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Why are my Facebook photos blurry now?

Why are my Facebook photos blurry now?

If you’ve noticed that your Facebook photos look blurry or pixilated lately, you’re not alone. Many users have reported this issue, especially when viewing photos on mobile devices. The good news is that there are several potential causes and solutions for blurry Facebook photos.

Common Causes of Blurry Facebook Photos

Here are some of the most common reasons why your Facebook photos may appear blurry or low quality:

  • Uploading low resolution photos – If the original photo you uploaded to Facebook was low resolution, it will appear blurry or pixelated when viewed, especially when enlarged. Always upload high resolution photos for best quality.
  • Facebook compression – Facebook compresses photos to reduce file size. This can result in some loss of quality and blurriness.
  • Slow internet connection – Photos may appear blurry while they are loading due to a slow internet connection. They should sharpen up once fully loaded.
  • Mobile device screen – Viewing high resolution photos on a small mobile screen can make them look blurry until you zoom in. The smaller screen size compresses details.
  • App or browser issues – Glitches with the Facebook app or mobile browser can sometimes cause photos to load in low quality.
  • Image rendering issues – Problems with your device’s image rendering can cause blurry image display.

How to Fix Blurry Facebook Photos

If you want your Facebook photos to look crisp and clear, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Upload high resolution photos – Use the best quality original you have available, at least 720p resolution if possible.
  • Adjust compression – In Facebook settings on desktop, you can adjust the image compression used for uploads.
  • Allow time to fully load – Give photos time to fully load before judging quality, especially on a slower connection.
  • View on larger screens – Photos will look better when viewed on a large monitor or tablet vs a small phone screen.
  • Update your app or browser – Make sure you’re using the latest version of the Facebook app or mobile browser.
  • Check device display settings – Adjust your device’s display and image rendering settings for optimal photo viewing.
  • Clear cache – Clearing your browser or app cache can fix glitches causing blurry image display.

Should You Edit Photos Before Uploading?

Editing your photos before uploading them to Facebook can also help them appear crisper and clearer. Here are some quick edits you can make to optimize photos for Facebook:

  • Crop to key areas – Cropping out busy backgrounds focuses attention on the main subject.
  • Adjust brightness/contrast – Increase contrast and bump up brightness slightly for more vivid images.
  • Sharpen details – Use sharpening filters sparingly to accentuate details.
  • Reduce noise – Minimize graininess by reducing noise with noise reduction filters.
  • Save at high resolution – Export edited photos at high resolutions for best quality.

Avoid overediting photos for Facebook. Subtle, selective edits are best for optimizing without looking artificial.

Facebook Photo Upload Quality

When you upload photos to Facebook, they are compressed to save space. The level of compression depends on the resolution and file size of your original photo.

Here are the key image quality specifications for uploading photos to Facebook:

  • Highest resolution allowed: 2048 px on the longest side
  • Minimum resolution recommended: 720 px on the longest side
  • Ideal photo aspect ratio: 1.91:1 (slightly wider than tall)
  • Maximum file size: 4MB
  • Format: .JPG recommended (JPEG compression)

Uploading photos larger than 2048 px will trigger increased compression. For minimal compression, upload photos around 1080 px on the longest side.

Facebook Photo Display Quality

In addition to upload compression, Facebook also compresses photos to optimize display quality in feeds and galleries.

Some key factors affecting displayed photo quality include:

  • News Feed – Downscales photos to conserve data and improve load speeds.
  • Gallery view – Displays photos at higher quality than the News Feed.
  • Device screen size – Smaller screens compress more to fit display size.
  • Connection speed – Faster connections provide better quality image loads.

For the best Facebook photo viewing experience, use the latest version of the app or view on a desktop browser with fast internet.

Tips for Sharper Facebook Photos

Follow these tips for keeping your Facebook photos looking crisp and clear, not blurry:

  • Take high quality photos to start with using modern smartphone cameras or DSLR cameras. The better the original, the better the outcome.
  • Apply mild sharpening when editing photos to accentuate details before uploading.
  • Upload the largest size possible under 2048 px for minimal compression.
  • Stick to JPG file formats rather than PNG or GIF for better compression.
  • Use image sizes that match Facebook’s 1.91:1 aspect ratio.
  • View photos in Facebook’s gallery view on a large screen for optimal quality.

Troubleshooting Blurry Uploads

If your uploaded Facebook photos turn out blurry despite following best practices, here are some troubleshooting steps:

  • Double check upload resolution – Verify photos meet minimum 720p resolution guidelines.
  • Try adjusting compression – Change settings to customize image compression levels.
  • Upload one photo – Upload and test a single photo to isolate the issue.
  • Use another device – Try uploading from a different device or browser.
  • Report the problem – Notify Facebook support for further help addressing technical issues.

When to Seek Further Help

Reach out to Facebook support or post in Facebook user forums if the above troubleshooting tips don’t improve blurry photo issues. Descriptions and examples of the specific problem will help Facebook identify and address technical causes of persistent blurry uploads.

Blurry photos could also indicate wider social media feed display problems beyond just Facebook, so you may need general image rendering support for the device and browser used to access Facebook.

Preventing Blurry Uploads in the First Place

Following best practices for preparing, editing, uploading, and viewing photos is key for keeping your Facebook pictures looking sharp.

Some top tips include:

  • Use optimal camera settings when shooting photos.
  • Apply light editing adjustments before uploading.
  • Check upload resolution and file sizes.
  • Allow time for high resolution photos to fully load.
  • View photos on large screens when possible.

Testing uploads with a variety of photos also helps identify any issues early before uploading lots of photos.


Blurry and pixelated photos on Facebook are usually caused by technical image and display quality issues rather than faults with the original photos themselves. By following best practices for preparing, editing, uploading, and viewing photos, you can significantly improve Facebook image quality and prevent blurriness.

Paying attention to resolution, file size, editing techniques, device screens, and connection speeds makes a big difference. But if problems persist, be sure to use Facebook help resources to address any underlying technical bugs.

With some diligent photo preparation, optimized uploads, and ideal viewing conditions, you can keep your Facebook photos looking as crisp, clear, and vibrant as your memories themselves.