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Why are my Facebook posts pending approval?

Why are my Facebook posts pending approval?

Having your Facebook posts go into pending approval can be frustrating. Here are some common reasons why this happens and what you can do about it:

You’re posted too frequently

If you post too often, especially duplicate or near-duplicate posts, Facebook’s automated systems may throttle your posting abilities and put more of your posts into pending approval. Here are some tips to avoid this:

  • Slow down your posting frequency – take more time between posts instead of posting multiple times per day
  • Avoid duplicate posts – don’t post the exact same update multiple times
  • Don’t over-promote – space out promotional posts with other engaging content

Your post looks like spam

Facebook’s filters are on the lookout for spammy posts. Here are some things that may trigger the spam detection:

  • Using all caps in the post title or body
  • Using repetitive punctuation like !!!
  • Including salesy language like “Act now!”
  • Linking to external websites without much other content
  • Posting the same links repeatedly

To avoid this, craft your posts naturally with a mix of content, links, images, and video. Don’t over-optimize posts trying to trigger the algorithm.

You posted prohibited content

Facebook has rules against certain types of content. Posting prohibited content can lead to pending posts, limits on your account, or even bans in some cases. Avoid posting:

  • Hate speech, bullying, or harassment towards protected groups
  • Terrorist or criminal organizations/content
  • Sexually explicit or lewd content
  • Violent, graphic, or sensational content
  • Misinformation or false news
  • Scams, spam, or other attempts to misuse Facebook for financial gain

Make sure any content you post complies with Facebook’s Community Standards.

Your account is restricted

If your account has been restricted by Facebook due to policy violations, more of your posts may go into pending approval. Here’s what to do:

  • Review Facebook’s feedback on why your account is restricted
  • Submit an appeal if you think the restriction was a mistake
  • Avoid further policy violations so you can eventually restore full posting access

You’re using an unauthorized third-party app

Using third-party apps to post to Facebook without proper authorization can also trigger pending posts. Ensure any third-party tools you use to manage posting comply with Facebook’s platform policies.

You’re still establishing your account

New and inactive accounts may need to build some history on Facebook before posts go through immediately. Be patient and keep engaging genuinely with others. Over time, your ability to post without review will improve.

Pending posts and your Facebook Business Page

Many of the same principles above apply if you’re seeing your Facebook Business Page posts pending approval. Here are some additional tips for business accounts:

  • Maintain a complete company profile with contact info
  • Respond to comments and messages from users
  • Avoid aggressive sales messaging – provide value for your followers
  • Keep quality high – produce engaging content consistently

Building a strong and authentic presence on Facebook takes work, but leads to fewer pending posts over time.

How to tell if your post is pending approval

There are a few ways to check if your Facebook post is awaiting approval:

  • Look for a notification from Facebook that your post is pending review
  • Check the timestamp – pending posts will show the time you posted, not published
  • See if the post is showing up on your timeline or others’ feeds – if not, it may be pending
  • Switch to a personal account and try to view your page’s post – if it’s not visible, it’s likely pending approval

How long does pending approval take?

There’s no definite timeframe for how long approval takes. According to Facebook:

It can take up to a few days for your admin to approve it, though sometimes it may be sooner. The timing depends on how busy your admin is on Facebook.

Be patient. For most organizations, pending posts are reviewed within a business day or two. The best thing you can do is avoid overly promotional language, comply with policies, and keep providing value to build trust.

Can I edit a pending post?

While your post is pending, you won’t be able to edit the text or other content. However, you can:

  • Delete the pending post
  • Change the visibility, if it was scheduled to publish later
  • Reschedule the publication date and time

Once the post is approved, you’ll be able to edit it normally until it goes live.

Can I approve my own pending posts?

Pages with multiple admins can set up the option for admins to review each other’s pending posts. As a page admin, you can enable this under Settings > Page Roles.

If you are the only admin, you cannot approve your own pending posts. These will need to go through Facebook’s standard review process.

I’m not an admin – how do I get my posts approved?

If you are posting on behalf of a Facebook Page but not an admin, you will need to have the page admin(s) review and approve your pending posts. Here are some tips:

  • Let admins know when you have pending posts so they can review them
  • Find out the admins’ preferred workflow – should you notify them each time or handle pending posts in batches?
  • Provide any context that could help admins determine whether to approve posts
  • Follow any guidelines from admins on content strategy and voice

Building open communication with Page admins helps speed up the approval process.

Can I set posts to auto-approve?

There is no built-in Facebook setting for auto-approving pending posts. The closest option is having admins cross-approve each other’s pending content if a Page has multiple admins.

Turning on pre-approval for posts can help select content go directly live without pending review. However, Facebook still provides the final layer of checks even with pre-approval on.

Should I turn on post pre-approval?

Pre-approval can be useful for Pages publishing a high volume of content. Turning it on means:

  • Admins must manually approve each post before it will be eligible to publish
  • Provides an extra control step before posting live
  • Can help reduce pending posts by catching policy violations early

However, the pre-approval workflow takes more time. Keep in mind:

  • There is still no guarantee a pre-approved post will pass Facebook review
  • Time-sensitive posts may be delayed waiting for admin approval
  • Admins must regularly check for posts needing approval

Evaluate whether the extra control is worth potential delays for your posting frequency and resources.


Having your Facebook posts enter pending approval can certainly be inconvenient. However, when used properly, pending review helps protect account security, enforces policies, and maintains the quality of the Facebook experience.

The best practices are to post consistently without over-promoting, provide value for your audience, follow Facebook’s guidelines, and maintain open communication with Page admins. Building up your presence authentically over time can help reduce pending posts.

While Facebook’s automated filters play a role, human review is also involved in assessing posts. By understanding the most common reasons for pending approval, exercising patience, and avoiding objectionable content, you can successfully navigate the process while continuing to grow your audience.

Reason for Pending Approval How to Avoid
Posting too frequently Slow down frequency, post consistently without duplicates
Spammy post content Craft natural posts, don’t over-optimize
Prohibited content Carefully review content against Facebook policies
Restricted account Submit appeals as needed, follow Facebook guidance
Unauthorized 3rd party app Only use authorized Facebook platform apps
New account Build history engaging genuinely with others

Understanding why pending approval happens enables you to make the adjustments needed to maintain reliable posting access for your Facebook presence.

Other common questions on pending posts

Why are my comments pending approval?

Similar to post approval, Facebook may hold comments for review to reduce spam, harassment, and other policy violations. Comments may be pending if you have previous violations, use banned keywords, include prohibited links, or comment extensively and rapidly.

Can I schedule a pending post?

No, you cannot schedule any post that is pending approval to publish at a future date and time. The post must be approved first before any scheduling can occur.

How do I delete a pending post?

While pending approval, you can delete the post by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner and selecting Delete. However, you cannot otherwise modify or reschedule a pending post.

Can I see who approved a post?

If you are an admin on a Facebook Page, you can see which other admin approved a post that was pending review. However, standard users cannot see who specifically approved any pending posts.

How do I request an expedited review?

There is no formal way to request faster review of pending Facebook posts. You will need to wait for Facebook’s standard review process to complete, which may take up to a few days.

Should I create a new page if I’m pending review?

No, creating a new page to avoid review limits will almost certainly result in the same restrictions applied. Focus on operating genuinely within Facebook’s rules on your current page.

Repeated policy violations that lead to pending posts or other restrictions may result in disabling your account entirely. It is always best to understand and comply with Facebook’s guidelines.