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Why are some of my Facebook messages not showing up?

Why are some of my Facebook messages not showing up?

There are a few potential reasons why some of your Facebook messages may not be showing up properly:

  • Your message settings are filtering certain messages
  • Connectivity issues
  • Glitches in the Facebook app or website
  • Messages sent to message requests instead of your main inbox
  • Blocked messages
  • Restricted messages

Let’s explore each of these possibilities in more detail.

Message Settings

One of the most common reasons for missing Facebook messages is that your message settings are filtering certain content.

Facebook allows you to control who can message you and the types of messages that end up in your main inbox. For example, you can filter messages from people you’re not friends with, or enable stricter filters that send more messages to your message requests folder.

To check your current message settings:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner of Facebook
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click on “Settings”
  4. Select “Messages”

Here you can see your current messaging settings. Make sure none of the filters are unintentionally enabled. For example, you may have filtered messages from people you don’t know at some point.

The key settings to check are:

  • Message Delivery – This controls who can message you directly vs. who gets sent to message requests
  • Message Filters – Review any enabled filters, like filtering messages with specific words
  • Block Settings – Check if you have any groups or individuals blocked

Adjust these settings as needed so that only intended messages get sent to your message requests.

Connectivity Issues

Sometimes missing Facebook messages are simply due to temporary technical problems like poor connectivity.

Issues like weak internet signal, using cellular data vs WiFi, server outages, or glitches in the Facebook app can all prevent messages from coming through reliably.

Try these troubleshooting steps:

  • Close and restart the Facebook app/website
  • Switch between cellular data and WiFi
  • Update to the latest version of the Facebook app
  • Check for any reported outages

If the issues persist across devices, networks, and over an extended time, it likely isn’t just connectivity related.

Facebook Glitches

For a site as complex and widely used as Facebook, glitches do occur causing messages to not appear properly. Sometimes messages get stuck, delayed, duplicated, or rerouted incorrectly.

A few signs of Facebook glitches:

  • Inconsistencies in messages appearing across devices/platforms
  • Messages eventually show up hours or days later
  • Messages seem to send but the recipient never gets them
  • Other Facebook features behaving strangely

Again, try basic troubleshooting like reloading the app, resetting your device, reinstalling the app, or waiting a few hours. The issue may resolve on its own if it’s just a minor glitch.

Check Facebook’s developer forums or help pages to see if others are reporting similar problems. That can confirm it’s a widespread glitch vs an isolated issue on your end.

Message Requests

Facebook diverts messages from non-friends and other filtered message senders to your message requests folder rather than your main inbox.

It’s easy to miss these messages because you don’t get notifications for them. Open message requests and look for your missing messages there.

To view message requests:

  1. In the Facebook app, tap on the Messenger icon
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top left
  3. Select “Message Requests”

On desktop:

  1. Click on the Messenger icon
  2. Click on your profile picture
  3. Choose “Message Requests”

If you find your messages here, you can either reply directly or move the conversation to your inbox to continue it more easily.

Going forward, adjust your message filters so fewer non-essential messages get sent to requests.

Blocked Messages

If you’ve blocked someone, their messages will no longer show up for you. They won’t see indicators that they’ve been blocked, so it may seem from their end like messages are going through normally.

To see your blocked list:

  1. Click the account menu in the top right
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click “Blocking”

Review your blocked senders. If you notice someone you still want to receive messages from, unblock them.

Note that blocking specific words can also cause messages not to appear. Check your message filter settings for any troublesome blocked terms.

Restricted Messages

Facebook may limit your ability to message other users if you violate their messaging policies. Restricting prevents you from messaging people you don’t know or initiating group conversations.

Restrictions usually last 24 hours. You’ll see an alert about the restriction when you try to compose a message.

Avoid behaviors that trigger messaging restrictions, like sending unwanted messages or mass messages. Make sure any messages you initate are appropriate conversations with people you know.

Other Causes

Here are a few other potential reasons for missing Facebook messages and how to address them:

Deleted Messages

If either you or the sender deleted a message, it will no longer show. Deleted Facebook messages can’t be recovered.

Expired Links

Links and media sent in Facebook messages eventually expire after a certain time period. This is why you may see empty boxes or non-working links for older messages.

Banned or Deactivated Accounts

If the sender’s account was banned or deactivated, their messages disappear. You’ll see a placeholder with their name.

Facebook Account Hacked

Check your account security if you suspect your account was compromised. Hackers sometimes delete messages. Enable two-factor authentication if you haven’t already.

Facebook Messenger Sync Issues

The standalone Messenger app can sometimes lose sync with Facebook messaging. Try reinstalling Messenger or logging out and back into your Facebook account.

Preventing Missing Messages

Here are some tips to avoid Facebook messages going missing in the future:

  • Review message settings and filters occasionally to make sure they make sense
  • Don’t block or restrict contacts unless absolutely necessary
  • Be selective about who you chat with on Messenger vs Facebook
  • Limit messages to known contacts
  • Don’t delete messages from a conversation unless needed
  • Watch for connectivity and app issues and report them to Facebook

Following Facebook’s messaging best practices can help prevent many inconsistencies.

Recovering Missing Messages

If you’ve determined messages went missing unintentionally from your inbox, here are some recovery options:

Retrieving Deleted Messages

If you or the sender deleted messages from the inbox, they cannot be recovered through Facebook. Your only option is to try retrieving them from a device backup if the data wasn’t overwritten.

Requesting Filtered Messages

For messages redirected to your message requests or otherwise filtered, you can ask the sender to resend them. This allows you to move them to your inbox.

Checking Other Folders

Look through all your Facebook folders like messages requests, filtered messages, and spam in case content got misfiled.

Using an Archive Service

A third-party Facebook message archive service can potentially recover deleted conversations if they were archived before deletion. But this costs money and isn’t guaranteed.

Checking the Sender’s Account

If you think the messages may not have actually left the sender’s side, ask them to double check their sent folder. Their app issues could be preventing send.

When to Contact Facebook Support

If you’ve tried all troubleshooting tips and are still missing a significant amount of messages, it may be time to contact Facebook support:

  • Try Facebook’s Help Community for advice first if it’s a minor issue
  • For critical ongoing problems, submit a request to Facebook Support
  • Explain in detail the messages missing and steps taken
  • Provide screenshots of issues if possible
  • Check back frequently for a reply from Facebook staff

While Facebook may not be able to recover deleted messages, they can investigate if it’s a larger technical problem on their end.


Missing Facebook messages can be annoying and disruptive. But in most cases, the issues can be resolved by adjusting settings, troubleshooting problems, or reaching out to the sender.

Keep these tips in mind to minimize messages going astray:

  • Review settings and filters regularly
  • Watch for app glitches after updates
  • Don’t block contacts unless necessary
  • Switch between WiFi and cellular data to test connectivity
  • Avoid mass messages to unknown recipients

With a few preventative measures, you can have more confidence your Facebook conversations will reach the intended recipients without mysterious disappearances.