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Why are my Facebook Stories not getting views?

Why are my Facebook Stories not getting views?

Having trouble getting views on your Facebook Stories? You’re not alone. Many people find that their Facebook Stories don’t get as many views as they’d like. The good news is that there are some steps you can take to increase views on your Facebook Stories.

Make Sure You Have a Strong Facebook Presence

In order to get views on your Facebook Stories, you first need to have an established presence on Facebook. This means having an active profile with plenty of friends and followers. The more Facebook friends and followers you have, the more potential views your Stories will get. If you don’t have a strong Facebook presence yet, focus on building that up first before expecting a lot of views on your Stories.

Post at Optimal Times

When you post can have a big impact on how many people see your Facebook Stories. According to Sprout Social, the best times to post your Facebook Stories are:

  • Weekdays: Post between 1-4 PM
  • Weekends: Post between 11 AM – 1 PM

Aim to post your Stories during these high traffic windows for the best chance of racking up those views.

Go Live

Live Facebook videos get much better visibility in the Stories feed than static images or pre-recorded videos. So try going live to share quick updates, behind-the-scenes footage, Q&As and more. You can even go live with a friend or co-host to make it more interesting!

Use Interactive Stickers

One of the best things about Facebook Stories is that you can make them interactive with stickers like polls, questions and quizzes. When you use these stickers in your Stories, it encourages viewers to engage with your content. This signals to Facebook’s algorithm that your Story is resonating with viewers. In turn, Facebook will show your Story to more potential viewers in feeds.

Post Frequently

The more you post to your Facebook Stories, the more it shows Facebook that you are committed to creating content for this feature. In turn, Facebook will reward frequent Story posters by showing your content to more users. So don’t just post to your Stories once in awhile – make it a regular part of your Facebook marketing strategy.

Cross-Promote Your Facebook Stories

Don’t just let your Facebook Stories sit there on their own. Cross-promote your Stories across other platforms like Instagram, Twitter, email newsletters and more. This will help drive more traffic to your Facebook Stories and increase the views.

Collaborate with Others

Collaborating on Facebook Stories is an excellent way to tap into a new audience. When you get mentioned by another creator or brand in their own Story, it exposes your content to their followers. Likewise, mentioning others in your Stories can attract their audience to view your content. Reach out to relevant creators or brands with overlapping audiences to set up creative collaborations.

Run Campaigns and Contests

Everyone loves prizes and giveaways! Use your Facebook Stories to run fun contests and campaigns to turbocharge engagement. For example, you can ask viewers to screenshot your Story and share it as an entry for the chance to win a prize. This will motivate more viewers to check out your Stories.

Use Strategic Hashtags

Using relevant hashtags in your Facebook Stories makes them discoverable to users who search those hashtags. Do your research to find which hashtags your target audience uses the most and incorporate them organically into your Stories. But don’t go overboard – one or two effective hashtags per Story is plenty.

Check Your Insights

Facebook provides Insights data on your Stories, including views, reach, and engagement. Regularly check your Facebook Stories Insights to see what types of content is resonating most with your audience. You can use these learnings to create more of the Stories that people love to watch.

Advertise Your Facebook Stories

If organic strategies aren’t getting your Facebook Stories the views you want, it may be time to put some advertising dollars behind them. You can create ads that promote your existing Stories to reach new audiences who may not see them otherwise. This can be an effective way to give those view counts a valuable boost.


With the right strategy and consistency, you can definitely increase views on your Facebook Stories. Focus on creating compelling content that engages viewers, posting at optimal times, collaborating with others and promoting your Stories across channels. Keep experimenting to see what works best for your audience. Over time, you’ll crack the code on Facebook Stories success.

Tactic How it Helps
Post at optimal times Hits peak Facebook traffic periods
Go live Get better visibility in Stories feed
Use interactive stickers Encourages engagement
Post frequently Shows commitment to Stories
Cross-promote Drives more traffic to Stories