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Why are my Facebook friends disappearing?

Why are my Facebook friends disappearing?

It can be alarming to notice your Facebook friend count suddenly dropping. There are a few potential reasons why you may be losing friends on Facebook:

You haven’t interacted with some friends in a while

Facebook’s algorithm prioritizes showing posts from friends you interact with regularly in your News Feed. If you haven’t liked, commented on, or otherwise interacted with a friend’s posts in a while, their content may stop showing up in your feed. And if you haven’t visited their profile or chatted with them, they may assume you aren’t interested in their updates. Over time, this can lead to them removing you as a friend.

You’ve unfollowed some friends

If you unfollow friends on Facebook, you will still be friends with them, but their posts will no longer show up in your News Feed. This can work both ways – if you’ve unfollowed some friends, they may assume you aren’t interested in their content and decide to remove you.

Your friends are deleting inactive accounts

Some of your friends may be doing a purge of inactive accounts and deleting Facebook friends they no longer interact with regularly. If you have been inactive on Facebook for a while, your more active friends may remove you in their efforts to declutter their friends lists.

Your friends are leaving Facebook

In recent years, some people have become disenchanted with Facebook and decided to delete their accounts altogether. If a number of your friends have left Facebook, this will be reflected in your lower friends count.

You violated Facebook’s terms of service

If you have violated Facebook’s community standards, for example by posting abusive or inappropriate content, they may penalize your account by removing a number of your friends. Significant violations of their terms can result in your account being temporarily suspended or permanently disabled.

Your account was hacked

If your account was compromised by a hacker, one of the common things they may do is delete your Facebook friends. Check to make sure you recognize recent activity on your account. If there are posts or messages you don’t remember making, your account may have been hacked.

You’ve changed friend groups

As we age and change jobs, locations, or interests, it’s natural for our social circles to shift over time. You may have simply grown apart from some Facebook friends and made new connections with other people. Some degree of friend turnover is normal.

Tips to reconnect with friends on Facebook

If you want to reconnect with old Facebook friends who you appear to have lost touch with, here are some tips:

  • Comment on their posts to show you’re still interested in their updates
  • Like and react to their posts regularly
  • View their profile and leave a quick message to say hello
  • Tag them in posts when you share relevant content
  • Invite them to events you are hosting on Facebook
  • Share old photos or memories you are both tagged in
  • Suggest meeting up in person to catch up

When is losing Facebook friends normal?

Here are some scenarios when losing Facebook friends may be normal and not a cause for concern:

  • After graduating high school or college when people move away
  • When changing jobs and leaving your old work colleagues
  • Moving to a new city or country
  • After ending a relationship with a significant other
  • When transitioning to a new stage of life (parenthood, retirement, etc)

As long as your Facebook activity seems normal otherwise, minor fluctuations in your friends list are nothing to worry about!

When to worry about losing Facebook friends

Here are some signs that unfriending may be more than just natural turnover of connections:

  • You lose a significant number of friends in a short period of time
  • You notice certain types of friends unfriending you (like all coworkers or family members)
  • Former close friends are removing you
  • Friends disappear after a controversial post you made
  • Your account was hacked and the hacker deleted all your friends

In cases like these, it’s worth investigating further to determine the cause and see if any action needs to be taken on your part.

How to manage your Facebook friends list

Here are some tips for proactively managing your Facebook friend list:

  • Sort friends into lists like Close Friends, Acquaintances, Coworkers, etc
  • Remove inactive friends you no longer interact with
  • Unfollow friends who post irrelevant or annoying content
  • Prune friends who you no longer know well or see in person
  • Limit Friend Requests to avoid unwanted friend connections
  • Review your list yearly and remove contacts as your social circles evolve

Am I Facebook friends with a scammer?

Here are some signs that a Facebook friend may be a scammer or fake account:

  • They have very few posts and friends
  • They send you messages out of the blue asking for personal information or money
  • Their profile seems fake or has limited personal information
  • You don’t recognize them or remember becoming friends
  • You have no mutual friends in common with them

If you suspect a friend is a scammer, unfriend and block them right away and be careful not to interact with them further or give them any personal details about you.

Should I delete Facebook friends I no longer talk to?

Here are some pros and cons of deleting Facebook friends you no longer interact with:

Pros Cons
Declutter your News Feed from irrelevant posts May hurt feelings of some friends being deleted
Focus on friends you currently interact with Burn bridges with old contacts who could be useful someday
Present a more accurate social profile to new friends Lose passive access to distant friends’ updates and photos
Reduce chances of oversharing with inactive friends Won’t be notified about major life events and updates from distant friends
Prevent interactions with scammers or fake accounts It’s time consuming to regularly prune your friends list

In general, do occasional pruning to weed out clear inactives, scammers, and contacts you can no longer put a name to. But be selective about cutting off old friends completely, in case those relationships rekindle down the road.

How do I find my real friends on Facebook?

To find real, active friends on Facebook:

  • Check who you interact with frequently in comments, messages, likes, etc
  • Look at friends you make plans and meet up with in person
  • See who wishes you Happy Birthday or engages with your posts
  • Notice who appears frequently in your photos and tags you
  • Pay attention to the 20 friends Facebook shows in your sidebar – these change based on who you interact with often

Sorting your friends into Close Friends and Acquaintances lists can also help surface the people you engage with most regularly and those who are true social connections versus more distant contacts.

What to do if you were unfriended by someone close

If a good friend has unfriended or blocked you on Facebook, consider reaching out to them through another method to understand why. Don’t confront them or make assumptions. Simply try to start a caring dialogue. Here are some tips:

  • Send them a text or email asking to talk
  • Ask mutual friends if they know what may have happened
  • Apologize if you may have offended them somehow
  • Emphasize how much value the friendship if they can share their reasons
  • Suggest moving the conversation offline and meeting in person

With close friends, it’s usually worth making an effort to address the situation respectfully. But if they are unwilling to communicate, you may have to accept losing the Facebook connection, even if the underlying friendship remains intact.

Should you unfriend someone because of political views?

Unfriending someone on Facebook solely because of different political opinions is generally not recommended for these reasons:

  • It reinforces political polarization and filter bubbles
  • You miss chances to find common ground through open discussion
  • Ending friendships over politics can cause deep hurt feelings and resentment
  • You lose opportunities to understand different perspectives
  • They may unfriend you back and further damage the relationship

However, if someone is posting offensive, abusive or inflammatory political content, you may choose to unfollow or unfriend them. You can also mute specific words and topics to avoid constantly seeing annoying posts in your feed.


Losing Facebook friends can be concerning but is often just part of the natural shift of social circles over time. Stay engaged with your closest connections, do occasional pruning as needed, and don’t take unfriending too personally. Focus on real world relationships first, and let your online connections follow accordingly. With care and communication, most friendships can withstand the ups and downs of Facebook.