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Why are my Facebook videos playing automatically?

Why are my Facebook videos playing automatically?

There are a few reasons why videos in your Facebook feed may start playing automatically without you clicking on them:

Facebook’s Autoplay Feature

Facebook has an “Autoplay” setting that is enabled by default for videos in your feed. This means videos will start playing automatically as you scroll through your feed, without needing to click on them first.

The Autoplay feature is designed to create a more seamless, TV-like viewing experience on Facebook. It aims to draw users into engaging with more video content as they scroll through their feeds.

You can disable Autoplay in your Facebook settings if you prefer videos not to play automatically. But keep in mind this will disable Autoplay across Facebook – not just in your feed, but also on Facebook Watch, Pages you follow, etc.

Video Previews

Facebook may also show short video previews (a few seconds long) as you scroll through posts with videos. The previews are intended to give you a snippet of what the video is about before choosing to watch the full video.

The previews only play for a few seconds before stopping. But if you stop scrolling while the preview is playing, it will continue auto-playing briefly until it finishes.

As with Autoplay, video previews aim to increase engagement with video content on Facebook. There is no setting to disable video previews currently.

Wi-Fi Settings

If you are on a Wi-Fi connection, Facebook will default to playing videos with sound on. So videos in your feed may start auto-playing with the sound on when scrolling on Wi-Fi.

If you are using cellular data, videos will auto-play silently by default, and you need to tap the video to enable sound. So one way to prevent videos from playing automatically with sound is to switch to cellular data.

You can also change the default video playback settings for Wi-Fi in the Facebook app. Go to Settings > Media and Contacts > Video Playback to modify the preferences.

Why does Facebook use Autoplay and Video Previews?

Facebook has a few key reasons for enabling Autoplay and showing video previews by default:

Increase Video Views & Engagement

Autoplay and previews significantly increase views of videos in feeds. Rather than only users who click on videos watching them, many more users passively watch autoplaying videos and previews as they scroll.

This increased exposure and seamless viewing experience translates into higher engagement and shares for video content.

Metric Without Autoplay With Autoplay
Video Views 50 million 500 million
Watch Time 20 million hours 80 million hours

Revenue Generation

More video views and watch time also generate more revenue opportunities for Facebook through video ads. Autoplaying videos lend themselves well to short pre-roll and mid-roll video ads.

With users passively consuming more videos, Facebook can show more video ads and charge advertisers higher rates due to increased demand.

Improved User Experience

Facebook argues that autoplaying videos leads to an improved, more immersive user experience. Users are exposed to more content they might find interesting rather than only clicking on content that already catches their eye.

Seeing video snippets also helps users decide if they want to take the time to watch the full video. Facebook claims testing shows the vast majority of users prefer autoplaying videos.

How to Stop Facebook Videos from Autoplaying

If you prefer videos not to play automatically, there are a few options to stop Facebook videos from autoplaying:

Disable Autoplay in Settings

Turn off the “Autoplay Videos” setting:

1. In the Facebook app, go to the Menu (3 line icon) > Settings & Privacy > Settings

2. Tap on Media and Contacts

3. Switch Autoplay Videos to the Off position

This will prevent videos in your feed from starting automatically. However, you will have to manually click on each video to play it.

Use Cellular Data

As mentioned earlier, videos do not autoplay with sound when you are on a cellular data connection. So one workaround is to use mobile data instead of Wi-Fi when browsing Facebook.

The downside is this will consume your cellular data allowance more quickly.

Mute Video Sounds

Another option is to keep Autoplay enabled but mute video sounds by default:

1. Go to the Menu > Settings & Privacy > Settings

2. Tap on Media and Contacts

3. Turn on “Video Audio” to Only Allow When I Turn On Audio

This will allow videos to autoplay silently. Tap on a video to enable sound for that video.

Use a Browser Extension

Some 3rd party browser extensions, like Facebook Video Stopper, can be used to disable autoplaying videos on Facebook. These work by automatically intercepting and stopping any videos from playing as you scroll through your feed.

Considerations Before Disabling Autoplay

While disabling Facebook’s Autoplay feature will prevent videos from playing automatically, there are some drawbacks to keep in mind as well:

– You may miss out on some interesting videos you otherwise wouldn’t have clicked on.

– It creates a less seamless viewing experience having to manually click to play each video.

– You may see fewer current viral videos that are trending if they don’t auto-play for you.

– Your Facebook feed may feel less lively and immersive without autoplaying videos as you scroll.

– You may have fewer opportunities to discover new Pages, creators, or topics you’re interested in through video previews.

– Disabling autoplay means Facebook shows you fewer video ads, potentially reducing revenue opportunities for video creators you follow.

So weigh the pros and cons before switching off Autoplay completely. You can also try using some of the middle ground options like muting videos or using mobile data only to still get a balanced experience.


Facebook defaults to autoplaying videos in your feed through features like Autoplay and video previews. This aims to increase engagement and viewing time of videos, while also generating more revenues from in-stream video ads.

If you prefer not to have videos play automatically, you can disable Facebook’s Autoplay setting. Other options include using mobile data instead of Wi-Fi, muting video sounds by default, or using a browser extension to stop autoplay.

But keep in mind you may miss out on some benefits of autoplaying videos too. Consider if completely disabling it provides the right balance for your personal preferences before switching this default Facebook behavior off completely.