocked:

  • Your account may have been temporarily restricted due to suspicious activity
  • There may be a technical issue or bug preventing messages from sending
  • The recipient’s account settings may not be allowing messages from you
  • Your message may be caught in Facebook’s spam filters
  • You may have reached your daily messaging limit

The most likely culprits are restrictions on your account or the recipient’s account settings. Check your account status and review the recipient’s privacy settings. If neither of those are the issue, it’s probably a temporary glitch that will resolve itself.

Account Restrictions

One of the most common reasons you can’t send Facebook messages is that your account has been temporarily restricted from messaging. This usually happens if Facebook’s automated systems detect suspicious or abusive activity coming from your account.

Some examples of behavior that could trigger messaging restrictions include:

  • Sending a flood of repetitive messages
  • Sending content that has been flagged as abusive or harassing
  • Sending spammy links or content
  • Messaging a large number of users in a short period of time

If you’ve exhibited behavior like this recently, even unintentionally, Facebook may throttle your ability to message as a precaution.

The duration of messaging restrictions can vary depending on the severity of the activity. It may last a few hours, a few days, a week, or longer. There’s no definite timeline.

To find out if your account has messaging restrictions, go to your Facebook settings and look for any notices about blockages on your ability to post, comment, or interact. You may see something like “Your account has been temporarily restricted from messaging.”

If your access has been limited, you’ll need to wait out the restriction period before sending messages again. Be careful not to exacerbate the issue by trying to send a flood of messages, as that could extend your blockage period.

The only other way to resolve an account restriction is to appeal to Facebook. You may be able to submit an appeal form asking them to review the block on your messaging abilities.

Appealing Facebook Account Restrictions

If you feel your account has been wrongly restricted, here are steps to appeal it:

  1. Go to the Help Center and search for “I think my account was disabled by mistake.”
  2. Facebook will ask you to confirm your identity by entering a security code sent to your email or phone number.
  3. Once confirmed, you should see an option to request a review of your restriction.
  4. Explain in detail why you feel the restriction was a mistake.
  5. Facebook will send an email when your review request has been processed, usually within 24 hours.

There’s no guarantee your appeal will be successful, but it’s worth trying if you honestly did nothing wrong. Be polite and thoughtful in your appeal.

Recipient’s Account Settings

Another possibility is that the recipient’s own Facebook account settings are preventing you from messaging them.

Facebook allows users to control who can send them messages. The recipient may have their settings adjusted to limit messages to just friends, friends of friends, or smaller lists.

To check if this is affecting your ability to message someone:

  • Go to the recipient’s profile.
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner.
  • Select View As… from the dropdown menu.
  • You’ll be prompted to switch to a viewer account. This allows you to see the recipient’s profile as a stranger would.
  • Go to the About section of their profile and look for a section called “Do you know [Name]?” If messaging options are limited, it will say something like “Send [Name] a friend request to message them.”

If you see messaging is restricted, the recipient will need to update their account settings to allow messages from you.

There are a few ways they can do this:

  • Change the overall messaging settings to be less restrictive. For example, allow messages from “Friends of friends.”
  • Add you to their friend list so you are exempt from the restrictions.
  • Add you to a custom list like “Close Friends” that’s allowed to message.

The recipient may also need to check that your messages are not getting filtered into their Message Requests folder. On mobile, this is accessed via the Menu button in the Facebook app. On desktop, it’s located in the Messages dropdown. Important messages sometimes get incorrectly filed there.

So reach out the recipient and have them review their privacy settings and any filtered message folders. With a few tweaks, they should be able to allow your messages through.

Technical Issues

Messaging problems are sometimes caused by glitches with Facebook’s platform itself. Like any complex software, Facebook can have its share of bugs and hiccups. Most issues get resolved on Facebook’s end fairly quickly, but some can stubbornly persist for hours or days.

Some signs that technical troubles may be preventing you from messaging include:

  • Inability to send messages to multiple different recipients.
  • Error messages when trying to send messages.
  • Issues loading your messages and Messenger threads.
  • Other users complaining of similar messaging problems.

If messaging seems totally busted in general, it’s likely a platform issue versus your account specifically. Check Facebook’s public status accounts on Twitter to see if they’re mentioning any known bugs impacting messaging services:

  • @Facebook
  • @FacebookApp
  • @Messenger

You can also search for current issues on platforms like Downdetector that aggregate user reports of problems.

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do except wait these types of problems out. Facebook engineers will be working hard to resolve anything crashing Messenger functionality.

Try messaging at different times throughout the day to see if the issues persist. If it starts working again, the problem is almost certainly on Facebook’s end. Just be patient and keep testing periodically.

Spam Filters

Facebook employs advanced filters to try and detect spammy, dangerous, or abusive messages. These automated systems analyze message content, profiles of the sender/recipient, and other signals to identify bad actors. Unfortunately, they’re not 100% perfect.

Sometimes legitimate messages get falsely flagged as spam and blocked from the recipient’s inbox. Certain words or links may trigger the filters, even if you’re just having a normal conversation.

You may be more likely to have messages blocked if:

  • You’re messaging someone you don’t have many prior interactions with.
  • Your account is relatively new or doesn’t have much activity.
  • Your message has links to outside websites.
  • You’re sending a large amount of text or repetitive content.

But even longtime friends can occasionally have messages blocked if the filters misclassify the content.

If you suspect this is happening:

  • Try rewording your message to avoid potential trigger words.
  • Break a long message into shorter parts.
  • Remove unnecessary links to other sites.
  • Ask the recipient to check their Message Requests folder for your messages.

Over time, as you interact more on Facebook, the filters should have an easier time recognizing you’re not a spammer. But they do still make mistakes, so don’t be shocked if a message gets blocked even when you’re having a normal chat.

Daily Messaging Limit

Facebook limits how many messages you can send in a 24 hour period as an anti-spam measure. The exact number varies based on your account history, but it’s usually in the range of 200-300 messages.

If you send a very high volume of messages per day across all your threads and recipients, it’s possible to hit your limit. When that happens, you won’t be able to send any more messages until the daily counter resets.

You’ll know if you’ve reached the message cap if you see an error saying something like “You’ve reached the limit for messages that can be sent today.”

Tips for dealing with messaging limits:

  • Reduce the number of overall messages you’re sending per day.
  • Avoid huge batches of repetitive messages.
  • Spread messages throughout the day rather than all at once.
  • Wait until the next day when your limit resets.
  • Over time, your limit may increase if you don’t spam.

Messaging limits tend to affect accounts sending very high volumes, like hundreds of messages. But if you’re very active on Facebook, it’s possible to accidentally hit the threshold without realizing. If you get an error about reaching your limit, scaling back your activity is the solution.

Troubleshooting Steps

If you’re still stumped about why your Facebook messages aren’t going through, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

  1. Check Facebook’s current status at to see if messaging is impacted by an outage.
  2. Try logging out and back into your Facebook account in case the issue is related to your session.
  3. Temporarily disable any ad blockers or Facebook extensions/plug-ins in case they are interfering.
  4. On mobile, force quit and relaunch the Facebook app to clear any glitches.
  5. Try accessing Facebook from a different device and browser for comparison.
  6. Double check you don’t have the recipient blocked, and they don’t have you blocked.
  7. See if you can message Facebook Page accounts. If so, it may be a recipient-specific issue.
  8. Change your account password in case there was any unauthorized access.
  9. As a last resort, try fully deleting your Facebook account and starting over from scratch.

Following basic troubleshooting steps can help diagnose or eliminate many common problems. Don’t panic and assume your account is broken forever after just a few failed messages. Try different solutions and be patient. Issues tend to resolve themselves eventually.

Preventing Future Issues

To avoid recurring issues with sending Facebook messages:

  • Be thoughtful about your messaging behavior to avoid spam flags.
  • Limit how many messages you send per day if you tend to do high volumes.
  • Keep your account in good standing by following Facebook’s policies.
  • Use Facebook’s tools for blocking harassing messages.
  • Don’t open suspicious links or attachments that could compromise your account.
  • If you ever feel your account was compromised, change your password.

Healthy Facebook habits will minimize the chances of your account being incorrectly flagged or restricted. And if issues do occur, address them promptly by appealing restrictions, checking settings, and troubleshooting methodically.

When to Seek Help

If you’ve diligently tried all troubleshooting tips and messaging remains impossible for days, it may be time to contact Facebook support:

  • Go to the Help Center and find the option to send a message to Facebook support.
  • Explain in detail the messaging issue and what you’ve tried to resolve it.
  • Provide screenshots of any error messages you’re getting.
  • List the steps you’ve taken to troubleshoot the problem.
  • Politely request additional assistance or escalation on the issue.

While Facebook support responses can be slow and inconsistent, reporting persistent problems is better than doing nothing. Support may be able to diagnose issues you can’t identify yourself or expedite reversal of unfair restrictions.

Just remember to be as detailed as possible in your request to increase the chances of getting a useful response. Include username, dates, examples, and steps to reproduce. Don’t simply say “I can’t message.” With clear information, support is more likely to help resolve even tricky issues.


Facebook messaging failures can be annoying, but are rarely permanent unless you’ve clearly violated Facebook’s rules. Arm yourself with knowledge of the possible reasons messages won’t send. Check for account restrictions, privacy settings, technical issues, spam filters, or daily limits. Methodically try different troubleshooting steps like logging out, changing browsers, or contacting Facebook support. With some diligent detective work, you should be able to get messaging working again in most cases. Don’t panic if messages won’t send for a bit. Just stay calm and be relentless in resolving the issue through every avenue available.