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Why are my Facebook story effects not working?

Why are my Facebook story effects not working?

Common Reasons Why Facebook Story Effects May Not Be Working

There are a few common reasons why Facebook story effects may not be working for you:

Your Facebook App is Out of Date

One of the most common reasons is having an outdated version of the Facebook app. Facebook is constantly rolling out new features and updates, including new story effects. If your Facebook app is not up to date, you may be missing out on the newest effects.

Make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the Facebook app for your device. You can check for app updates in the App Store on iOS or the Google Play Store on Android.

The Effects are Not Available in Your Region

Certain effects are only made available in specific countries and regions to start. So even if you have the newest Facebook app version, you still may not see certain augmented reality effects or polls if they have not been launched globally yet.

For example, when Facebook first launched AR effects for stories, they were only available in select countries at launch. They have since expanded availability, but there can still be regional restrictions.

If you are traveling or have friends in other countries showing effects you can’t access, geographic restrictions may be the reason.

Your Device is Not Supported

Some Facebook story effects require hardware that only newer smartphones have, such as depth sensors for augmented reality effects. If you have an older device that lacks certain camera capabilities, you may be unable to use certain effects.

For example, Facebook’s 3D Avatar effect requires an iPhone 7 or newer. If your iPhone is older than the iPhone 7, you won’t be able to use that particular effect.

Check the app store listing for your Facebook app or the effect requirements to see if your device’s camera and hardware are supported. Upgrading to a newer device may help if your current phone is too old.

Effect is Temporarily Unavailable

In some cases, a particular effect you want to use may be temporarily buggy or glitchy. Facebook often rolls out effects as part of tests before making them widely available. There can be technical issues that come up during these test phases.

Trying again later often resolves any temporary glitches. And make sure your Facebook app is updated, as new versions may fix bugs with certain effects.

Your Account Lacks Access

In rare cases, your personal account may lack access to certain Facebook story effects due to account restrictions.

For example, if you’ve violated Facebook’s terms in the past your account privileges could be limited. Restrictions are uncommon though, and usually reversed once any violations are resolved.

If no other troubleshooting tips help, you may want to check if your account is in good standing. Contact Facebook support if you think restrictions may be in place on your personal profile incorrectly.

Troubleshooting Steps to Get Facebook Story Effects Working

If the story effects still aren’t working after reviewing the common reasons above, here are some troubleshooting steps to try:

Force Close and Reopen the App

Like any app, simple app glitches can sometimes happen with Facebook. Try force closing the app completely and reopening it.

On iOS, double click the home button and swipe up on the Facebook app to close it. Then launch Facebook again.

On Android, open Settings > Apps > Facebook and Force Stop the app. Then restart it.

Reopening the app resets things and may resolve any issues Facebook’s cache or data is experiencing.

Update Your Facebook App

As mentioned before, ensure you have downloaded the latest version of Facebook from your device’s app store.

This gives you access to the newest features and fixes for any bugs. Facebook rolls out app updates frequently, so you may have a pending update available.

Restart Your Phone

Similarly, restarting your smartphone can help clear out any glitches happening at the device level.

Power down your phone completely, wait 30 seconds, and turn it back on. Once restarted, try using the Facebook story effects again.

Check Facebook Services Status

Sometimes the issues may not be on your end, and Facebook’s services could be experiencing outages or technical problems. This would prevent story effects from working for anyone globally.

Check to see if any known Facebook outages are reported related to stories. If so, you’ll have to wait for Facebook engineers to resolve the problem.

Use Facebook Story Effects on Mobile Browser

An alternative is to try using Facebook Story effects through the mobile browser rather than the Facebook app.

Open the Chrome app on your phone and go to Log into your account and attempt uploading a story with effects.

This can help determine if the issues are specific to the Facebook mobile app on your device, or exist across other access points as well.

Contact Facebook Support

If you still cannot get a particular story effect working after trying these troubleshooting tips, you may need to contact Facebook directly for support.

In the Facebook app, go to Settings > Help Center > Contact Support and explain the issue you are experiencing. Include details like your device, app version, and steps taken.

Facebook can investigate further and provide troubleshooting guidance tailored to your specific issue.

Common Facebook Story Effects That May Not Be Working

While any effect may glitch out, there are some common Facebook story effects that users report having issues with:

AR Effects

Facebook’s augmented reality effects allow you to add entertaining overlays like bunny ears or glasses to your face in stories. Due to the complex face mapping required, these effects can be buggy.

Updating your Facebook app and phone OS can help resolve any AR effect issues. Make sure your phone has the necessary camera specs to support AR too.

Avatar Effects

Using your personalized Facebook Avatar in stories requires uploading your avatar and integrating it with Facebook’s systems. Syncing problems or outdated avatars can prevent the avatar effects from working properly in stories.

Re-upload your avatar or create a brand new one if you are having avatar effect problems.

Poll Stickers

The interactive poll stickers that allow friends to vote in your story may fail to load if Facebook is having sticker issues. Poll stickers can also lack functionality in certain regions if they have not been fully rolled out.

Check Facebook’s services status page and try using polls again later if they are not working.

Music Stickers

Adding songs to your stories requires integration with music catalogs and licensing. Music sticker glitches are not uncommon as new catalogs are added or licensing deals change.

Music stickers will usually work again after a few days as Facebook resolves any integration problems. Trying different songs can help identify if certain music sticker issues are song-specific.

Location Stickers

Stickers that display your location in stories rely on device GPS and Facebook’s mapping data. Errors acquiring your location or issues syncing the location sticker templates can prevent them from working properly.

Double check GPS and location services are enabled on your phone if location stickers fail.

How to Troubleshoot and Fix Specific Facebook Story Effects

Beyond the general troubleshooting tips provided, here are some steps to resolve issues with specific Facebook story effects:

AR Effects Not Working

If AR effects show an error or never begin scanning your face, try these steps:

– Update your device’s operating system which may contain AR/camera improvements
– Delete and reinstall the Facebook app to clear any corrupt data
– Ensure you have given the Facebook app permission to access your camera
– Check that your phone and Facebook app meet minimum AR requirements
– Try temporarily disabling security software that may interfere with AR face mapping
– Reset your Facebook ad preferences which may refresh AR data

Avatar Not Showing in Story

If your Facebook avatar fails to appear in stories, try these troubleshooting tips:

– Go to your avatar settings and confirm you have a created avatar showing under “Your Avatars”
– Edit your avatar and re-upload the new version to refresh the avatar data
– Create a brand new Facebook avatar from scratch
– Update your Facebook app which may contain avatar improvements
– Temporarily disable any VPN or proxy services that may interfere with avatar loading

Poll Sticker Not Working

To fix non-functional poll stickers in stories, attempt these steps:

– Confirm polls are available in your country by checking Facebook’s public feature rollout page
– Try using different stickers like GIFs or locations to isolate the issue
– Force close and restart the Facebook app to clear any corrupted data
– Update to the latest Facebook app version in case of a buggy poll sticker release
– Clear the app cache and data through your device settings menu
– Contact Facebook support to see if they have identified current poll sticker bugs

Can’t Add Music to Story

If you are unable to add songs to story posts, test these fixes:

– Music selection may be limited if you have not connected Facebook to your Spotify account
– Music stickers may be disabled in restricted mode – check your account settings
– Preview selected songs before adding to story post in case the issue is song-specific
– Music catalogs can vary by country, so some songs may be unavailable in your region
– An expired credit card could disrupt catalog access if you are a paid subscriber

Why Does Facebook Keep Changing Story Features?

Facebook frequently adds, removes, and alters story features. This causes the available effects and capabilities to change constantly. There are a few key reasons behind Facebook’s tendency to keep modifying stories:

Testing New Features

Stories allow Facebook to rapidly test out new interactive features like polls, AR effects, music, and more.

By rolling out features as limited tests, Facebook can evaluate how people use them and if they should become permanent.

Monitoring Engagement

Facebook closely analyzes the success of each story feature by looking at metrics like shares and time spent.

Features that do not drive enough engagement are phased out, while popular features get expanded.

Responding to Competition

Since stories originated on Snapchat, Facebook adds features to match popular ones on competing platforms.

Instagram and Snapchat often receive new filters and effects before Facebook as it plays “catch-up”.

Optimizing Ad Performance

Facebook needs to refine stories to create more opportunities for advertising.

The company experiments with things like sticker ads and branded effects to boost monetization.

Should You Use the Latest Facebook Story Features?

With Facebook consistently adding and dropping story capabilities, you may wonder if you should bother using the latest features. Here are some pros and cons to consider:


– Taking advantage of new effects first can differentiate your stories
– Jumping on trends early can help attract more viewers
– Feedback helps Facebook improve new features
– You may gain followers who love trying out new things


– Features often contain bugs initially upon release
– Learning new features takes time and effort
– Popular features today may be gone tomorrow
– Some user bases may prefer consistent, classic storytelling

Ultimately it depends on your audience and goals with Facebook stories. Check out new capabilities and gauge whether your followers respond positively. But don’t feel obligated to use every feature Facebook introduces.

Table Summarizing Common Facebook Story Issues and Fixes

Problem Potential Causes Troubleshooting Tips
AR effects not working
  • Outdated Facebook app
  • Old device hardware
  • Disabled camera access
  • Poor lighting conditions
  • Update Facebook and phone OS
  • Enable camera access
  • Move to area with better lighting
Can’t add polls
  • Polls unavailable in your region
  • Buggy Facebook app
  • Update Facebook app
  • Try different stickers
Music not loading
  • DRM or licensing restrictions
  • Connectivity issues
  • Account payment problems
  • Preview different songs
  • Check account subscription status
  • Try on WiFi instead of cellular


Troubleshooting Facebook story effects starts with ensuring your Facebook app and phone OS are updated. Effects can fail when hardware is outdated, permissions are off, or geographical restrictions exist. Restarting your app and device can clear up temporary glitches. And Facebook support can help diagnose any persistent issues not resolved using standard fixes.

With Facebook frequently changing, removing, and adding story features, some inconsistencies in available effects are inevitable. But following these tips should get most standard story capabilities working properly again on your account. Just be patient, use recent app versions, and enable necessary permissions for the best chance of success accessing the latest interactive Facebook story effects.