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Why can I only spend $50 a day on Facebook ads?

Why can I only spend $50 a day on Facebook ads?

There are a few reasons why Facebook limits ad spending to $50 per day for new accounts or accounts without much history:

Prevent Fraud

One of the main reasons is to prevent fraud and abuse of the advertising platform. By limiting daily spend for new accounts, Facebook reduces the risk that bad actors will quickly rack up large ad bills with stolen payment methods or fake accounts. This protects both Facebook and legitimate advertisers.

Build Trust

Facebook also wants new advertisers to start slowly and build up a history of running successful, compliant campaigns over time. This helps Facebook build trust that the advertiser is legitimate and knows how to create effective ads that follow platform policies.

Limit Risk

There is more uncertainty around how new advertisers will use the platform, so Facebook limits potential downsides. For example, poorly targeted or repetitive ads could lead to a bad user experience. Low daily spending caps prevent one advertiser from flooding users’ feeds.

Spending Limits for New Accounts

For brand new Facebook ad accounts without any history, the daily spending limit is typically $50 or less to start. Some new accounts may have a limit as low as $5 or $10 per day initially.

The exact limit depends on factors like:

  • How new the account is
  • Whether you used any promotional ad credits
  • The account’s industry or category
  • If you have history advertising with Facebook through other accounts

Here are some example starting spend limits for new accounts:

Account Type Daily Limit
Brand new user $5
Used promotional ad credit $10 – $50
Existing ad account manager $50

Increasing Your Daily Limit

The good news is that Facebook will quickly raise your daily spend limit as you build up a history of running compliant, effective campaigns.

Here are some tips to increase your limit:

  • Use accurate targeting that aligns with ad policies
  • Create quality ad content that engages users
  • Achieve good ad performance like clicks or conversions
  • Provide accurate business information and payment details
  • Respond promptly if asked for additional verification
  • Avoid making big changes too quickly like huge budget increases

You can request an increase after you’ve spent your limit consistently for 7-10 days. Make sure your ads and landing pages are performing well before requesting more budget.

Spending Limits for Established Accounts

For businesses with existing Facebook ad accounts that have built up a positive history, the daily spending limit is much higher. Established advertisers have limits ranging from a few hundred dollars per day up to hundreds of thousands of dollars per day.

Here are some factors that determine your limit once established:

Advertising Spend

Accounts that consistently spend more per month have higher limits. Facebook wants to provide enough budget headroom for established ad investments.

Ad Quality

If your ads historically have above average click-through, conversion, or return on ad spend rates, Facebook will provide more budget flexibility. Performance indicates you know how to advertise effectively.

Account History

Length of time using Facebook ads and track record of policy compliance improve your standing. Issues like disabled accounts or policy violations can restrict your account.

Business Verification

Completing business verification steps helps Facebook confirm your identity and intent. This includes providing accurate company information and submitting identification documents if prompted.

Exceeding Your Daily Limit

In some cases, established advertisers may want to go over their assigned daily limit. For example, a holiday sale or product launch could require investing more in a single day.

There are a couple options to explore if you need to exceed your limit temporarily:

Request a Temporary Increase

You can request a temporary one-time increase for a specific campaign or time period. Facebook will evaluate your request based on projected return on spend and your account history.

Provide as much detail as possible on why you need the exceptional budget and how you will use it effectively.

Split Budget Across Multiple Ads Accounts

For very large advertising budgets, you can divide investment across multiple ad accounts linked to the same business manager. Each account will have its own daily limit that contributes to your total budget.

This takes more work to manage but provides flexibility to scale up. You’ll need to closely track performance across accounts.

Appealing Spending Limit Decisions

If you feel your assigned daily spending limit is unfairly low based on your account history and marketing needs, you can appeal to Facebook for an increase.

Here are some best practices when appealing spending limits:

  • Be clear and specific on why you need a higher limit
  • Provide performance history data to support your capability to spend more
  • Explain any new developments in your marketing strategy
  • Remain polite and professional in your communications
  • Respond promptly to any follow up questions from Facebook
  • If declined, wait at least 30 days before submitting another appeal

With a compelling case explaining your situation, Facebook may grant a one-time or permanent increase in limits. But keep in mind their priority is maintaining a safe advertising environment. Patience and discipline are key to showing you are a responsible advertiser ready for more budget flexibility.


Facebook’s daily ad spending limits aim to balance enabling marketers while protecting users and advertisers. All accounts start with conservative caps, but can quickly scale up spend through successful advertising.

Focus on running compliant, high-performing campaigns. Proactively communicate with Facebook on your evolving marketing needs. With a track record of responsible advertising, you can steadily gain the budget headroom to achieve your acquisition goals.