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Why are pictures not showing on Android?

Why are pictures not showing on Android?

Quick Overview

There are a few common reasons why pictures may not show correctly on Android devices:

  • Software bug or glitch
  • Corrupted image file
  • Incompatible image format
  • App permissions not enabled
  • Storage or memory issue
  • Connectivity problem

The most likely culprits are a software glitch, corrupted image, incompatible format, or app permissions. Trying basic troubleshooting like restarting the device, reinstalling the app, clearing the cache/data for the app, checking the file format, or enabling permissions usually resolves the issue. For recurring problems, it could also be a hardware, memory, or OS problem that requires advanced troubleshooting.

Common Causes & Solutions

Software Bug or Glitch

Like any software, Android apps and the operating system itself can sometimes have bugs or glitches that prevent images from loading properly. This is especially true right after an OS update or installing a new app. If images suddenly stop working, a software bug is often the issue. Try closing and reopening the app or restarting your device to refresh the OS software. Make sure to also update the app and Android OS to the latest versions available.

Corrupted Image File

If an image file itself gets corrupted or damaged in some way, Android may not be able to properly load and display it. Opening image files require reading the data and metadata in the file. If key data is missing or cannot be read, it will appear blank or corrupted on Android. Try re-exporting or resaving the original image files in case they got corrupted. Also scan and repair your device storage through recovery software to fix any corrupted data.

Incompatible Image Format

While Android supports most standard image formats like JPG, PNG, BMP and GIF, there are some less common formats that it cannot properly read and render. For example, formats like WEBP, TIFF, PSD, RAW camera files are not supported. If your images are saved in an unsupported format, they will not display on the device. Try converting or exporting the files to a standard JPG, PNG or GIF instead.

App Permissions Not Enabled

For privacy and security reasons, Android apps need to request access permissions in order to read and interact with data on your device. This includes reading and writing files in your phone storage. If you did not grant an app the proper permissions, it cannot access image files to display them. Open your device settings, find the app in the apps list, tap permissions and make sure it is allowed access to photos/media and device storage.

Storage or Memory Issue

Sometimes there may not be an issue with the apps, but rather the Android device itself. Insufficient storage and memory can lead to failures in reading image files. This is especially true if you have too many apps and files occupying storage. Try freeing up space on the device internal memory. Also check that the storage is not corrupted by running diagnostics. Resetting app preferences can also fix read issues.

Connectivity Problem

Of course, if images are being loaded from an external source like the cloud, a network connectivity issue can also prevent them from displaying. Make sure your WiFi or mobile data connection is working properly in the device settings. For app-specific problems, try force closing and reopening the app to reset the connection.

Troubleshooting Steps

Here are some steps to troubleshoot and fix pictures not showing properly on Android:

Restart the Device

A simple device reboot can clear out any software bugs or memory issues causing images to fail loading. Close all apps, power cycle the device and then try opening the images again.

Check App Permissions

Open device settings, application manager, select the problematic app and make sure it has permissions enabled for storage/photos and files/media. Grant any other missing permissions.

Clear App Cache & Data

From the app settings menu, clear the cache and app data for the image viewing/editing app. This will reset any corrupted data or glitch causing images to fail.

Update the App & Android OS

Make sure to install any pending app updates from the Play Store. Also update your Android system software to rule out any fixed OS bugs.

Check Image File Format

View image file properties and confirm the image is saved in a supported format like JPG, PNG, GIF, etc. If in an unsupported format, try converting the image to JPG or PNG.

Re-save or Re-export Image

If the image file itself is corrupted, try opening and re-saving or re-exporting from the source app. Saving it again properly will overwrite any errors.

Try Alternate Gallery Apps

Download and test images in a different third-party gallery app like Google Photos to isolate the issue being with a particular problematic app.

Reset App Preferences

In Android settings, reset app preferences for the gallery/viewer app. This clears any corrupted settings or data causing image issues.

Check Storage Usage

Make sure you have sufficient free storage space on your Android device. Delete unused apps and files to free up internal storage if needed.

Scan and Repair Storage

Use Android recovery software to scan device storage and repair any errors like corrupted partitions or bad sectors that could cause data read issues.

Factory Reset Device

If all else fails, backup data and then reset your Android device to factory default settings. This wipes any software bugs and data issues.

Why Does This Issue Occur?

There are a few reasons why Android may fail loading images and pictures even though the files are present on the device:

Bugs in Software Code

Like any complex software, the Android OS code or apps can have bugs that lead to failures in image rendering. Bugs may occur in new updates.

Corrupted Image Data

The image binary data itself could get corrupted or damaged from bugs, interrupted transfers, or storage errors.

Incompatible Libraries

Some image editing apps use custom libraries not supported by Android, leading to incompatible formats.

Permissions Changed

App updates may reset or change required permissions like storage access needed for images.

Resource Constraints

Lack of storage, memory, or processing resources can lead to image rendering failures.

Connectivity Loss

For cloud-based apps, loss of internet connectivity can prevent fetching images from remote sources.

So in summary, images not showing on Android is usually caused by software glitches, corrupted files, unsupported formats, permissions issues, resource constraints or connectivity problems that prevent properly loading and decoding image binary data.

How to Prevent Image Issues

Here are some tips to avoid images not displaying properly on your Android device:

  • Keep your Android OS and apps updated
  • Don’t install apps from unknown sources
  • Back up your images regularly in the cloud
  • Don’t let storage get too full
  • Use reputable recovery software to fix filesystem errors
  • Grant apps proper permissions when prompted
  • Always reopen apps and restart device after updates
  • Scan device for malware if images become corrupted
  • Export and share images in standard cross-platform formats like JPG
  • Test images in alternate gallery/viewer apps to isolate software issues

Following best practices for installing apps, managing permissions, maintaining your operating system and storage, backing up files, and sharing common image formats will help minimize and prevent errors with pictures on Android.


Pictures not displaying properly on Android devices is a common issue that can usually be resolved with some basic troubleshooting steps. Start by updating software, checking permissions, re-saving images, switching apps, clearing app data, and restarting the device. Also check for storage, memory and connectivity issues. Narrow down the cause then address it appropriately, whether by updating software, converting formats, fixing damaged files or reinstalling apps. With the right mix of maintenance, housekeeping and troubleshooting, you should be able to view all images and pictures as intended on any Android device.

Common Causes of Images Not Displaying on Android Solutions
Software bug or glitch Update app and OS, restart device
Corrupted image file Re-export image, scan storage for errors
Unsupported image format Convert to JPG, PNG, GIF
App lacks storage permission Enable all required app permissions
Insufficient storage space Delete unused files to free up space
Connectivity issues Check WiFi and mobile data connections
Troubleshooting Steps for Images Not Displaying on Android
Restart the Android device
Check and re-grant app permissions
Clear cache and data for gallery/viewer apps
Update apps and Android OS to latest versions
Check image file format and convert if needed
Re-save or re-export the original images
Try alternate gallery apps to isolate issues
Reset app preferences
Check storage usage and free up space
Scan and repair storage for filesystem errors
Factory reset device to wipe software issues

Prevention Tips

  • Keep Android OS and apps updated
  • Only install apps from trusted sources
  • Backup images regularly in the cloud
  • Don’t let device storage get too full
  • Use reputable recovery software to fix filesystem problems
  • Always grant required app permissions
  • Reopen apps and restart after any updates
  • Scan device for malware if images become corrupted
  • Share images in standard cross-platform formats like JPG
  • Test images in alternate apps to pinpoint software issues